ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)

Volume 15, Issue 4, 2009

Development lactic and пропионовокислой microflorae in cheeses, depending on conditions of their maturing is studied. The data describing their number at various stages of maturing of cheese are cited. It is established, that maturing of cheese in a polymeric film leads to increase in microflora at all stages of maturing of a product and to improvement sensoric properties of a product.
Classification of disperse systems and essence of their stabilization by giving of modular stability is resulted by it. The factors influencing stabilization are described. The methodology of formation of a range reologic properties of dairy systems with use of texturizer additives is specified.
Is investigated possibility of application natural surrogate sugar (fructose and stevia) by manufacture vegetable juice containing drink (carrot and pumpkin). Optimum dosages of entering of substitutes of sugar are established. Compounding are developed for carrot and pumpkin drinks It is offered to use received vegetable juice containing drink in a dietary and functional food.
In the given work materials of the analysis of structure cottage cheese "Kuzbass" are resulted. Comparison amino acids and vitamin structure cottage cheese is lead. It is established, that in cottage cheese "Kuzbass" the maintenance of amino acids and
The opportunity of use of dry components on a dairy basis in manufacture плавленых cheese products is investigated. Data on structure and properties of dry dairy whey, a соево-dairy concentrate and the dry skim cottage cheese are resulted. The admissible quantity of dry components in a compounding плавленого a cheese product is fulfilled. Food and biological value processed cheese products with use of dry components is studied.
Process ageing of gels of components of milk in connection with possibility there is using in technology of dairy drinks is studied. Changes are investigated, occurring shchih in interphase structures of biopolymers in the course of storage gel components. It is chosen types gel and a way of processing of gels in connection with is polzovaniem it in technology of dairy drinks. The analysis of change of the relative maintenance of functional groups in gel of components is carried out
The researches of functional - technological properties of protein products from the oil cake of rape and false flax seeds grown in the conditions of the Siberian region are presented. The analyses of foaming and fat emulsifying capacities of protein products from the oil cake of rape and false flax allow to consider them as effective controller of alimentary system technological properties
Creation of food products with long-term storage period is especially actual. Using of antioxidants impeding to oxidative spoilage is the basic manner of consuming properties storage of products with oil's high level. In this connection the exploration of new mayonnaise with plant extract of antioxidant action is the aim of our research. Antioxidant properties of individual extracts and their compositions are investigated. Compositions with the most high antioxidant activity are selected. The quality indicators of new mayonnaise with plant raw material extract are studied during storage. Addition of plant composition is promoted to storage period prolongation of emulsion product as was shown. Mayonnaise quality is corresponded on produce demands
In the article is given the characteristic of plant ingredients for the ice cream - cedar flour and the cedar oil. The influence of the regimes of pasteurization, emulsification, homogenization, ripening on the quality and the biological value of liquid creamy mixtures for the ice cream with the additives of plant origin is investigated
The methods of two temperature-time interval allow to define thermophysical characteristic with a high degree of accuracy. They are universal for thermophysical researches of various groups of materials. These methods are complex and high-speed. The article contains theoretical bases of the first buffer method of two temperature-time intervals and description of a technique of its practical realization for experimental definition the thermophysical characteristics of solidlake, liquid and loose materials.
In clause the estimation of influence of some key parameters of work of a hydrodynamical grinder- dispersant on formation of quality of pastelike dairy products is resulted. Dependence between size of a backlash between a rotor and статором, and also a doze of the phosphatic additive and size of average diameter мицелл casein is established. Also research of influence of parameters of homogenization on change of the size of particles of a fatty phase is resulted.
The paper deals with the mathematical description of the process of mixing materials on the basis the covariation analysis. The latter has been conducted for the continuous type centrifugal mixer using by-pass flours. Result of theoretical investigations mathematical models for specified mixer have been obtained. It has been found out how both the fact of forming the by-pass flours and the process of averaging the material inside the apparatus act upon the induction of input signals fluctuations in combinuous type mixer
The mathematical modeling of the membrane module with diffusion layer removing based on the cybernetic approach is offered. The mathematical models of the initial and final products tanks are worked up. Their joint solvation has allowed to receive mathematical model of work of periodic action apparatus.
The intensification method of the process of granule formation by means of introducing the activator, a device of special configuration, into the working area of the dish granulator is suggested here. The activator introduction allows to make the process of granule formation controlled in productivity and quality of the finished product when reducing power consumption
Level-by-level distribution is investigated salt also a moisture on a monolith бруска at maturing cheeses «Dutch bar » and "Soviet" depending on a way of leaving (traditional in a polymeric film). It is proved, that maturing in a polymeric film promotes more uniform distribution of compound components in cheese, improves quality of a product and increases its development from unit of raw material.
In the article are given the information about the value of fats and in the nourishment, the physiological functions of fats in the organism, the metabolism of the polyunsaturated fatty acids of groups the omega -6 and omega -3 and their biological role, a quantity and relationship in the food ration.
Influence of seasonal changes of milk on structure and properties soft кислотно-сычужных cheeses Is investigated. Data under the maintenance of fiber, fat, dry substances, lactoses, mineral substances, and also the characteristic of physical and chemical properties of milk on the periods of year (winter, spring, summer, autumn) are cited. The method of three-factorial experiment establishes influence of pasteurization of milk (in an interval from 70 up to 90 С), dozes of enzyme (from 1,0 up to 2,0 г on 100 kg of milk) and dozes of ferment (from 1,5 up to 4,5 %) on properties of a clot and органолептические parameters of a product.
The extremely insufficient data on a chemical compound of widespread kinds of clovers are pressing questions of research activities among which directions especially interesting aspects of an establishment of the ecological, diagnostiko-morfologo-anatomic and phytochemical signs studied in parallel in comparative aspect are considered, and allowing to create base characteristics for definition of criteria of authenticity and quality of vegetative raw materials under condition of perspective introduction of clovers in scientific applied medicine.
There was study population of the Kemerovo region related to the products functional purpose in the case of products of viburnum and rowanberry. The study identified the most popular products on the basis of viburnum and rowanberry, the frequency of consumption, the importance of consumer characteristics and the degree of public awareness regarding the products of this group. Also there was identified a portrait of consumer. Analysis of survey data showed that the population of the Kemerovo region in the most part are not sufficiently familiar with the products on the basis of viburnum and rowanberry. Respondents who commit purchase pay attention mainly on the organoleptic properties, shelf life and price, pay less attention to the usefulness to the organism.
For present-day day before food industry costs the global problem of the lack of the protein products in feeding the population. This entails such consequences, as deficit of amino acid in the alive organism. The milk squirrels are a representative animal squirrel, and the most available to use in different branch of food industry. In article are brought composition, characteristic and functions milk squirrel
In clause various ways of reception of dairy-albuminous concentrates, and also structure of fibers MBK depending on a way of their reception are resulted. Except for it the maintenance of fibers казеиновых fractions and сывороточных fibers in received MBK is certain.
The micromorphological researches, allowing to establish authenticity, in details to diagnose and check high quality of vegetative raw materials, both in integral, and in the crushed kind, are an initial stage of comprehensive studying of new perspective kinds of plants for the purpose creations of articles of the standard documentation.
The estimation of innovative potential of Technical university executed on the basis of the hybrid expert systems is presented. It allows to consider multy parameters of scientifically-innovative activity. The presented approach to the decision of a task in view and its result are executed on an example of the Altay State technical university named after I.I. Polzunov, which allow to execute a comparative estimation of innovative potential of structural divisions as elements of scientific and technical association and to receive the general numerical characteristics of object of research. Results received with the use of elements of an artificial intellect allow to prove acceptance of administrative decisions at the university and at the organization of its innovative activity with the enterprises of an environment of high school, territories and branches of ability to live.
The structure of the trading offer of mineral waters in Kuzbas from the point of view of conformity to consumer expectations is investigated. The conclusion is made irrationality of this proposal regarding a high share in the goods turnover estimated in money terms, the mineral waters delivered by global commodity producers
The modern condition of system methodology is analyzed. The factors interfering its development are discussed. Opportunities of a deepening, modernization, constructivity the device of system methodology on the basis of transition are shown to a paradigm.
The basic qualities integrative paradigms of development of system methodology are characterized: its system-dialectic character, organismic orientations, allsides and integrity of formation of the system device