ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)

Volume 25, Issue 2, 2012

Galactosidase and proteolytic activity of lactic acid bacteria, of DELVO-YOG series is investigated. It is established that DELVO-YOG lactic acid bacteria have the maximum galactosidase activity when the CMC Akutsel 2785 is used as a stabilizer, and the minimum activity when sodium alginate NO4-600 is used as a stabilizer. It is found that DELVO-YOG lactic acid bacteria have the maximum proteolytic activity when sodium pyrophosphate SAPP 28 is used as a stabilizer. The minimum proteolytic activity of DELVO-YOG lactic acid bacteria is revealed when using CMC 6000-9000 stabilizer. It is noted that with increasing the mass fraction of the stabilizer from 0,5 to 1,0 %, an increase in galactosidase and proteolytic activity of all kinds of DELVO-YOG lactic acid bacteria occurs.
Investigation is focused on the ability of chitosan to bind β-lactoglobulin and optimization of technological parameters of selective extraction of whey proteins. The character and intensity of chitosan-protein interaction are determined by molecular weight and concentration of chitosan, pH and ionic strength of solution. The obtained experimental results show that chitosan can be effectively used for isolation of β-lactoglobulin from whey protein concentrate.
The results of research on physico-chemical properties of aqueous and aqueous-alcoholic extracts of cowberry are presented. Regression equations describing the change of the density, surface tension and dynamic viscosity of the extracts are obtained, depending on the temperature, concentration of dry water-soluble substances and alcohol. The analysis of the obtained data depending on the change of the parameters is presented.
Four varieties of tomatoes (red - Rychansky, pink - Starrose F1, yellow - the Shining sphere, black - the Black prince), two varieties of pepper (red the Gift of Moldova, yellow Yaroslav), two varieties of carrots (Rogneda, Shantene) and two varieties of a pumpkin (Volga gray 92, Vitamin), harvested on the territory of the Samara region were studied. The content of soluble solids, the mass fraction of the acids and reducing sugars, the content of phenolic substances, flavonoids, and β-carotene, and also strength restoring antiradical and antioxidant activity were defined. It is shown that the given indicators considerably differ depending on the vegetables variety.
The technology of kvass production from high density honey wort using philoosmosis yeast allocated from bee-bread has been developed. The effect of «HY-VIT», «Yeast Food GF» preparations on yeast physiological condition, process of fermentation is considered. The optimum dose of preparation is established.
The research was carried out to define the regimes of thermal processing of model milk-vegetable bases derived from dry cow milk and a vegetable component (mung bean) from the Republic of Vietnam. The study is devoted to defining the model system power for fermentation by lactic acid microorganisms. Analytical processing of results when studying organoleptic properties, physico-chemical and microorganic indexes of soured milk-containing products allowed to determine the parameters of pasteurization regimes of the milk-vegetable bases. The results showed that introducing of the flour obtained from mung bean into milk doesn't influence the development of lactic acid bacteria and allows producing sour milk-containing product with normalized quantity of starting culture cells.
The results of researches on the influence of the main technological conditions for the soft acid-rennet cheese manufacture (temperature, pasteurization and milk aging time, the duration of fermented milk curd and granular curd processing, and cheese self-pressing time) on the product formation and quality are described. The most efficient conditions have been established.
The paper presents the results of a study of process parameters regimes groats meal drying temperature, unit load, thickness, length and speed, which is designed on the basis of non-waste technology of production of powders of the meal of oatmeal. Identified and analyzed nutrient losses oat meal under the influence of temperature. Studied the organoleptic, physico-chemical and microbiological quality of freshly developed powder oat meal, and their changes during storage. Set the value of iodine number, acid number and peroxide value at which a rancid odor. Based on the results of studies on the technical documentation of food powders cereal cakes, which are used as dressers bakery products and food concentrates.
The technology of manufacturing of the functional fermented milk product with rose hips extract and prebiotic galactooligosacharides (GOS) is developed. The article considers the influence of the prebiotic on the physico-chemical, microbiological and organoleptic properties of the fermented milk product. The optimum dose of GOS is established. Aiming at using the extract in the manufacture of the fermented milk product, the effect of extraction parameters on the quality of the extract is studied.
The technologies of manufacturing combined whipped milk-based products in a rotary pulsating machine have been developed. The results of experimental research have shown the effectiveness of product treatment in the rotary pulsating machine, various kinds of plant raw material being used as fillers.
The problems of the development of new food products with milk replacement (animal) fat in vegetable oils, in particular, milk fat substitutes. Showing distinctive alternatives to milk fat compared with milk. Presents the quality and nutritional value (fatty, amino acid composition, grain size distribution of lipids, vitamins) of dry fermented milk product for special purposes (dried sour product). The ways of obtaining high quality dried sour product which is resistant to long-term storage of high nutritive and biological value (using freeze "gentle" drying, the enrichment of bifidobacteria and vitamins, antioxidants stabilize).
This article considers two ways of introduction the seed material for provide in the flow homogeneous crystallization of lactose. The influence of hydrodynamic forces for distribution of seed material throughout volume of product, the process of crystallization and the size of crystals was investigated by using of streaming cooling-crystallizer.
The article deals with the main ways of butcher blood stabilization. The blood clotting mechanism is studied. The influence of stabilizers on the content of plasma and forming elements is defined. The fractional composition of the stabilized plasma proteins of alimentary blood is defined.
Quality parameters of the fish preserves, made with addition of the spice-oil extracts on the basis of cinnamon are investigated. It is established that using the spice-oil extracts as a fill when making the preserves, reduces the intensity of microbial processes and reduces the oxidation of lipids in the products during storage. Antiseptic and antioxidant effect of the spice-oil extracts is due to presence of the active lipid-soluble substances of a spice.
The content of some biologically active substances of wild plant raw materials (linden flowers, nettle leaves, origanum inflorescences and leaves) growing on the territory of the Kemerovo region has been studied. Absorption spectra of whey extracts of the mentioned raw materials are presented at extraction temperatures of 60 and 90 С. The data on the degree of solids, polyphenols, carotinoids, chlorophyll and vitamin C transition from wild plant raw materials into a whey extract depending on the temperature of extraction have been obtained. Modes of extraction have been proved. The technology of the whey extract and syrup on the basis of wild plant raw materials for the purpose of dairy products enrichment has been offered. Physical, chemical and organoleptic properties of whey extracts and syrups obtained have been studied.
We studied the 3 varieties of apples summer, collected in the Samara region. The content of soluble solids, titratable acids, the mass fraction of the content of the pulp, reducing sugars, the content of phenolic compounds, flavonoids, as well as antiradical and antioxidant activity, the restoring force. It is shown that these figures vary considerably depending on the variety of apple.
The results of experimental studies on the development and selection of optimum process parameters for the combined chopped food products based on chicken meat on the technology of chilled foods. Studied the microbiological safety performance semi-finished chilled, chopped reclaimed meat products. Determined by organoleptic properties of meat-cal chopped food products during storage.
The technology of meat zrazy with lupine paste-like concentrate as a vegetative component is developed, the manufacture being based on the stages of homogenization, sterilizations, dispersion. The ready product possesses high accessibility of protein components. The developed formula for meat zrazy with lupine paste-like concentrate based on a biotechnological way of obtaining a vegetative concentrate is marked with the increase of food value. The physico-chemical characteristics of lupine seeds in comparison with other cultures are given. Organoleptic researches of experimental samples of products from meat raw materials (beef + pork) and a vegetative paste-like concentrate (lupine) are performed. The technology of meat semifinished products production, exemplified by meat zrazy with lupine paste-like concentrate (as a filler) has better compounding.
The chemical composition of three varieties of pumpkins zoned in the Primorsky Kray has been determined. The possibility of using pumpkins to optimize functional and technological properties and the chemical composition of minced meat products has been investigated. The dosage of pumpkin that increases the content of β-carotene in minced meat products to the status of a functional ingredient has been established.
Possibility of use of potentially-trade brown seaweed of Far East region and ridge in food technologies in the form of the hydrolysates received by acid hydrolysis by food lemon acid is considered. Laws of accumulation of carbohydrates in hydrolysates depending on conditions of hydrolysis are defined and rational parameters of acid hydrolysis are established. The chemical compound and network forming properties of the received hydrolysates is studied.
The article deals with the results of experimental researches on the influence of culture liquid of propionic-acid bacteria upon amino-acid composition of boiled sausages. It has been established that the introduction of the disintegrated culture liquid into boiled sausage formula will increase its biological value.
A powder semi-processed product has been developed for white bread with insufficient saccharifying power. The composition of the semi-processed product includes wheat flour of high quality, barley malt and inactivated yeast. The comparative analysis of a semi-processed product and wheat flour according to the number of the main nutrients has been made. The influence of a semi-processed product on the quality and nutritional value of bread has been studied.
The article presents the results of the research on the influence of design and operation parameters of rotary-pulse devices on foaming capacity of skimmed milk. It is show that the device with the internal stator and forced feed of air flows is effective for making whipped milk products.
This article presents the results of modernization of the air-evaporation condenser cooling in ESF, evaporation condenser cooling the circulating water in water cooling tower using ESF, tested at SLL «Myasokombinat Irkutskiy». The proposed constructive solutions of centrifugal-jet nozzles provide reliable performance for air and evaporation condensers, water saving and the uniformity of cooling medium spraying.
Application of an electrostatic field as factor of an intensification of process of work of the air condenser is considered. Dependences of criteria of Weber, Frud, Galilee, by Nusselt from intensity of a field and the size of drops of water, dependence of change of factor of return of heat from a surface of a bunch of pipes from speed of the environment of cooling are defined at a cross-section flow. Results of the spent researches can be used by working out and designing of air condensers with water injection on a surface of heat exchange, condensers of cooling by evaporation, devices of cooling of turnaround water, and also in irrigating chambers of central airs of air.
The influence on heat exchange of various ways of introducing air in the heating water supplied in the jackets of the rotary spray-type evaporator is investigated. For air input lances of different constructions were used. The influence of turbulization on heat exchange was estimated with the coefficient of concentration. The rational parity of feeding air into heating water and the design of an inlet tube are defined.
The influence of temperature and the content of solids on physico-chemical properties (density, viscosity, surface tension) of kvass wort concentrate has been investigated. The analysis of results of experimental researches of physico-chemical properties of a kvass wort concentrate defined by the widely spread experimental methods is presented. The plural regress equations characterizing the change of density, dynamic viscosity and surface tension depending on a wide range of temperatures and the content of solids in a kvass wort concentrate have been obtained.
The work is devoted to the research on the kinetics of refrigeration processing of cattle blood. Experiments on freezing and defrosting of the cattle blood have been done at various thickness of the sample layer. On the basis of the carried-out researches the graphs of temperature dependence against time in the center of the sample have been plotted. The given temperature curves of blood freezing and defrosting are divided into three stages. The duration of each of the stages depending on the thickness of the studied sample has been established. According to the graphs plotted the cryoscopic blood temperature has been established. The polynomial equations of the second and the third degrees describing the behavior of the temperature curves at various stages of refrigeration processing of cattle blood have been obtained by means of mathematical analysis.
The analysis of daily diets for infants and teenagers kept under observation at Kemerovo children's treatment-and-prophylactic institutions is given in the article. The evaluation of real diet in terms of main nutrients and dietary supplements is presented. The efficiency of dietary supplement Novalit used as a means of subsidiary therapy for infants and teenagers having various functional conditions is shown. The dietary supplement Novalit is used for optimization of carbohydrate, fat, protein, vitamin and other types of metabolism.
The effect of different concentrations of lysozyme and lactoferrin on probiotic cultures of different taxonomic groups is shown. On the basis of the research the composition of multifunctional biologically active additive for the enrichment of dairy products has been substantiated. It includes probiotic cultures, lysozyme and lactoferrin.
The possibility of using cherry and sweet cherry fruits growing in the Kemerovo region for the manufacture of the confitures enriched with vitamins is investigated. The technology is chosen and formulas are developed; regulated quality indices, terms and modes of the product storage are established.
Presents the results of determining the presence synthetic colorants Tartrazine (E102), Quinoline Yellow WS (E104), a Sunset Yellow FCF (E110), Azorubine (E122), Ponceau 4R (E124), a Allura red AC (E129), Indigo carmine (E132), Brilliant Blue FCF (E133) in lemonades and juices, using new variant of of thin-layer chromatography - microcolumn liquid-adsorption chromatography with densitometric detection zonessorbate in the sorbent layer. Suggested method had advantages compared to traditional TLC: shorter analysis time, higher reproducibility of retention parameters, high efficiency, higher separation of peaks, low consumption of eluent and adsorbent, absence of chromatographic chambers.
The article deals with the assessment of the compliance of tonic beverage labels with the technical documentation requirements. The standard content of ingredients providing optimum tonic effect is examined. Availability of the label information concerning the temperature condition, expiry date, undesirable consumption and daily consumption rate is analyzed.
The kinetics of phenol adsorption in aqueous solutions with carbon adsorbents was investigated. The form of kinetic curves of phenol adsorption with AG-OV-1 and ABG activated carbons differs from a classical one. It is shown that the time of adsorption equilibrium achievement in a phenol - water - AC system varies in the range of 30-60 minutes. It is established that adsorption process is limited by external diffusion. Coefficients of external diffusion were calculated. The values of external diffusion coefficients allow predicting high extent of phenol extraction from purified water at average rate of filtration through a fixed filter bed of a sorbent.
The way of a local contactless hyperthermal induction heating for biological tissues is developed on the basis of implantation of substituting composit applicator made of a polymeric material with incorporated ferromagnetic particles. The simplified mathematical model of the physical processes taking place at a sample heating is presented. The model results are used for approximation of the experimental data.
Complex research on acetaldehyde adsorption (balance, kinetics, dynamics) from water by means of activated carbon AG-3, ABG, KAC differed by nature, structure, specific surface value has been done. It is established that all equations of adsorption except for BAT can be applied to calculate the acetaldehyde adsorption. The mechanism of mass transfer has been defined and the outer diffusive mass transfer factors have been calculated. The equilibrium kinetic data necessary for engineering calculations have been obtained. The most effective rank of activated carbon has been revealed.
Of the several aspects of the creation of fortified foods is essential is the choice of target group of consumers, so marketing issues are an important factor for the producer. The analysis of consumer preferences to product to determine the optimal ratio between supply and demand and, consequently, to develop a competent and effective marketing policy of the enterprise. This article analyzes consumer preferences of Blagoveshchensk on caramel enriched with biologically active substances of plant and animal materials.