ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)

Modeling of the periodical membrane equipment for processing of the milk whey

The mathematical modeling of the membrane module with diffusion layer removing based on the cybernetic approach is offered. The mathematical models of the initial and final products tanks are worked up. Their joint solvation has allowed to receive mathematical model of work of periodic action apparatus.
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  2. Антипов С.Г. Конструктивные особенности мембранных аппаратов для обработки жидких пищевых продуктов / С.Г. Антипов, И.Г. Кретов, С.В. Шахов, А.И. Ключников // Хранение и переработка сельхозсырья. - 2001. - №6. - С. 51-52.
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