ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


The article reveals the result of the study of rotary dismembrator pumping effect designed to process plant raw material. This type of grinding equipment is widely used in food industry. The main working part of the dismembrator is a rotor that rotates and gives an impulse to the air flow. That causes pumping effect in the equipment operating chamber. At present moment there are no reliable figures that can help determine the significance of the pumping effect depending on the technological or structural parameters of the dismembrator. During the study the authors identified the main factors causing pumping effect. They described the design of the rotor dismembrator and presented the scheme of the laboratory unit containing this machine. Besides, the authors described the experimental research procedure. They determined the correlation between the power consumption and air flow rate generated by the dismembrator at various angular velocities of rotor spinning. Technological parameters of the machine are presented in the form of similarity criteria. The authors found out that the nature of aerodynamic flow movement, expressed by Reynolds criterion, and energy consumption, determined by modified Euler criterion, depend on the ratio between the inertial forces of the rotary motion to the gravitational forces, expressed by the centrifugal Froude criterion. The article reveals the influence of Reynolds criterion and Froude centrifugal criterion on the pumping effect coefficient. The obtained correlations make it possible to determine energy and technological parameters of the dismembrator operation more accurately. The transformation of empirical equations using similarity criteria expands the scope of the obtained results application significantly. They can be used in the calculations concerningindustrial equipment for plant materials grinding, as well as to adjust the technological parameters of pneumatic conveyor lines where these devices are installed.
Dismembrator, pumping effect, Reynolds criterion, modified Euler's criterion, Froude criterion
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