ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)

The method of controlling the dosing and mixing processes on the basis of wavelet transforms

This article presents an approach which can be used for the representation of material flow processes while dealing with the problem of dosing and mixing regimes control. In this technique the matching pursuit algorithm has been adapted for approximating the flow signals registered at the output of a dosing devices block. As a result of this procedure, the wavelet approximated signals are afterwards transformed into the so-called Wigner distributions (maps) which are the material energy flow signals density distributions over time-frequency space. The advantages, limitations, and possible extensions of the approach considered are outlined. An example on the reconstruction of a flow signal has been reviewed.
Dry material dosing, wavelet function, Wigner distribution, Gabor wavelet parameters, wavelet matching pursuit algorithm
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