Volume 42, Issue 3, 2016
Preservation and promotion of health, prevention of diseases caused by defective and unbalanced nutrition are the basis of the Russian state policy in the field of healthy nutrition for the period until 2020. To achieve this goal food products enriched with essential components, including dietary fibers are developed. In this article the use of broiler meat as the main ingredient formulation is justified, vegetable supplement - oat bran of "Compass Health" company containing dietary fiber is chosen and studied. Functional - technological and organoleptic factors of minced meat models with different amount of vegetable supplements are investigated. As a result, optimum dose of their introduction was established, and broiler meat product formulation with the increased content of dietary fiber was developed. Optimum regimes of thermal processing of semi-finished products using steam convection ovens and cold treatment regimes of the finished product in the "shock" freezing chambers are selected. Thermal responses of a new product are studied, and a period of its freezing is calculated with the help of Planck radiation formula. As a result, the manufacturing technology of a broiler meat functional product was offered. The developed product is characterized by high organoleptic profiles such as juiciness, pleasant smell and taste, smooth texture, as well as high yield of finished product. The product contains dietary fiber 3.6 g per serving, thus meeting the daily need of 18% in this foodstuff.
Extraction of phenolic compounds from berries using the infusion method has disadvantages, alternative methods of extraction being of special interest. Supercritical extraction is one of such methods. This paper deals with the influence of Supercritical extraction conditions on antioxidant properties of extracts. Chokeberry growing on the territory of the Samara region was chosen as the object of our research. Extraction was carried out at a pressure of 40 MPa and temperatures of 120, 150 and 200°C using water and alcohol as solvents. The extracts (aqueous, alcoholic and 50% aqueous ethanol) obtained at atmospheric pressure and a temperature of 37°C were used as a control group. Various techniques were used to determine the level of antioxidant activity: the content of total amount of phenolic compounds equivalent to Gallic acid, flavonoids equivalent of catechin, anthocyanins equivalent of cyanidin-3-glycoside, antiradical capacity using a free radical DPPH method (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl), restoring force using the method of FRAP (ferric reducing antioxidant power), antioxidant activity in linoleic acid system. A considerable number of methods to assess antioxidant activity of compounds is classified with the method of registration parameters used to determine antioxidant activity, including its quantitative estimation. The use of high-pressure supercritical extraction allows increasing the yield of phenols and antioxidants in the extracts. However, high temperature leads to degradation of compounds.
To ensure a full and healthy nutrition of population of different age groups is an urgent problem today. This requires the introduction of additional functional ingredients including probiotics. Conducted are the researches on justification of the use of a combined starter culture consisting of cultures of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in their joint cultivation to produce a probiotic fermented milk drink. Generally accepted standard methods were used to determine technologically valuable properties of the objects. The most active strains were selected on the basis of some properties of micro-organisms: the analysis of the rate of growth in milk of bifidobacteria strains from the microorganism collection of the microbiology laboratory of FSBSI SibNIA and antagonistic properties of lactobacilli against E. colli . The optimum percentage of introduction and the ratio of probiotics in the composition of Bifidobacterium longum and Lactobacillus plantarum starter culture (5%, 4 : 1 respectively) has been determined. The optimum shelf life of probiotic fermented milk drink equal to 5 days has been established. A biotechnology of “plabifin” probiotic fermented milk drink based on a combined starter has been developed according to the results of studies.
An important component in the production of starters for food and biotechnology industries is the ability to store them over a long period without losing their properties. Long-term storage of biological products with the conservation of valuable properties and viability can only be ensured by methods of preservation which are able to inhibit metabolic processes without disturbance to biomaterial integrity. The article describes methods of deep-freezing of biomaterials, freeze-drying, L-drying, in particular their advantages and disadvantages, and gives more concrete description of the lyophilization method. The aim of this research was to choose a method of drying and optimum stabilization parameters for obtaining a starter of direct inoculation. To do this, freeze-drying method allowing the primary cell structure to be fully preserved was used. The experiment indicated that this method makes the object of drying independent from external influences and is able to retain its useful properties over a long period of time. The drying process itself was carried out using domestic freeze-drier INEY-6M". To prepare the drying object for lyophilization bacterial cells were suspended with 20% skimmed milk, 12% solution of sucrose, the serum of animal blood, sorbitol, albumin solution, gelatin solution, peptone, monosodium glutamate and its salts, polyvinylpyrrolidone. The choice of optimum modes of technological process such as freeze temperature, freeze-drying temperature and drying layer thickness was also carried out experimentally. According to the results of the experiment, optimum parameters for freeze-drying were chosen, in particular: freezing temperature of minus 25°C; heating temperature of 25°C; drying time of 240 min; the drying layer thickness of 3.0 mm.
At present, relevant is the task of providing the population with food which would ensure human requirements for vitamins, minerals and other biologically active components. Crop products including buckwheat, which is an important supplier of minerals and other nutrients, play an important role. The quality of grain wintered under snow is very different from grain harvested in autumn. Therefore, it is advisable to study quality indices of buckwheat harvested in spring and used to produce buckwheat cereals including a change in its mineral composition at the stage of heat treatment. The results of the research on mineral composition of the samples of grain harvested in spring after thawing of snow suggest that the dynamics of changes of cations and anions of the samples at different temperature processing is similar to such changes of ppm of cations and anions in the grain samples harvested in autumn. The largest deviations of cations and anions correspond to air mixture temperature ranging from 140°C when the heating temperature of samples is 70°C or higher. Quantitative estimation of changes of ppm of cations and anions shows that the maximum total change of the studied cations is observed in shells: the mass fraction increases by 1.4 times and amounts to 1.03%, the total change of anions is also observed in the shells: their mass fraction decreases 2.0 times and amounts to 0.11%. Perhaps these changes are associated with redox reactions which are accompanied by hydrolysis. It can be assumed that cations are more strongly bound than anions are and which are removed from the surface of the core and the shell during storage. It has been established that the mineral composition of the grain harvested in spring is not as rich as that in grain harvested in autumn.
The meat of the Altai marals is an exclusive raw material for production of fermented meat products, as it has special dietary properties because of the large number of complete protein, low fat content, rich mineral composition and should be used for the production of delicacies. The aim of our research was to assess the technological value of different parts of the maral meat carcass, to select and justify the use of certain parts of meat butchering in the technology of uncooked smoked fermented products. Comprehensive assessment was carried out on the basis of tissue structure study, histological studies, nutritional value, physico-chemical and functional-technological properties of boneless meat of certain parts of a carcass and individual muscles. To determine parameters under study standard and original methods were applied. The results of determining the morphological structure and cut yield from the combined butchering of Altai marals are presented in the article. New data characterizing the ratio of muscular and connective tissue in certain muscles, and interrelated indices of food and biological value, structural and mechanical properties are indicated too. Technological properties of muscles of different nutritional value and composition of tissue, values of solubility of muscle proteins were studied. Based on the comprehensive research, recommendations on rational use of raw materials, among which is the premium class products manufacture including fermented uncooked smoked delicacies are given. It was found that for the manufacture of minced meat fermented products trans- and pre-spinal muscles of maral shoulder, back and deltoid muscles are particularly suitable, because they are small in size, have less developed perimysium, high degree of water-soluble and salt-soluble proteins extraction. All this best meets the needs of rational use of maral meat having high technological and biological potential.
Problems concerning the efficiency of production processes and manufacturing high quality goods are important for productions based on the activity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The paper identifies major reasons for the need to regulate yeast culture metabolism, considers existing practice and proposed methods of changing its metabolic activity. The purpose of the research is to create the classification of the supplements / preparations of different origin to improve yeast vital activity by adjusting its culture medium composition with the use of complex hierarchical faceted method. The classification is based on the division of the set of "supplements / preparations to enhance yeasts vitality" into subsets related to the intended use of the preparation, stage of its application, chemical and structural organization, and ultimate goals. Preparations are divided into groups for various purposes: to fill in the medium with missing compounds and / or additional enrichment with biostimulating components; to extract undesirable components from the medium for the yeast development; preparations-stressors; antibacterial agents, creating favorable conditions for the development of basic yeast culture; contributing to the degradation of raw material biopolymers and intermediates. Medium composition adjustment is possible at the stage of preparation the yeast for fermentation, directly at the main step of the technological process, during pure culture growing and seed yeast storage, at earlier stages of manufacture by processing raw materials or intermediates. According to chemical nature supplements / preparations can be organic, inorganic, mixed (complex) ones and those obtained by chemical or microbial synthesis or be of natural origin. This classification enables a more targeted approach to choosing preparations that provide the change of metabolic activity of the yeast culture by adjusting the composition of the culture medium.
Lactobacillus reuteri has been selected in the All-Russia Dairy Research Institute. The mentioned type of lactic acid bacteria possesses a wide spectrum of functional properties thus the development of L.reuteri bacterial concentrate is actual and demanded. The aim of the present investigations is to choose ferment preparation which makes it possible to obtain protein hydrolysates from skimmed milk and whey as the basis for the creation of nutrient medium, to study the impact of some factors (proteolytic ferment dose, hydrolyze duration), to carry out optimization of nutrient medium by different components, and to select the technological regimes (temperature, medium pH, inoculate dose) of L.reuteri cultivation. Four proteolytic ferments (protosubtilin, Alcalase, Neutrase, Protamex) were chosen in the concentration of 0.4% and 3.0%. The hydrolyze process duration was 1.5 and 3 h, the process temperature was 55°C, the active acidity was 7.2 pH units. Investigations on optimization of nutrient medium composition relating to separate components influence (hydrolysate, yeast extract, sucrose, cystein, inulin) on its nutritional value have been conducted. The influence of technological regimes of L.reuteri cultivation (active acidity 5.6-6,6 pH units, cultivation temperature (32-41)°C, inoculate dose from 3% to 8%) on cells accumulation in the medium has been studied. The analyses of the findings showed that the number of cells cultivated on hydrolysate obtained from skimmed milk was higher than that cultivated on hydrolysate obtained from whey. The investigation on the introduced ferment type and dose impact showed that the studied ferments possessed practically similar influence on L.reuteri cells accumulation. The intensity of cells growth became higher with the ferment dose increasing. The optimum nutrient medium composition for L.reuteri cultivation has been determined: hydrolysate - 96.75%, yeast extract - 3% and inulin - 0.25%. The optimum technological regimes for L.reuteri cultivation have been also defined: temperature - 37°C, active acidity - 6.2 pH units, inoculate dose - 6-7%, cultivation period - 6-8 hrs. In this case, the number of cells amounted to 2 x 109 CFU/cm3.
One of the drawbacks of sugar confectionery is their low physiological value, almost complete absence of essential micronutrients. Creating confectionery fortified with vitamins, macro- and microelements is one of the most urgent tasks of food engineers. In this connection, the aim of the research was to study the possible use of hydropectin obtained from the fruits of wild crops (hawthorn, wild rose and sea buckthorn) and phytoextracts of herbs (nettle, chamomile, mint) in the technology of sugar confectionery for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. The study turned to conventional research methods (organoleptic and physico-chemical), the results of which were subjected to mathematical treatment. The research resulted in the development of the hydropectin producing technology from fruits of wild crops. Fractional composition, analytical and physico-chemical characteristics of pectin substances of medicinal raw materials, organoleptic, physico-chemical and rheological characteristics of the jelly mass were also determined. Based on the obtained results, the technology and normative-technical documentation for the production of marmalade “Jagodnyj”, “Fito”, “Vesennij” with phytoextracts have been justified and developed. This allows production of mass consumption goods with high nutritional value and improved organoleptic characteristics intended for functional nutrition to be obtained.
Beverages from plant raw materials are solutions of compounds of various molecular weights. Most extractives of beverages are high molecular weight compounds, which determine a dispersion state of the system. The aim of the research is to develop a classification of turbidity components of beverages as a methodological basis to indicate a method for correcting a process step or a process object when obtaining a high quality product. The methods of analysis and selection, generalization and systematization of information sources, a hierarchical classification method are used. A short description of turbidity components of beverages from plant raw material is given. Some characteristics of beverages from plant raw material as a disperse system, according to the terminology of colloid chemistry, are presented. Classification of turbidity components of beverages is offered using a hierarchical method. This classification is based on structural and technological characteristics of the turbidity components of beverages. It is proposed to subdivide the set of turbidity components of beverages into the following elements: substances of phenolic, protein and carbohydrate nature, metals, oxygen, production microorganisms and complexes of the above components. Signs of classification are marked. The analysis of the value of classification characteristics for the solution of production problems connected with the correction of the qualitative composition of semi-finished or finished beverages and quantitative content of turbidity components is given.
Production of foods for functional nutrition is one of the most perspective directions of development of food industry now. The goal of our research is scientific substantiation of technological approaches to obtaining combined functional foods prepared with the use of plant raw materials which grow in the Far East such as soya and mushrooms. The research results enable us to develop the technology of preparation of functional foods on the basis of compatibility and complementarities of the component composition of raw material in the form of pastes and concentrates, as well as to get mathematical models of preparation process of soya-mushroom foods. By means of these models parameters and modes of preparation of combined disperse systems have been justified: mass fraction of ascorbic acid solution is 14.7%, concentration of ascorbic acid is 6.2% and duration of clot formation is 4.8 minutes, while the optimum temperature for clot formation is 66°C; initial moisture of clot is 41.4%, drying temperature of granules is 66°C, drying time of granules is 64 minutes, thus, hardness of the obtained granules is provided within 91%. The research has shown that consumption of the developed foods raise the possibility to meet daily requirements of people in vitamins C, E, PP, minerals - potassium, phosphorus, as well as dietary fibers that confirms their functional properties. The normative-technical documentation in the form of the organization standard and technological instructions for the production of soya-mushroom paste and concentrate has been developed on the basis of obtained results. New foods can be produced at food-service enterprises and food-concentrates producing plants.
It is a known fact that there is an interconnection between linear dimensions of pinons, enzyme system activity and pinon stability during storage. At the same time, the influence of quality of freshly harvested pinons of Siberian stone pine on post-harvest ripening forming their quality hasn’t been fully investigated. The purpose of the research is to study quality alterations of pinons of Siberian stone pine during post-harvest ripening The research revealed that the rate of biochemical processes in under-ripe pinons is significantly higher, than that in ripe pinons, therefore at first more intensive accumulation of storage compounds including cedar oil takes place in them. However, pinons, which haven’t reached maturity, a priori, are incapable to accomplish ripening outside the plant and processes connected with synthesis give place to deconstructive processes of hydrolysis and oxidation. As a result, this not only reduces oil output, but also leads to decreasing its quality. Some oil remains in cake, products of lipids destruction making the cake inedible, which lowers production profitability. In addition, biochemical processes proceeding actively, intense metabolism takes place, moisture exudation in particular. When pinons aspiration is scarce, self-heating of inside layers and mold formation of outside layers can take place. In any case, it may ruin the pinons as raw materials for fat and oil production. During research, it has been found that maturity level of pinons has a crucial influence on their storage consistency and oil quality. Therefore, reasonability to develop individual technologies for preparation of pinons having different morphological characteristics to storing, for storage and processing becomes obvious.
Nowadays, an important part of the world food problem is a shortage of protein in the diet. This is a complicated problem, the significance of which is related to the special role of protein in a human life. The negative dynamics of protein value changes in the human diet is associated with both quantitative protein deficiency and a gradual reduction of its biological value. In accordance with the problem of protein deficiency in the population diet the amino acid composition has been studied and biological value of unique and worldwide recognized culture of quinoa ( Chenopodium quinoa ) has been calculated. The study used the white quinoa seeds grown under the agro-climatic conditions of Krasnodar territory of 2015 harvest. It has been stated that the amino acid composition of quinoa seeds is presented by all essential amino acids. The calculated indices of the biological value, such as the ratio of amino acid differences, rationality coefficient of amino acid composition, protein efficiency ratio and the index of essential amino acids, showed the advantage of the protein value of quinoa seeds compared with the main crops (wheat, corn, and rice). The daily norm of proteins and essential amino acids for primary school children and adults consuming 100 grams of quinoa seeds has also been calculated. It has been found that when using 100g of quinoa the daily norm in essential amino acids for adults in phenylalanine only is covered by 74.3%, and norms of the remaining amino acids are covered completely, and for primary school children the daily norm of essential amino acids is covered by an average of 80% and the most deficient lysine is covered completely.
The processing of raw materials in thin layers has a special significance in the technological food processes, because technology frequently involves operations of concentrating liquid products, which can lose the beneficial properties when heated to high temperatures and which can stick when processed for a long time. In this case, the efficiency of using apparatuses is higher; therefore the rotary-film evaporators are widely used also in chemical, pharmaceutical and other industries. The article presents the results of the investigation of kinetic motion of fluid flows in a rotary-film evaporator, and also analyzes the factors affecting the evaporation process in the mobile thin film. It has been determined that to obtain high-quality condensed products depends on the uniform distribution of the solution treated on the working surface of the apparatus. The visual observation of the film forming process has shown that the fluid in the gap between the working surface of the apparatus and the jacket of the rotor blade forms a movable wedge. It enables to use the analogy with the lubrication theory when describing the wedge motion in the sliding bearing. The analytical method for constructing dependences was used to conduct the quantitative analysis of the impact of the design and operational parameters of the apparatus on the uniformity of the film distribution of the solution treated. The expression to identify the blade force on the solution has been obtained by converting the analytical expression of the shear stress between layers. The analysis of the influence of solution viscosity, pressure in the apparatus and the rotor rotational speed on the uniformity of the liquid film formation has been carried out. The graphical method found the direction of the forces from the blades at different operating parameters and determined the direction of flow in the amount of rotary-film evaporator. The recommendations for selecting the design and operating parameters of the apparatus have been offered on the basis of the results obtained.
The application of composites obtained by extruding the vegetable raw materials with a high content of starch, lipids, proteins and dietary fibers as a functional additive to flour confectionery and bakery products is very important. Meanwhile to obtain high quality extrudates from the raw materials with such a composition on the commercially available equipment is impossible because of the unstable nature of the extrusion process. One of the important vectors of thermoplastic extrusion development of multicomponent vegetable raw materials has been proved in this article based on the study of the reaction of capillary-porous extrudates on a medium with reduced air pressure. Its scientific concept is that the humidity of raw materials and lipid content significantly affect the intensity of "decompression explosion" of the extrudate leaving the spinneret of the machine. The acceptable value of extrudate porosity in the processing of raw materials with a high content of lipids and dietary fibers is achieved by creating the air pressure below atmospheric one in a special extruder chamber. The experiments conducted showed that the content of the main ingredient of the extruded mixture (milk thistle) and the moisture content of its mass fraction have a decisive influence on the extrudate porosity with a high content of lipids and dietary fibers. To receive a polycomponent extrudate based on milk thistle seeds as a filler one should use wheat grain with the moisture mass fraction of 14%, corresponding to basic conditions for this culture according to GOST P 52554-2006. Under this condition, the highest extrudate porosity can be obtained having not more than 25% of milk thistle with a mass fraction of moisture 24-28%.
Mathematical modeling is an integral part of modern scientific research. A mathematical model represents an effective tool of knowledge of a real object and makes it possible to determine its characteristics, to assess performance quality indices, to search for an optimum structure and parameters of the object. Mathematical modeling is applied to various processes taking place when processing food materials e.g. mechanical processes, heat-exchange, mass-exchange, membrane processes, etc. Their efficiency indices - selectivity and specific capacity (permeability), as a rule, are the basis of mathematical model of membrane conversion processes. In many respects, decrease in these indices is caused by the phenomenon of “concentrated polarization” which is connected with the accumulation of the layer of detained substances on a membrane surface. One of the effective methods to decrease the influence of this phenomenon is to remove a diffusion layer, which allows membrane processes to be intensified. Modeling of apparatus and equipment is one of the main stages of introduction of processing equipment in the production process. The simplicity of modeling methods reduces the start-up time of the processing line that, in turn, allows accelerating profit earning. Membrane filtration is carried out in the apparatus, which are built up into plants. Various signs can be used to classify the plants. The most widespread one is classification by process organization. According to this classification, one-stage and multistage, direct-flow and circulating plants are distinguished. The analysis of membrane plant schemes based on standard apparatus with filtrate removing has been carried out. The options of membrane plants including membrane apparatus with diffusion layer removing are offered. Program complexes allowing us to make rational configuration of membrane plants of continuous operation have been developed.
Separating freeze-out (cryoconcentration) is widely used for liquid products concentration including milk and secondary dairy raw materials processing. This method allows us to obtain high quality concentrates. Separating freeze-out of nonfat milk have been investigated. The laboratory capacitive cryoconcentrator allows simultaneous separating freeze-out of nonfat milk in one cylinder and frozen fraction melting in another one. Water fraction melting in one cylinder is carried out due to the heat taken away from the ice formed in the other cylinder. The temperature of heat exchange surface of the container in which separating freeze-out takes place is kept stable ( up to ± 0.2°) in the range of minus 2 to minus 8. The ice on the heat exchange surface of the capacitive cryoconcentrator is formed in the form of a hollow cylinder. Its wall thickness depends on the temperature of the heat exchange surface and separating freeze-out duration. Modeling of technological processes is an important stage in the technological design of food productions. Mathematical modeling makes it possible to lower material and time expenditures during the design of technological processes and to find the most effective technological solutions. Mathematical model for crystallization of nonfat milk water fraction on the cylindrical surface of the capacitive cryoconcentrator has been developed according to the classical equations of heat and mass transfer. Initial data for finding the dependence of the layer thickness of ice frozen out on the cylindrical surface on the process duration are the surface temperature of the cryoconcentrator and cryoscopic temperature of the concentrated product as well as geometrical parameters of the cryoconcentrator. The estimated dependences obtained were compared with experimental data. The compliance of the estimated model of nonfat milk separating freeze-out on the cylindrical surface to the real process of separating freeze-out has been established.
Dairy products must correspond to a number of organoleptic and physico-chemical requirements. Organoleptic characteristics are smell and taste because they primarily affect the demand of consumers. The most common defects of raw milk affecting the quality of dairy products particularly during the storage are smell and taste of feed origin. The reason for this is the use of feed containing specific substances passing into dairy products. Dairy products containing fat easily absorb substances that give foreign smell and taste from the environment. Therefore, apart from feed defects dairy products can acquire other foreign smells and tastes. To correct the defects of dairy products deodorization is used. The essence of the deodorization process is the processing of hot raw milk under vacuum conditions. Most odorizing substances form azeotropic mixtures with water vapor. The boiling point of the resulting mixture is below the boiling temperature of water. This enables to conduct the steam distillation of odorizing substances from raw milk. The main drawback of the existing deodorizers is low specific productivity of the apparatus volume. To eliminate this fault rotary spray device with high intensity of processes can be used. A distinctive feature of the rotary spray device is multiple fluid circulations accompanied by dispersing and strokes of drops on the liquid film on the surface of demister and housing. This enables to achieve the desired efficiency of the process, and by selecting the appropriate circulation frequency one can widely adjust deodorization time. The effectiveness of milk deodorization with reproduced defects of smell and taste has been studied and rational parameters of the process have been established. After deodorization the physico-chemical parameters have been determined and organoleptic evaluation of deodorized milk has been carried out. Preparation and conducting the smell and taste assessments were carried out according to regulatory documents. A layout of upgraded pasteurization and cooling unit for obtaining pasteurized milk with a vacuum deodorization of raw materials has been proposed.
The development of equipment for food production containing a set of necessary components for the life of the body (amino acids, in particular) is quite an urgent problem. Milk and whey proteins contain a number of essential amino acids which the body easily assimilates when they are in the dissolved state. As proteins are thermolabile, membrane technology is successfully applied for their concentration now. Mixture concentration by membrane methods is performed without phase transformations and usually at ambient temperature. During concentration of a product, milk protein undergoes no changes and keeps its natural form and its useful properties, respectively. This cannot be related to the protein concentrates obtained by standard methods. Moreover, in some cases, membrane methods are not only economic and less power-intensive in comparison with other methods, but they often allow using more raw materials and energy to be used, i.e. there is a possibility of secondary raw materials and waste processing. The construction of membrane apparatus including a cylindrical element with holes on the side surface has been developed, in which the decrease of layer thickness of the detained substances on the membrane is carried out in the hydrodynamic way. Experimental studies on the membrane apparatus used for the cottage cheese whey concentration showed the efficiency of the new construction. The created regression models allowed us to define the rational values of constructive (L = 2 mm, N = 13 rows, D = 1 mm) and technological (P = 60°C, P = 0.18 MPa) parameters of the membrane apparatus, at which the greatest possible productivity (8.8·10-6 m3/(m2 · s)) is observed. It is experimentally determined that the productivity of the developed membrane apparatus is 1.4th more than that of the prototype.
Type 2 diabetes has a stead tendency to increase all over the world. A balanced diet is the foundation of success in improvement of life quality of patients suffering from diabetes. The restriction of consumption of such foods as bread requires the development of formulations and techniques for baking bread, which will minimally raise blood glucose level and preserve the optimal amount of amino acids and vitamins in bread. One way to obtain bread with a low glycemic index is a crustless bread production technology with electrocontact method, while using it the crust of bread is not formed, and the temperature and baking time are minimal now. The effects of “Rye unleavened crustless bread” that was produced with electrocontact method (SP “Goncharova O.N.”) in comparison with “Rye diet bread”, that was produced with the traditional technology - radiation-convective method (JSC “Pokrovsky bread”) on the blood glucose level of white rats at unitary and systemic intake has been studied. It was found that a hypoglycemic effect was not observed under one-time intake of bread in both cases. It was established that blood glucose level started to lower earlier in animals systematically treated with the “Rye unleavened crustless bread” as compared to animals treated with “Rye diet bread”. This allows us to recommend “Rye unleavened crustless bread” as a dietary food for people with diabetes and people living a healthy lifestyle.
To produce high quality products at modern enterprises of food industry it is necessary to establish effective systems of quality and safety such as HACCP. The paper presents a brief review of modern quality management systems of food products. This study deals with peculiarities of food safety management system when producing beverages stable to turbidity. Improvement of the system is considered in the framework of one of the principles of the concept of quality of beverages prone to turbidity. Implementation is performed by augmenting the implemented safety management system of the production process with additive critical control points. The quantitative content of the turbidity components of beverages is controlled with the designation of critical limits of their concentration and, actually, a processing aid in the technological chain. The necessity of additive critical control points at the stage of beer fermentation has been established. The HACCP worksheet for stable beer has been developed. Regarding the storage and preparation of chitosan the production program of mandatory preliminary actions when producing stable beer using chitosan has been proposed.
In the context of the global crisis, "the war of sanctions" and limited access to financial resources the import substitution in almost all sectors of Russian economy has no alternative. This strategy is of rather a forced than planned character with scientifically elaborated foundation. The process of import substitution in the Russian agricultural production is ambiguous, accompanied by difficulties with the existing technological and technical lags, import restrictions of technology and financial resources. The implemented economic policy has significant impact, based on the rental model. The analysis of the import substitution showed that the first expert assessments of its opportunities and implementation deadlines were overoptimistic. It has been revealed that the creation and development of the own agricultural production is hampered due to a number of reasons, including lack of financial resources, long term projects and others. It has been noted that the devaluation of the national currency has not had great influence on the acceleration of the production establishment, but the growth of food prices has become a key feature of the import substitution. The analysis concludes that the new trends in the development of the agricultural sector and agricultural economics form new requirements for food safety assessment as a component of the economic safety. The aim is to take into account new factors affecting the basic blocks of food safety assessment, namely economic and physical availability of food products, nutrition, and food quality. To speed up the import substitution in agriculture it has been proposed to divide JSC “Rosselkhozbank” into two structures, one of which will deal with the financing of investment projects in the agricultural production and will support agriculture, the other will function as a commercial bank. This approach enables to separate classical banking risks from the investment risks in agriculture, which a specialized structure will regulate.
The effectiveness of the company depends on a number of criteria such as: the correct management strategy, the competitiveness of products, including the management costs level, flexible enterprise management system that presupposes regulating, purposeful influence on the process of "input-output". In modern conditions it is important to use effective cost management methods for agricultural enterprises. In the cost structure, ongoing costs occupy the major share. This study examines the features of the current cost management in the agribusiness companies, identifying existing gaps and identify mechanisms to rectify these shortcomings. Methodology of management of current costs, enclosed in the application of the system of marginal revenue and ongoing cost control mechanism for the processing of agricultural enterprises is largely determined by the centers of responsibility as a source of rapid response cost management system. As a result of the application of this method was found unprofitable production of raw spirit in the analyzed company, while the production of alcohol of the highest purification and "luxury" product has a positive financial result. Measures that aimed at reducing costs in the production process and improve the efficiency of production and economic activity of JSC "Alcohol Factory", the main of which is the interaction with agricultural producers with a view to identifying reserves to reduce the acquisition costs of raw materials (grain), thereby reducing the cost of production were presented.