ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)

Modern condition and development prospects for agricultural consumer cooperation in the Central Federal District of the Russian Federation

The article reveals the results of the study devoted to the consideration of the modern development level of agricultural consumer cooperatives in Lipetsk, Tambov and Smolensk Regions. The given research is based on using systematic approach during regional agricultural consumer cooperatives consideration. The author used monographic, abstract-logical, economic and statistical, as well as graphic research methods. Agricultural consumer cooperatives can guarantee achievement of individual goals of people living in rural areas, consumers, cooperative members and personnel. They can contribute to their personal wellbeing and social security, address the federal challenge which implies implementation of national priority project as well as employment and state food security. Today agriculture in Russia is in worse condition than compared to the pre-reform period. The article presents the main trends in development of agricultural consumer cooperatives in Russia. The research involved the following focus areas for analytical study: number of agricultural cooperatives, the main parameters of agricultural consumer cooperation development, statistic data on the number of agricultural consumer cooperatives working in the Central Federal District. The authors analyzed the data on the implementation of the regional funding program considering sustainable development of rural areas through organization and development of production in private households and farm enterprises. The article indicates the directions for agricultural consumer cooperatives development in Russia.
Agricultural consumer cooperatives, minor forms of economy management, agricultural products, Lipetsk Region, Tambov Region, Smolensk Region, agriculture, government support
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