The researches on defining the survival rate threshold of concerning acetic acid has been carried out. The negative influence of its even small doses on infusoria survival has been experimentally shown. The results of researches of a survival rate threshold in relation to table salt and acetone have proved that this indicator decreases at the concentration of 4 % and more than 3,3 % accordingly. The results of researches on survival rate depending on the content of benz(a)pyren in sterilized canned fish, that have been obtained by the method of daily biotesting, testify that the change of the procedure of getting a more concentrated solution of acetone extract of benz(a)pyren and its subsequent least dilution does not influence the regularities in infusoria survival rate reaction. It allows to ascertain irrationality of infusoria application for biotesting of the benz(a)pyren content in the sterilized canned fish.Keywords
Benz(a)pyrene, control, biotesting, infusoriaREFERENCES
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