ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)

Volume 13, Issue 2, 2009

The structure and properties of separate representatives of vegetative raw material (a dogrose, a cranberry, a sorrel, a ramson, a nettle) is studied, and also the opportunity of their use in manufacture of processed cheeses is investigated. Two technologies of preparation of vegetative raw material to processing are fulfilled. Influence of the maintenance of fat in dry substance of cheese, quantity of suspension or a concentrate of vegetative raw material, temperatures of fusion of cheese weight on taste, a smell, a consistence of cheese, and also the maintenance in it of vitamin C is established.
Possibility of use of products СО2-extraction of seeds of aromatic plants is investigated at preparation of bakery products from triticale torments. Positive influence СО2-shrots and СО2-extracts seeds of parsley, fennel, a celery and a coriander on baking properties triticale torments is shown, structure properties of the dough and quality of finished goods, thus bread gets pleasant taste and the aroma inherent in the certain aromatic additive.
We have studied the fermentation and the generation of product. Then we analyze fermented thermo-acid clot. We have used special ferment defined medium for output of cottage cheese products. The defined medium is cream with starter culture of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis, Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris, Lactococcus lactis subsp. diaceti-lactis и Lactobacillus casei. We have studied process of the fermentation and control it. We have to designed the process and the formula of new of cottage cheese product. We have explore physico-chemical and organoleptic and mycrobyologic characteristic of the product. We have determined the expiration date of the product.
Given clause is devoted to research of processes of crushing and pressing meat and bone cracklings. The block diagram of mathematical modeling of the combined processes of crushing and pressing is developed. The stages of the decision of a task of mathematical modeling of these processes and hierarchical structure of the system analysis includ-ing five levels are offered. Are developed the block diagram of effects of the fifth level of hierarchy of processes of crushing and pressing meat and bone cracklings, circuit of installation for crushing and pressing meat and bone crack-lings. The application of methods of the system analysis and modeling will allow to study processes of crushing and pressing.
The operating beginnings causing functional properties of soybeans and, as consequence, the basic consumer char-acteristics of products of their processing are considered. Results of own researches on working out of soya products are resulted.
The process aging horseflesh , changes in muscle and connective proteins under the effect of proteolysis. Characterized by stiffness of meat in terms of intramuscular connective tissue (collagen and elastin). For salting fresh horseflesh were used polikomponents brine and machining in the cyclic massaging. To assess the status of intramuscular connective tissue determined collagen weldability before and after treatment. There were investigated the changes of structural and mechanical properties of salted meat horseflesh, depending on the method of processing.
The model of development of figure in cheeses with a heat of the second heating is created. In a basis of development of model position considering change of concentration of the gas dissolved in cheese, diffusion of gas through a surface of cheese and reduction of concentration of gas as a result of metabolic activity of enzymes is incorporated. The Offered model is necessary for deeper understanding of the processes occuring in ripening cheese.
The opportunity of reception acid hydrolysats from a tissue of folding molluscs of Far East region Anadara brou-toni and Spisula sachalinensis. Is investigated at use as the hydrolizing agent of a food citric acid. Optimum parameters of carrying out of process are certain сoncentration of an acid 12%, time of carrying out 20 hours. On the basis of mathematical planning two-factorial experiment the equations of regress adequately describing dependence of the main-tenance of dry substances and the general nitrogen from concentration of an acid and time of process are offered. The maintenance of free amino acids in received hydrolysats is certain.
The article is devoted to the multicomponent baking mixes presented in the market; attempt of revealing their classification by the chosen signs.
The article provides the basic requirements for the development of specialized products for the elderly, presented a combined recipe cottage cheese pasta gerodieticheskogo destination kernel pine nuts, as a prescription component. The influence of pine nuts on the quality and biological value of cottage cheese-plant mass
The methods of two temperature-time interval allow to define thermophysical characteristic with a high degree of accuracy. They are universal for thermophysical researches of various groups of materials. These methods are complex and high-speed. The article contains theoretical bases of the first buffer method of two temperature-time intervals and description of a technique of its practical realization for experimental definition the thermophysical characteristics of solidlake, liquid and loose materials.
Исследовано влияние механохимической активации на состав пищевых волокон пряно-ароматического сырья, определено увеличение содержания растворимого пектина при одновременном снижении содержания гемицеллюлозы. Отмечено увеличение активности амилолитических ферментов пряно-ароматического сырья.
The characteristic and classification of biologically active additives to food, as necessary components of a diet of the modern person is given. Their role in food and health correction along with other factors providing a high-grade food is shown.
Authors the innovative approach to catering services of the concentrated contingents by optimization ingredients structure of diets with the set properties (indicators of a chemical compound and power value) on the basis of mathematical model, on methodology of parity of requirements is offered.
Useful properties and effects are resulted, rendered probiotikami and powder of inulina and oligofruktozy (BeneoTMSynergy1), which behave to the food fibres with prebioticheskimi properties, and their role in creation of products of the functional setting. The necessity of application of food additions, containing information pro- and prebiotiki is shown, in the production of vafel'.
Prospects of development of a baking production and the Russian market of bakery products, including functional purpose products are considered. The material to a substantiation of working out and a quality estimation in the bakery and flour confectionery products enriched by irreplaceable food substances is presented.
Influence of seasonal changes of milk on structure and properties soft кислотно-сычужных cheeses Is investigated. Data under the maintenance of fiber, fat, dry substances, lactoses, mineral substances, and also the characteristic of physical and chemical properties of milk on the periods of year (winter, spring, summer, autumn) are cited. The method of three-factorial experiment establishes influence of pasteurization of milk (in an interval from 70 up to 90 С), dozes of enzyme (from 1,0 up to 2,0 г on 100 kg of milk) and dozes of ferment (from 1,5 up to 4,5 %) on properties of a clot and органолептические parameters of a product.
Quality of the goods is one of its basic characteristics, making solving impact on creation of consumer preferences and formation of competitiveness of production, including fruit-and-berry. The major factors defining quality of fruit-and-berry production and allowing quickly enough to define the actual reasons of occurrence of lacks, are presented in the present article.
The important indicators of quality characterising safety and a keeping of oil, are acid and peroxide numbers which are regulated by the working standard documentation. Change of these indicators in the course of storage is studied. Influence of various temperature modes on safety karotinoid, containing in red palm-oil is investigated.
At present exists the problem of searching for and use new material for production of the capsules. The Possible alternative of the fabrication of the capsules are hydrolysatum squirrel milk. Presented in the form varied protein concoction, milk squirrels possess beside important function-technological characteristic, which possible also goal-directed to change. In persisting article are brought results of the study quantitative and qualitative composition hydrolysatum protein.
The content of macro- and micro- elements in several species of eatable mushrooms growing on the territory of Novosibirskaya Oblast, in the regions of mass mushrooming was studied. It was found that the content of macro- ad micro- elements in the mushrooms growing in Novosibirskaya Oblast agrees with the studies of mushroms from other regions of Russia. Among all microelements the following prevail: Zn, Cu, Fe, Mg and Ti. The correlation between the content of micro- and macro- elements in the mushrooms and the soil was established.
Studying of preferences and propensity, and also, on the contrary, stability of plants to any accumulation toxic substances the anthropogenous origin, based, mainly, on aspects of comparison of in detail comprehensively studied chemical compound of the same vegetative kind, raw materials from which is prepared in ecologically safe territories and in the zones characterised by critical pollution, is especially perspective and significant direction of research activities on selection and revealing of grades of the plants stable against environmental pollutions. Objects for researches had been chose family plants bean which vegetative raw materials have huge food significance and is widely applied in medical practice.
Are studied structure and properties fermental hydrolisat dairy fiber, it is given harakteri-stika fractions. The characteristic of fractions fermental hydrolisat dairy the squirrel after optimi-sation of parametres of technological process is investigated. It is studied containing-nie phenylalanin in different fractions. Results of the comparative analysis is hodnogo fermental hy-drolisat dairy fiber and the received product are noted. The mode of realisation of a method on the semiplant is proved.
Process of a fermentation of components of milk in connection with possibility their use in technology of dairy drinks is studied. Influences of temperature, active acidity on degree of hydrolysis of lactose are investigated, changes of carbohydrates in milk are established. The way of processing of dairy carbohydrates in connection with its use in technology of dairy drinks is chosen. It is shown that selectivity of bacteria of kind Lbm. acidophilum and Lbm. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricum concerning assimilation of some about-styh monocarbohydrates and oligocarbohydrates, possibly, is at the bottom of tolerance fermentnyh systems.
Are studied structure and properties of dairy whey in process kontsentrirovanija by the return osmos. Are investigated viscosity characteristics syvorotki. Dependences of effective viscosity of ultrafiltrational concentrates with a various mass fraction of solids are chosen. Fraction the structure whey fibers of ultra filtrates is studied.
Priorities of direction are considered in the area of developments and introduction of the quality management system on food and processing enterprises. The results of theoretical and applied researches are presented in the form of introduction of the international standards ISO 9000, ISO 22000 with observance of the GMP rules.
In presented work is carried out the detailed analysis of the factors influencing on goodmovement of enriched products on an example of baking yeast. Specificity of the goods, a circle of the basic competitors are defined, the pricing policy and methods of advancement of the goods in the market are analysed.
Substantiations of using the quality estimation criteria for disperse systems obtained under conditions of disintegration are presented. It is shown that quality of milled material should be estimated not only by its medium-sized value, but also by the form of the distributive function that describes the material granulometric structure. Criteria of merchandising estimations for the material milled with a grinder are offered for practical application. The suggested criteria allow to estimate not only quality of milled materials but also performance of the process equipment. Method of estimation of particulate solids quality is presented.