ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


One of the main objectives met during the development of automatic control systems is the identification of the control object, which implies obtaining its mathematical description. The nature and type of the mathematical model are determined by the purposes and objectives of its use. In the given case the goal of model development is the synthesis of automatic control system. Based on the requirements of the control tasks, the aim of the identification is to determine the structure and parameters of the mathematical model that guarantee the best similarity of reactions of the model and object to the same input. The article reveals an experimental method of obtaining the mathematical description of the control object according to the results of its input and output parameters measurements. Emulator ERP10 (a mini oven) manufactured by “OWEN” company was taken as a control object. The emulator is used in the experimental research in the process of adjustment using temperature controllers. It is also used for educational purposes as a part of the educational and research exhibition stands. As a result of structural and parametric identification the authors obtained the model of the control object as an aperiodic element of the second order. The parameters of the mathematical model allowed to determine the adjustment parameters of PID controller ТRМ251. Software implementation of the automatic control system in MatLAB environmentallowed to assess the transient processes in a closed system. Thus, the authors calculated the values for the automatic control system in the first approximation. The final result can be obtained during the launch of the automatic control system when it works with a real object using adaptation algorithms.
Structural identification, parametric identification, mathematical model, transfer function
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