ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


The data on the study of fatty acid composition, content of solid triglycerides, temperatures of melting and hardening of solid natural oils are provided in the article. Investigations on structural and rheological characteristics allowed proving feasibility of using of palm, coconut and palm-kernel oil in production of vegetable-and-creamy spreads. It is shown that the saturated fatty acids with an average length of a chain possessing the proved hypocholesteric action indicating the possibility of their use in fat bases of spreads of functional purposes including the prevention of atherosclerosis prevail in the studied oils. The study of fatty acid composition including the content of transisomers of fatty acids in various fatty materials showed that in case of the development of fat bases for spreads it is reasonable to use mixes of milk fat with solid and liquid natural oils and fats which are not modified to minimize the content of fatty acids transisomers in the finished product. Compounding of high-in-fat vegetable-and-creamy spread with a mass fraction of fat of 72.5% consisting of natural solid and liquid vegetable oils, milk fat, powdered milk and nutritional supplements has been developed. The oil phase of spread is a composition of milk fat, palm oil, palm-kernel or coconut oils, a combination of natural antioxidants - an extract of rosemary and amber acid being used as supplements. The chosen raw materials provide the set technological and consumer properties of finished milk-and-oil products.
Coconut oil, palm oil, palm-kernel oil, solid triglycerides, melting, transisomers of fatty acids, spreads
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