Volume 48, Issue 1, 2018
The article gives a comparative analysis of the data obtained by Russian and foreign scientists considering the content of
vitamins and other valuable substances in raspberry fruit. That determines high antioxidant properties of raspberry. The goal of the study
was to generalize information which shows specific nature of that plant in relation to the complex of vitamins and polyphenol
compounds which it contains. The author shows that fruit of raspberry R. idaeus L. consists of 5–40 mg/100 g of vitamin C, folic acid -
26-44 mg/100 g. Consumption of only 100 g of raspberries satisfies daily requirement of vitamin C (60 mg) by 8.3 - 66.7%, in folates
(200 mg) by 13–22%. Total anthocyanin content in red raspberry varies within wide range (20–100 mg/100 g), in black raspberry – form
200 to 600 mg/100 g. Raspberry accumulates from 38 to 270 mg/100 g of ellagic acid. In small amounts the cultivated red raspberry
consists of the following substances: carotenoids (β-carotene – 9.3 mg/100 g, zeaxanthin – 11 mg/100 g, lutein – 320 mg /100 g), vitamin
E – 0.15–0.44 mg/100 g tocopherol equivalents, thiamine – 0,020 mg/100 g, riboflavin – 0.034 mg/100 g, niacin – 0.036 mg/100 g,
pyridoxin – 0.05 mg/100 g, biotin – 5.7 mg/100 g. Total content of antioxidants in the cultivated raspberry fruit is 1.71 mg/g (standard
quercetin). As a result of the analysis of different literary sources the author determined that raspberry antioxidant properties are mainly
connected with high polyphenol content. Contribution of vitamin C into total antioxidant activity is relatively low. Though raspberry fruit chemical composition has already been studied quite well it is necessary to perform further more detailed research of different
raspberry cultivars considering their total antioxidant activity as well as certain biochemical components which comprise antioxidant
complex of raspberry fruit. The obtained results will form the base for further research aimed at investigating phytochemical compounds
of fruit crops which have become an essential part of healthy human diet and developing nutraceutical products.
The author considered the contemporary state of the issue of water treatment in food and beverages production. The article
presents regulated water quality parameters for drinking and bottled water, for dairy industry, beer and soft drinks production, as well
as for production of vodka, vodka for export, and baby food. The article shows that water from central utility and drinking water
supply needs additional treatment to produce food and beverages. It should be cleaned from hardness salts, iron, manganese, mineral
salts, organic compounds and microbial contamination. Besides, many companies use groundwater sources (from wells). That makes
water treatment procedure even more complicated. The author considered such treatment methods as ion exchange, magnetic water
treatment, catalyzed oxidation, deferrization using sorption-filtering materials from mineral raw materials, aeration, reverse osmosis,
electrodialysis, activated carbon adsorption. The author shows the treatment mechanisms, their advantages and disadvantages. The
article indicates which materials and equipment can be used to apply these methods in water treatment practice. It describes new
techniques for effective water treatment such as radiolysis, cavitation and advanced oxidation treatment techniques. It gives flow
diagram of bottled water production depending on its origin and content of impurities which is used by the companies working in
Gelendzhiksky district, Lipetsk and Kemerovo. The author analyzed the contemporary state of the issue of water treatment in food
and beverages production companies based on the available information and assessed the technical level of water treatment systems.
The article reveals that only companies which produce alcoholic drinks such as vodka, liquors, and beer use a number of water treatment procedures which meet modern requirements. In general, food production companies face water treatment issue. Labor
intensive, expensive and non-environmentally friendly water treatment methods are used everywhere. But they do not always
guarantee required water quality. For that reason water treatment schemes in food industry should be revised. The author gives
recommendations to replace traditional technologies with modern ones.
Lipids are the most unstable substances that take part in oxidation process in meat and meat products. Table salt (sodium chloride) which is considered as a pro-oxidant factor has significant effect on the development of meat products oxidative deterioration. The main objective of the research was to study the effect of curing mixture compositions which have low sodium content on the intensity and dynamics of lipids oxidation process in model systems, raw meat and final products during storage. Semi-smoked sausages were taken as an example. The author studied curing mixtures in which 30% of sodium chloride was replaced with one of the following components: potassium chloride, calcium chloride, magnesium chloride. Compositions included potassium chloride and calcium chloride at the ration of 1 to 1, mixture of sodium chloride with yeast extract. The results of the study of the oxidation process in model systems and meat systems with different curing mixtures conform to each other which shows that the mixtures which contain potassium chloride, magnesium chloride and composition of potassium chloride and calcium chloride help slow down oxidation process. According to the results of semi-smoked sausages organoleptic analysis, which were cooked using different curing compositions, the traditional characteristics of the product are obtained when one uses curing mixture which consists of 70% of sodium chloride and 30% of potassium chloride and calcium chloride composition. The dynamics of changes in acid-degree value, peroxide value and thiobarbituric value during semi-smoked sausage storage cooked using that curing mixture indicates that lipid fraction oxidation process stabilizes.
The article presents the results of the determination of the structural and mechanical properties of one component forcemeats, model systems and combined products based on hydrobionts and poultry of mechanical separation. The authors found out that forcemeat produced from mechanical separation poultry has low shaping ability compared to the forcemeats produced using raw materials of aquatic origin (humpback salmon, navaga, greenling). As for the latter, humpback salmon forcemeat has the best shaping ability. Forcemeats produced from navaga and greenling have satisfactory structural and mechanical properties. Combining raw materials of aquatic origin and poultry of mechanical separation makes it possible to increase relative biological value of the final products. However, introduction of poultry of mechanical separation into fish forcemeats reduces the shaping ability of the obtained combined forcemeat mixtures sufficiently. To enhance their structural and mechanical properties the authors suggested including dried luminaria into their composition. The authors point out that all forcemeat mixtures including 3–5% of dried luminariahave optimum values of water-binding power. This, in its turn, promotes formation of the suitable structure. Introduction of 5% of dried luminaria into the combined mixtures helps reduce weight loss at thermal treatment by 33.3–45.6%. The authors showed that refrigerated storage of forcemeat mixtures which include 5% of dried luminaria for a month at −18°C helps reduce peak load on average by 19.8%, water-binding power – by 14.4%. But that has a negative effect on their shaping ability. The recommended shelf life of the developed forcemeat mixtures and semi-finished products produced on their basis should not exceed 30 days at −18°C.
The given article considers the perspectives of using dried Jerusalem artichoke as an alternative raw material in distilled spirits production. The main objective of the research was to determine the effect of distillation methods of fermented wort obtained from dried Jerusalem artichoke on the distillate output and quality. The authors took dried Jerusalem artichoke instead of its fresh tubers for processing as a raw material for alcohol drinks production because it is possible to use it during for the whole year to produce beverages. Besides dried Jerusalem artichoke has stable biochemical composition, high microbiological quality, and higher content of low-molecular fractions of fermented carbohydrates. The study of physical, chemical and organoleptic properties of the fermented wort, crude alcohol and distillate was carried out using standard analytical methods. The authors considered two types of distillation: single and double. During the experiments they used dried Jerusalem artichoke with humidity 6.1% and inulin content equal 54.2%. Fermented wort was obtained by means of single-stage method. Distillation was performed using distillation unit “Kothe Destillationstechnik” (Germany). The authors determined that distillation method has an influence on the distribution of ethanol into fractions and determines its loss. Double distillation leads to higher loss of ethanol. Ethanol loss increased from 3.6% after single distillation up to 5.2% after double distillation. The authors showed that during single distillation of the fermented wort obtained from dried Jerusalem artichoke more volatile components are formed compared to double distillation. In the first case their number increases by 10.0%, in the second case – only by 3.5%. The data on the composition of volatile constituents in the distillates allowed to prove that single distillation has a number of advantages such as the production of liquids rich in valuable volatile constituents and lower methanol content which is considered as the most toxic impurity.
Triticale accounts for the biggest share in gross processing and state procurement of grain in Belarussian production of alcohol. The main difficulty in its processing is the formation of viscous technological fluids due to the presence of non-starch polysaccharides in its chemical composition. All measures taken to solve the problem come down to the selection of the efficient enzyme preparations, hydrolyzing grain polymers into low molecular weight compounds, which have the ability to be disposed by the yeast cells and form the ethyl alcohol. But grain own enzymes are not involved. It is possible to solve the problem by means of biological activation, which will activate grain enzyme systems and partially hydrolyze grain polymers into low molecular weight compounds. The article considers general and special technological parameters of six cultivars of triticale selected in the Republic of Belarus: Antos, Kastus, Dubrava, Run, Prometheus, Impulse. The authors determined that the most promising cultivars for bioactivation and food grade ethyl alcohol production are Antos and Dubrava. The authors explored the possibility of using hot soaking of triticale grain for the biological activation. They also showed the advantages of introduction of amaranth green mass in the amount of 8% during hot soaking for the reduction of grain microbiological contamination. They studied the changes in the technological properties of triticale cultivars Antos and Dubrava after the bioactivation with the green mass of amaranth. The authors determined that grain microbiological characteristics improved, the activity of grain enzymes increased, proportion of low molecular weight compounds in the chemical composition increased. They studied the processes taking place during wort and mash production from the bioactivated triticale grain. The authors showed that the processing of bioactivated triticale grain resulted in the production of wort with higher concentration of dry matter which allowed to increase the ethanol content in the mature mash produced from triticale cultivar Antos by 19.5% and from the triticale cultivar Dubrava by 29.3% and reduce the total quantity of the main impurities in distillates.
Fermentation is the main technological stage of wine production. The objective of the article is to determine the dependence of qualitative parameters of wine material obtained from blackcurrant on the taken yeast race. The authors studied the influence of yeast on the blackcurrant mash fermentation dynamics, formation of secondary products, content of biologically active substances and antioxidant activity of the obtained wine material. The authors used Saccharomyces of two types: Saccharomyces
vini – Chernosmorodinovaya 7, K-17, Moskva 30, Vishnevaya 33, K-72, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae – “Red Fruit”, WET 136,
LW 317-29, UWY SP1. Mass fraction of total phenolic compounds content expressed in terms of gallic acid was determined applying spectrophotometric method using Folin-Chokalteuʼs reactant. Mass fraction of ascorbic acid was calculated using high-performance liquid chromatography. The authors measured antioxidant activity applying improved ABTS method on Shimadzu
UV-1600 spectrophotometer (Japan). They found out that yeast races Saccharomyces cerevisiae had higher fermentation activity than Russian pure yeast races Saccharomyces vini. Saccharomyces cerevisiae surpassed Saccharomyces vini in sugar utilization and ethanol yield. The article reveals that fermentation with Saccharomyces cerevisiae having high fermentation capacity results in the increase of methanol content by 33–57% and decrease in ascorbic acid concentration by 69–83% compared to the wine base samples obtained using Saccharomyces vini. The authors established that phenolic compound concentration in the wine material depends on the period of contact with yeast and on the applied yeast race. They determined that antioxidant activity of the product mainly depends on ascorbic acid concentration and made a conclusion that yeast race determines product biological value and antioxidant activity substantially. The authors recommend to use Chernosmorodinovaya 7 in high quality blackcurrant wine production.
Storage conditions of brewer’s seed yeast before they start another fermentation cycle do not always meet necessary requirements. That leads to the decrease in biotechnological parameters of the microbial culture. Different methods are used to eliminate or moderate the effect of negative factors on yeast. The article considers the possibility of using natural tuffs containing zeolite taken from different deposits located in Siberia to prevent negative changes in physiological and biochemical properties of seed yeast during storage. The author studied industrial bottom fermentation yeast strains C34 and 308. The yeast was dispersed in water, schenk beer, or 11% beer mash (at the ratio of 1:1), then zeolite was introduced (0.5–4% to suspension volume) and stored for 2–3 days at 2–4°C. The author determined that using minerals in yeast incubation medium increases the proportion of budding cells in the biomass in relation to the initial number of budding cells in 1.2–2.5 times, the number of cells containing glycogen – from 9 to 85%. That also enhances maltase and zymaze activity by 25–85% compared to the control sample (inoculum stored without tuff), decreases flocculating power. Minerals have more significant influence on yeast of 10th and 12th generations than on the young population (4th and 5th generations). Effectiveness of the influence depends on the composition of the suspending medium, length of biomass storage period, proportion of zeolite and its origin. More sufficient changes of the considered parameters took place when the author used minerals taken from Kholinsk and Shivyrtuin deposits rather than pegasin. The effect is due to the chemical composition and structure of the given minerals. The obtained results show that it is advisable to use natural zeolites during storage of the seed yeast as a way to prevent adverse changes in yeast physiological and enzymatic activity.
Emergence of the dairy products enriched with milky proteinaceous concentrates is connected with low level of consumption of protein the population. Results of a research of structure of two samples of milk protein concentrates – Promilk 852 FBI and Promilk Kappa Optimum for the purpose of their further application in production of dairy products are presented in article. Fractions of proteins of milk protein concentrates with use of size of molecular weight are defined. As a result of electrophoretic division of fractions of proteins the method of a free electrophoresis by means of a cell for an electrophoresis of MINI-PROTEAN has received an initial electrophoregram. In the studied samples the number of fractions of serumal proteins and casein is identified. Absolute values of fractions of serumal proteins and casein in samples of milk protein concentrates are calculated. On the basis of the received values of fractions of serumal proteins and casein their percentage in milk protein concentrates is determined. The received results allow to draw a conclusion that the studied samples of milk protein concentrates can be used in production of dairy products as an additional component for increase in nutrition value of a ready-made product.
The article reveals technological aspects of using different types of egg products in mayonnaise production technology. The authors studied the chemical composition of different egg products being used in mayonnaise production technology.
The authors studied egg powder, dried egg yolk, enzymatically hydrolyzed dried egg yolk, salted pasteurized liquid egg yolk, egg mixture, and frozen yolk. Based on the obtained data the authors calculated minimum proportions of egg products which are sufficient for producing high quality mayonnaise which complies with the requirements of the standard. The article reveals the results of the research which show the influence of different types of egg products traditionally used in mayonnaise production technology on the organoleptic, physical and chemical properties of the final product such as its consistency, look, stability of undisturbed emulsion, acidity, oxidative deterioration indicators during storage. Study of organoleptic quality indicators of the produced kinds of mayonnaise showed that introduction of egg products in minimum proportions does not lead to the sufficient changes in taste
and color of the obtained products. But the samples which include dried egg yolk have heavier and thicker consistency than the samples with whole egg products. The authors developed the recipes and production technology of different types of mayonnaise with mass fraction of fat equal to 67% using different egg products including dried egg yolk modified by phospholipase. That type of egg yolk modification made it possible to guarantee the required viscosity of the product, emulsion stability as well as homogeneous creamy structure. This allowed to use less egg products but did not influence organoleptic properties of the traditional mayonnaise.
The authors studied the quality of the produced mayonnaise and checked their organoleptic, physical and chemical properties on compliance with standard requirements.
Treatment with pulse electric field is a promising method of preliminary preparation of oil-bearing material before further treatment. Experimental data was obtained in Kuban State Technological University (“Food and Chemical Technologies Research Center”) (Krasnodar). The author studied oil-bearing material rheological properties and assessed the influence of preliminary treatment with pulse electric field. Using mathematical tools and an experiment the author found out that plastic viscosity of pulp corresponds to oil viscosity which confirms the assumption about Bingham rheology made in the paper. Experimental works have shown that there is structure formation in the material that enters conveyor auger feeder. The author determined that there is an effect after treatment with pulse electric field as the structure of the material changed and critical shear stress decreased from 24.36 to
22.89 Pa for the samples which were treated with field having field intensity E = 8 kV/cm and number of pulses n = 300 during three seconds. Critical shear stress decrease due to the treatment with pulse electric field allows to use less energy for oil-bearing material transportation and crushing in case of pressing process. That factor is a positive complement to the existing effect of oil yield increase after preliminary preparation. The obtained parameters of the engineering model make it possible to forecast rheology of viscoplastic flow in wide range of shear strain rates in conveyor auger feeder as well as during treatment with pulse electric field.
At present moment it is essential to produce food which not only satisfies people’s needs, but also has a particular nutritional value and vitamin and mineral content. Introduction of non-traditional types of plant materials in the recipes of baked goods for preventive and therapeutic nutrition is a promising direction for enhancing their nutritional value. Consumption of these products improves the balance of vitamins, amino acids, trace elements, macronutrients, food fibers and has a positive effect on human health. The article presents the development of breadstick recipe for salt-free nutrition using flax seed flour and grapeseed oil which guarantee overall enrichment of food recommended in case of such diseases as heart and renal failure, hypertension, osteoporosis, arthritis and arthrosis. Using flax seed flour in baked goods production will make it possible to increase the content of protein, food fibers, vitamins and mineral substances in them. Grapeseed oil has a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids and biologically active substances which improve immune barrier. The article reveals the results of the determination of the table salt effect as well as the influence of non-traditional types of raw materials on organoleptic, physical and chemical parameters of the ready-to-use products, their microstructure and antioxidant activity. The author suggests using enzymatic composition instead of table salt in breadsticks recipe for salt-free nutrition. The article presents the results of the chemical composition determination and calculation of breadsticks nutritional value. The obtained data will help extend the product line of special-use baked goods with higher nutritional value.
Production of food with specified characteristics (composition, structure, sensory parameter) is a promising direction of food industry development. Such products are low-calorie foods, they are good for health, have balanced composition and functional properties. They can be cooked fast and have extended storage. The main objective of the given research is to develop production technology and evaluate the quality of the food concentrate “Buckwheat porridge with soybean-fern-protein-vitamin-mineral concentrate” having higher biological and nutritional value. The research results made it possible to develop production technology of a new enriched food such as food concentrate with high biological and nutritional value using an analogue by means of increasing the number of components in the raw material as well as to get a model recipe of the food concentrate mixture with soybean-fern-protein-vitamin-mineral concentrate and evaluate product quality. By means of recipe modeling and determining the chemical composition, nutritional value as well as assessing the quality in respect to organoleptic parameters the authors proved that it is important to produce the given product. The research has revealed that if a person consumes the developed food concentrate the daily requirement for protein is satisfied 23%, fat – 18%, vitamin C – 37%, vitamin E – 105%, mineral substances: potassium – 23%, calcium – 12%, phosphorus – 40%, magnesium – 34%, and food fiber – 37%. That shows the advantages of the product if we compare it with the analogue. Using obtained results the author developed a set of technical documents, namely, corporate standard and operating procedures for the production of food concentrate “Buckwheat porridge with soybean-fern-protein-vitamin-mineral concentrate”. The given product with specified qualities can be produced by catering companies and food-concentrates industry.
Modern tendencies in food industry development (including meat products processing) are connected with compulsory advance and improvement in production techniques as well as implementation of effective management systems which stem from
the integrated approach to risk management. The development and implementation of the systems which would guarantee required and stable safety of products for consumers are very important as well as their quality. For that reason it is essential to develop the models of integrated management system which will be based on the quality management system (QMS) and food safety management system standards. The authors performed comparative analysis of the requirements of the integrated standards. As a result of the analysis and expert evaluation they determined ten areas of integration, developed the matrix of requirements for the elements of the integrated system. The authors studied the risks, gave scientific evidence concerning the occurrence of potential hazards, determined unacceptable risks, pointed out critical control points and developed food safety management system plan for management in these points. They also determined the regularities in the influence of the quality loop stages on the quality and safety parameters, identified and structured the processes using IDEF0 function modeling methodology, made the blocks of graphs that show the interaction of processes determining the directions of information and product flows and reflecting the interaction of processes. The authors developed an integrated system model and determined the information requirements for its functioning. They used the procedure of the system performance assessment in a company using self-assessment criteria. The authors showed the advantages of the implementation and improvement of the integrated system in the company located in Saransk, the Republic of Mordovia.
The article reveals the data on lead and cadmium content in raw milk samples taken in seven areas located in two districts of Semey Territory of East Kazakhstan Region (Abay and Ayagoz Districts). The authors determined high content of lead (from 0.11 to 0.15 mg/l) in milk samples taken in the populated areas which are located closer to the territory of the former Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site. To reduce the content of toxic elements in raw milk the authors developed an experimental filtration unit using natural zeolite brought from Tarbagataysky deposit (East Kazakhstan Region) as sorption-filtering material. Natural zeolite module SiO2/Al2O3 consists of 6.3 units which characterizes it as a high-purity clinoptilolite, highly efficient sorption ion-exchange material. As a result of the experiments the authors determined that natural zeolite taken from Tarbagataysky deposit of East Kazakhstan Region shows sorption properties in relation to lead and cadmium ions. Zeolite application as a sorption-filtering material helps reduce cadmium and lead ion content in milk during filtration. The most suitable processing parameters of milk filtration which help change the content of the considered elements significantly are the following: filtration temperature should be 18–20°C, pump rotation frequency – 300 rpm with filter of the experimental unit which consists of 200 g of natural zeolite. Besides, the authors studied the changes in organoleptic, physical and chemical properties of milk during filtration. The authors determined that organoleptic, physical and chemical properties during milk filtration using natural zeolite as a sorption-filtering material do not change and comply with the regulatory requirements which specify fresh milk quality parameters. Titratable acidity of milk reduces insufficiently.
One of the most important goals in the sphere of food safety is quality assurance and production of safe food. Nowadays studies devoted to determination of nitrates content in locally produced plant products are of very high priority. Many researches on the influence of nitrates on human health prove that nitrates are one of the external threat sources. Mineral fertilizers can cause harm if improperly stored or used. The authors give comparative characteristics for nitrites content in plant products contrasting regulatory documents in European Union and Customs Union. They point out threshold limit values and their influence on human body. In some samples of cucumbers nitrates content exceeded threshold limit values. Long nitrate consumption even in small amounts is one of the important chemical risk factors for the population health as it decreases organism resistance to the influence of such external environmental factors as ecological and social ones. The research was carried out in South Kazakhstan Region. To conduct the research the authors took the samples of locally produced plant products. They determined the levels of nitrates content in the main local food products, assessed the risks of harmful impact of the controlled nitrates which come with plant products grown in South Kazakhstan Region. The results show that it is necessary to carry out constant control to ensure foodstuff safety. The authors classified food products according to their contribution to the total exposure value. Thus, the authors found out that among locally produced vegetables potato and cabbage had the highest values (61.16% and 12.1% respectively). HQmed and HQ90 values were less than 1. The authors pointed out the main ways to reduce nitrates content in plant products in the article.
The research in the given sphere is essential because it is concerned with the development of ecologically clean natural edible food wraps production technology using fish industry waste products. The article presents the results of the studies devoted to the consideration of properties and possibilities of using edible food wraps based on ichthyo-gelatin to preserve quality of different food products. To produce edible food wrap the author used gelatin obtained from the waste products (fish scale) of fish-processing industry (ichthyo-gelatin). The wrap was produced based on ichthyo-gelatin with concentration from 5 to 15% and plasticizer (glycerol with concentration from 2 to 20%). All obtained wraps were subject to quality control considering organoleptic (flavor, color, look) and physicochemical properties (pH, moisture content, dissolution rate, film thickness, breaking stress at stretching, water vapor permeability). The obtained results showed that it is possible to use food wraps based on ichthyo-gelatin in public catering. Changes in plasticizer proportion made it possible to produce two types of film: the first one was thicker (2% of plasticizer) having low stretching ability it can further be used in production of bags for products storage and freezing; the second type of the film (5% of plasticizer) can be used to produce colorful films with prints which can be applied for protective and decorative wrapping of confectionery products. To use the developed films as a protective wrapping for cold dishes (such as salads and various cold cuts), to protect banquet dishes against drying and thick film formation it is necessary to pay especial attention to water vapor permeability of the film its dependence on the proportion of plasticizer and thickness. Variability of this parameter can extend the application sphere of the developed edible film.
Basil Ocimum L. belongs to the perspective aromatic and essential-oil plants. Its green mass and essential oils can be successfully used in different sectors of economy including food industry. In 56 samples of basil Ocimum L. having different ecological and geographic origin the author determined the content and yield of essential oils. The study of the taken basil cultivars shows that the content of essential oils in different types of basil (sweet basil – Ocimum basilicum L., holy basil – Ocimum tenuiflorum L., camphor basil – Ocimum kilimandscharicum Willd., hoary basil – Ocimum canum Sims.) was 0.28–0.83% when its yield was 24.0–314.6 kg/ha and green mass yield during technological maturity phase (massive flowering) was 0.51–5.08 kg/m2. By means of gas liquid chromatography method the author performed compositional and anantiometric analysis of the composition of the essential oils obtained from the new basil varieties such as Ocimum L. (Magiya, Volodar, Nastena, Istochnik), bred in Belorussian State Agricultural Academy and catalogued in the National Register of Cultivars in the Republic of Belarus. As a result of the research the author determined that essential oil samples obtained from the new basil cultivars have up to 20 components. The main components are linalool, methyl chavicol, - and -pinenes, -terpineol, eugenol, geraniol, geranial, geranyl acetate, thymol, neral, carvone, carvacrol, limonene and
1.8-cineol. Enantiomers are present in essential oil components - and -pinenes, limonene and linalool.
The article reveals the results of the study devoted to the consideration of the modern development level of agricultural consumer cooperatives in Lipetsk, Tambov and Smolensk Regions. The given research is based on using systematic approach during regional agricultural consumer cooperatives consideration. The author used monographic, abstract-logical, economic and statistical, as well as graphic research methods. Agricultural consumer cooperatives can guarantee achievement of individual goals of people living in rural areas, consumers, cooperative members and personnel. They can contribute to their personal wellbeing and social security, address the federal challenge which implies implementation of national priority project as well as employment and state food security. Today agriculture in Russia is in worse condition than compared to the pre-reform period. The article presents the main trends in development of agricultural consumer cooperatives in Russia. The research involved the following focus areas for analytical study: number of agricultural cooperatives, the main parameters of agricultural consumer cooperation development, statistic data on the number of agricultural consumer cooperatives working in the Central Federal District. The authors analyzed the data on the implementation of the regional funding program considering sustainable development of rural areas through organization and development of production in private households and farm enterprises. The article indicates the directions for agricultural consumer cooperatives development in Russia.
Multifaceted, multifactor and multicomponent nature of credit risk makes it possible to consider it as an integral hypothetical unit which consists of the autonomous diverse segments specifying risky situations. As the given article is focused on the mechanism of loan fund circulation within foreign currency loan the author considers the combination of credit, interest rate, foreign exchange and inflation risks within the aggregate (total, combined) credit risk. Foreign exchange and inflation risks generate special interest in relation to evaluation procedures as there can be statutory regulation of interest rate risk and well-functioning mechanism of debt capacity analysis as the main factor of credit risk. As commercial loans and bank credits taken by Russian companies are wide spread the authors of the article suggest an innovative procedure of aggregate credit risk assessment considering agricultural companies, as well as companies belonging to chemical and machine-building industries as “pure borrowers” (debtors). The research has a set sequence of procedures. During the first stage the authors structured a risky situation in the lending process, determined specific constituents and performed their further strategic agreement. The second stage implies the analysis of the possibilities and specific characteristics of the preliminary segment assessment of the risk level. The third stage involves the development of experimental synthetic approach to the segment assessment of the aggregate credit risk in case of foreign exchange rate and interest rate volatility when there are inflation expectations. The procedure considers the following scenarios: 1) isolated assessment of inflation risk; 2) isolated assessment of exchange rate risk; 3) complex assessment of inflation and exchange rate risks.