ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)

The Pamir Yaks of North Tajikistan: Specifics of Hide Formation

In all animals, the hide mass increases together with live body weight. At the age of 6 months and 3 years, the total weight of yak hide is almost two times higher than in other cattle. At 6 months, the thickness of yak hide in all topographical points exceeds that of cowhide by almost two times. By one and three years, the difference in the reference point disappears. However, the neck and the bellous hides of yak remain 25–40% thicker, and the skin area of other breeds of cattle exceeds that of yak at all ages by 35–40%. For the yaks of the Aininks Region, the optimal hide removal period is from birth to 3–4 years. For the animals over 4 years old, the hide yield by weight becomes relatively low. As far as thickness uniformity is concerned, the best skins for leather processing are those obtained from yaks under 3 years old, since they have the lowest degree of slackness. As for the chemical composition, the moisture of yak hide is 2.0–2.5% higher and the hide substance is 7.0–18.5% lower than in cowhide. This is, probably, connected with a certain reserve of water, or the so-called “depot moisture”, in the skin of the animal. For all age periods, the moisture of the bellous yak hides is lower and fat content is by 1.5–2.2% higher than in other topographical areas. Apparently, this is due to the thermal adaptation of animals to the habitat conditions.
Skin, hide, yaks, cattle, weight, area, thickness of skin, thickness uniformity, chemical composition
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