ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)

Медико-биологическая оценка мясорастительных паштетов для коррекции железодефицитных состояний

The modern level of knowledge about meat and vegetable raw material structure allows creating new technologies for the production of combined products corresponding to certain purposes. The present research work is dedicated to the development of processing technologies for meat-based products with functional properties for people predisposed to or suffering from iron deficiency anaemia (IDA), which is considered one of the most widespread diseases, both in the world and in Russia. The daily diet as well as particularly designed functional food products provide the vital substances that prevent or balance the deficiency, improve physiological processes of an organism, increase the resistance to diseases, and help to support an active way of life. All these criteria play an important role in the prevention of this disease.
Meat-based products, functional properties, from iron deficiency anaemia
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