ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)

Biotechnological aspects of fruit wine production from local raw materials

This work purpose is to research the possibility of growing in Kemerovskaya region cherry and aronia using in fruit wines production with pure cultures of yeast excreted from fruit raw ma-terial. Quality and technological properties evaluation of cherry and aronia growing in Ke-merovskaya region is fulfilled. The pure cultures of wine yeast are excreted from fruit raw mate-rial micro-organisms. Their cultural and morphological properties are described. Excreted pure cultures are used to fruit wines of corresponded names receiving. The wines technology from these kinds of raw material was chosen, production regimes and parameters were set. Received wines are corresponded on produce demands, had the height quality. This is proof of chosen tech-nology cheerful prospects.
Cherry, aronia, pure cultures of yeast, technology of fruit wines
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