ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)

Volume 18, Issue 3, 2010

The technology of preparation of wild berry and plant raw materials to get a homogeneous system and a wild berry and plant raw material concentrate having a homogeneous structure and a high content of biologically active substances for the subsequent processing while manufacturing functional dairy products has been developed. Twelve compositions of wild berry and plant raw materials containing cranberry, nettle, sorrel, gooseberry, ramson for manufacture of processed cheeses have been offered. The shelf life of the half-finished products obtained has been proved.
Organoleptic and rheological properties of a kefir drink with garden balm whey syrup have been investigated. Technological parameters of its manufacture i.e., the 10 % garden balm syrup dosage and its introduction temperature 16 °С have been proved. The combined regulator of syrup acidity (lactic and citric acids in the ratio of 1:1) has been recommended.
The mathematical model of ultrafiltration of high-molecular substance solution is described. It allows to calculate the falling of membrane productivity owing to membrane pollution by the formed gel. The model considers two mechanisms of pollution: the formation of continuous gel layer and the blocking of separate membrane pores by gel plugs. Comparison with the results of the experiment is presented. The conclusion on the prevailing effect of pore blocking on the membrane productivity has been drawn on the basis of the analysis of the results.
The article presents the studies on the use of cedar paste in the formula of melted cheese products. The use of cedar paste in the formula contributes to the increase of essential amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, tocopherols, mineral substances in the finished product.
Ecological conditions of the poultry processing plants in Russia have been analyzed. The comparative analysis of typical strains of microorganisms possessing keratinolytic activity has been carried out. Positive actions of the strain possessing the highest keratinolytic activity and possibility of its application in poultry processing industry have been described. The innovative technique to produce complete feeds by addition of hydrolisates obtained from keratin-containing raw materials has been offered.
The acid coagulation of milk protein by introducing glucono-δ-lactone or starter cultures in skim milk has been considered. The efficiency parameters of the process functioning have been developed. The stochastic model for the calculation of these parameters has been developed. The model helps to describe the solution active acidity changes occurring in the course of time. The time sufficient for preparation of a solution for concentration has been calculated.
The possibility to use gooseberry of different varieties growing in the Kemerovo region in the manufacture of canned foods has been investigated. Technologies have been chosen, the natural puree and fruit sauce formulae have been developed. Regulated quality factors and products shelf life have been determined. Recommendations on their usage have been given.
The use of semifinished whips based on gas-liquid disperse systems has been considered. The effect of sodium caseinate and emulsifiers on the properties of semifinished whips has been studied. Foaming capacity and viscosity of the whips obtained have been analyzed. The prospects of their use in food technology are discussed.
Researches on the development of technology of canned foods on the basis of Cucumaria japonica Sempler with addition of meat and vegetables in polymeric containers 4L from lamister, with the net weight of 250g have been carried out. Formulae have been developed, modes of sterilization have been scientifically proved, food and biological value of canned foods «Krupennik with cucumaria and vegetables», «Ragout with cucumaria, meat, vegetables and beans» has been investigated. The data on the content of amino acids, fat acids, and presence of vitamins, macro- and microelements are presented.The exploratory run of canned foods has been produced in the Baryshcky meat cannery (Ulyanovsk region).
The article presents the results of a study of structure-mechanical and organoleptic characteristics of the new paste-like emulsion product. It has been established that it has thixotropic properties, is rich in animal protein and has adjusted fatty acid composition.
A method and a compact, highly efficient and economical unit for drying and decontamination of plant raw material have been developed. The method consists of a short time heat treatment of preshredded plant material in the fluidized bed. The novelty of the idea is to use the innovative technological method of interaction between two-phase solid and gaseous systems in the cylinder apparatus in the suspended state, permitting to use higher temperatures of the drying agent and to prevent the thermal damage and the product agglomeration. The proposed method provides high quality decontamination of plant raw material from microbial and other pathogenic contamination preserving its useful properties.
The research is devoted to the study of the effect of heat application on vacuum concentration of liquid dairy products. It has been noticed that the density of a heat flow is not a less important factor for liquid dairy products concentration than temperature and residual pressure. The effect of heat quantity on organoleptic, physico-chemical characteristics, density and viscosity of concentrated products, heat flow temperature and density change, heat specific expenses during concentration of liquid dairy products has been investigated.
The review shows the role of the chronobiological approach as one of the promising ways for the development and testing of functional foods as a section of modern biotechnology.
The scientific substantiation of new formulae of biologically active additives to food for sportspeople of various qualifications is given. In representative groups of highly skilled swimmers and skiers the efficiency of special foods has been proved by means of their inclusion in the diet and studying the specific indications of metabolic processes taking place in the bodies of sportspeople.
Evaluation of the cheese product presented as a snack and produced using new technology has been carried out. Based on the multifactor analysis, the conclusions on its main consumer properties have been made.
Nutritional status of people living in the Siberian regions, over the past 10-15 years has been analyzed. Scientific and methodological approaches to the formation of consumer properties of products from plant raw materials and functional foods based on them, adapted to extreme factors and negative environmental conditions of work and living in the Siberian region have been formulated. The methodical approach to the plant raw material processing and creation on their basis functional beverages and milk-containing, meat, bakery and confectionery products proposes: 1) to widen the product assortment to meet the needs of different population groups in the Siberian region; 2) to ensure food safety. The diversity of flavor and functional characteristics of foods, as well as raising their biological value are achieved by their enrichment with plant and mineral additives containing natural antioxidants, micro- and macroelements, sorbents and having anti-carcinogenic, anti-mutagenic, adaptation properties.
The qualimetric model of bakery foods and flour confectionery evaluation has been developed. To transfer the indices of consumer preferences into the quantitatively measured indices the structurization of the function of bakery foods and flour confectionery quality has been carried out. The model proposed considers quality as the hierarchical totality of properties. The indices of the first level of the model are: safety, physiologically functional properties, the complex quality index used to evaluate organoleptic properties and texture, the indices of nutritional quality and cost. The generalized quality index is the function of the single and complex quality indices and it makes possible to compare and rank similar products.
Adsorption kinetics of oxygen-, nitrogen-, chlorine-containing organic compounds by means of different carbon sorbents (activated carbons) has been studied. It has been established that the sorption of investigated organic substances is limited by external mass transfer. The mass-transfer coefficient of investigated organic substances in the «water solution - activated carbon» system has been calculated. Adsorption dynamics of individual organic substances and their mixtures from water solutions by means of different sorbents has been investigated.
Researches on revealing the laws of water activity index formation in water solutions of fructose have been made. The equations of regress and surface of response of water activity dependences and osmotic pressure from fructose concentration in a solution have been found. Experimental data can be used in the dairy industry, the canning industry and the confectionery industry.
The diversity in the structure of the sequence of 5.8, 18, 28S rRNA intergenic region (internal transcribed spacer or ITS-region) from various representatives of the genus for revealing intraspecific variation in sequences of these genes and the possibility of using the results of this study with Molecular identification of closely related species of this genus. The objects of this study were the nucleotide sequences of 5.8, 18, 28S rRNA intergenic region 7 of the type strains of , deposited in a database of NCBI. Multiple alignment of sequences and construction of phylogenetic tree conducted in the program ClustalW ( ).
Investigation of phenol and formaldehyde adsorption by activated carbons AG-3, ABG, KAC differed by nature, structure, specific surface has been done. The basic regularities, peculiarities and adsorption mechanism of organic components by activated carbons have been established.
The article deals with the innovative development in food industry, trade and food service industry. Special attention is given to the components of innovative development: stuff training; university - enterprise partnership, infrastructure formation. The presence of innovative development components in the boundary conditions (region) and the ways of creation and development of missing ones are mentioned.
This article presents an approach which can be used for the representation of material flow processes while dealing with the problem of dosing and mixing regimes control. In this technique the matching pursuit algorithm has been adapted for approximating the flow signals registered at the output of a dosing devices block. As a result of this procedure, the wavelet approximated signals are afterwards transformed into the so-called Wigner distributions (maps) which are the material energy flow signals density distributions over time-frequency space. The advantages, limitations, and possible extensions of the approach considered are outlined. An example on the reconstruction of a flow signal has been reviewed.
Two aspects of forming and equipping the structure of a mixture-producing aggregate with the purpose of obtaining a high-quality finished product have been considered in the paper. The aim of the first aspect is increasing a smoothing ability for continuous-type mixers with recycling and by-pass channels. The second aspect concerns modeling the processes in the aggregate on the basis of dynamic systems transfer functions techniques and the theory of signal graphs to determin the most comfort and associated performance regimes for dosing and mixing equipment.