ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)

Volume 23, Issue 4, 2011

This article focuses onmanufacturing a newfunctional product- low lactose ice-creamtemperedwithenzymatic hydrolysis oflactose.The effect ofenzymatic hydrolysisof lactose in the ice-creammixtureto change themicrobiological indicesandquality of the finishedproduct has been studied.The influence ofenzymatictreatment on thesafety of temperedlow lactoseice-cream has been investigated.The effectof the enzymeβ-galactosidase activity of the drugon the physico-chemical, organoleptic and structural properties ofthe finished product has been studied. The data onthe storage ability oftemperedlow lactoseice-cream are presented.
Anisotropic distribution of salt and water for two ways of brinsen cheese "Armyanskaya" ripening at various stages of production (5, 15 and 30 days) has been studied.
The results of researches on lactose hydrolysis in skim milk used as a raw material for cheese product manufacture are given in the article.
It has been established that characteristics of the investigated stabilizers differ in the size and form of the particles, the density of their arrangement. The composition of structure stabilizers was investigated with the electronic microscope. Spectrometer profiles of the chemical composition have been obtained, the correlation of basic elements in structure stabilizers has been defined. Similarities in the availability of some chemical elements and their compositional correlation in the structure stabilizers of one type (CMC, gum and a sodium pyrophosphate) have been revealed. Mathematical processing of microphotos of structure stabilizers has been carried out; the masks defining the microemptiness in the structure of investigated stabilizer particles have been created.
The article deals with the choice of composition of a protein-fat emulsion with a biologically active additive in the form of selenium flour for pâté manufacture. The influence of a protein-fat emulsion with a biologically active additive and the protein stabilizer from boiled pork skin on functional-technological indices of pâté forcemeat is studied. Variants of the protein-fat emulsion optimum from the point of view of the functional-technological properties are chosen. The possibility of using protein-fat emulsion with the biologically active additive in the from of selenium flour and the protein stabilizer from a boiled pork skin in the manufacture of pâté with the purpose of enriching the meat product with selenium and improving its functional-technological properties is revealed.
The kinetics of the process of histidine splitting with L-histidine ammonia-lyase is studied. The technology for removal of the biotransformation products of histidine (ammonia and urocanic acid) in casein hydrolysates is developed, which allows to use them as the equivalent of a milk protein for the production of functional foods for patients with ahistidasia.
The article deals with biological methods of improving energy efficiency and of raising the level of potato yield in the Chernozem steppe.
В работе рассмотрены перспективы использования крови сельскохозяйственных животных в качестве основы для получения питательных сред для культивирования микроорганизмов. Получение питательной среды предлагается на основе обезвоженнойкрови. Исследован способ сублимационного обезвоживания крови с использованием в качестве предварительного замораживания жидкого азота.
The stochastic model allowing to study the process of gas-liquid disperse system destruction and formation has been created. The particularity of this model is the fact that the foaming process is characterized by mathematical expectation and dispersion of the bubble numbers and the destruction process by a function being of one of the parameters of the mathematical expectation.
Modes of corn grain preprocessing on the basis of a method of hydrothermal processing are developed which allow to control starch distribution among endosperm and germ fractions at the process of crushing. This will allow transferring the ethanol production technology to the perspective multiproduct scheme. Researches have been carried out to compare the two raw material samples cultivated at various environmental conditions proving versatility of the given mode.
The investigation on beef salting process using bacterial concentrates of Propionibacteium has been conducted. An optimal quantity of bacterial concentrate was chosen using experiment design methods.
The results of the study on the possibility of enriching a fermented milk protein product with wheat bran and dihydroquercetin are presented in the article. The organoleptic, physical-chemical features of wheat bran from different varieties of wheat grown on the territory of the Amur region and the influence of their introduction on the organoleptic features of the fermented milk protein product have been studied. The possibility of using dihydroquercetin derived from the Daurskaya larch as a functional component in the protein product composition has been explored.
The article presents the research on the influence of the electrolyte pH on the yield and quality of extracted oil, cake and meal at the stage of wetting cedar oil seed meal. Processing with electrolytes allows to reduce the enzyme activity, to increase the oil yield during pressing, and to produce the high quality cedar oil, cake and meal.
Significant amounts of octopus skin having no application are formed when preparing semi-finished articles for tinned octopus. Pre-processing treatment of the clamraising the output of thesemi-finished articlesfor canning has been justified. The technology ofthe newcannedoctopus permittingthe inclusionof the skinin therecipeof the product has been developed.
Two variants of applying the seed material at the optimum temperature of mass crystallization of lactose have been considered both being efficient and can be used in the operation of stream cooler-crystallizer. It has been determined that the use of stream cooler-crystallizer of disk-treatment in the technological scheme allows to evenly distribute the seed material throughout the volume of the product, while the hydrodynamic effect on the product intensifies the process of crystal formation and promotes the formation of crystals of smaller size.
This is a study of structure and properties of lipids of wheat and amaranth flour to determine the advisability of using the latter in bakery production. The analysis of literature and experimental data shows that a larger lipid content and, consequently, higher activity of lipase and lipoxygenase is characteristic of the amaranth flour which is relevant for speeding up the ripening of baking dough. Fatty acid composition of amaranth flour is better balanced than that of wheat flour.
The article deals with the peculiarities of people's diet in hot climate. The water preparation technologies and advanced ways of dry dairy products recombination are considered.
The attention to the problem of manufacturing the dry forms of a propionic preparation based on propionic acid bacteria Propionibacterium freudenreichii has been given. The nutrient medium used for the bifidobacteria growth is reported to be employed as a background medium for culturing bacteria. Some conditions to accumulate bacteria biomass for the nutrient medium have been determined. The following points were considered to be the main factors of the process: temperature maintained, duration, cobalt ion content used as a precursor for B vitamin synthesis. The resulting liquid ferment with a maximum accumulation of propionic bacteria biomass was dried by a spray drying method. While performing the process the manufacture modes were developed that could lead to the minimum bacteria destruction and the survival of a sufficient quantity of live bacteria relative to a liquid ferment.
The research on the complex estimation of quality parameters of parsley extracts has been done with a computer program based on the clustering database method. The application of electrocontact treatment allows to raise several times the yield of fluoride ions from the wet mass of parsley leaves. The raw material was treated with alternating current of industrial frequency at the voltage of 50-150 V. The time of treatment didn't exceed 15 minutes. By comparing the data of the hierarchical distribution presented in the form of priority characteristic diagrams, it was established that the most effective mode of electrocontact treatment of crude mass of parsley leaves is passing an electric current at a voltage of 100 V during 10 minutes.
A comparison of various schemes for the material stream movement in a new design of centrifugal mixer has been done on the basis of the cybernetic approach concepts. The parameters for the transfer functions of the mixer construction and the whole mixture-producing aggregate have been found empirically. The rational parameters of the mixing process to ensure the maximum fluctuations smoothing in supplying flows have been identified and investigated.
The parameters affecting most of all the efficiency of the vibratory plate extractor operation when dissolving sugar syrup have been established and their application borders have been presented. The rational values of the main operating characteristics and vibratory extractor specifications have been determined. Some practical recommendations on using the vibratory extractor in the food processing industry have been given.
The formula of a new functional product intended for feed optimization and health maintenance of pregnant and feeding women has been developed. The normalized quality and safety indices of the product are defined. The content of food substances, satisfying the needs of a woman organism in irreplaceable nutrients at the 19-49 % level is established.
The results of the study of soya quality and soya flour obtained, as well as technological methods to reduce antinutrients in soya and its subsequent use for the production of fruit sauces are given. The sauce recipe and technology to use soya flour with reduced content of antinutrients have been developed. The physical-chemical and organoleptic characteristics and nutritional quality of foods developed have been determined.
Designed is BAFA Rastivit- an extract of plants and fruit raw materials of the Southern Urals, resulting from hydrobarothermal treatment, enriched with vitamins and succinic acid. The per day consumption of 10 ml of Rastivit provides at least 83% of daily requirement in bioflavonoids, 20% of succinic acid and 8.8 to 100% of vitamins.
Designed are composition formulas and production technology of a plant tablet form biologically active food additive with targeted functional properties. Regulated quality indices and shelf life have been established. The functional orientation of the product has been clinically proved through its inclusion in the diet of patients suffering from vascular dystonia.
At present lactose and its derivatives are widely used in medicine, food industry, luxury cosmetics. Due to its unique properties, the lactobionic acid, a product of lactose oxidation is of special interest. Therefore, the development of a quick and reliable method for assessing the quality of hydroxy acid, and the products obtained during its synthesis is highly topical. One of the perspective directions for modern analysis of carbohydrates is chromatography but the method of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) for lactobionic acid appeared to be labor-consuming and there are no data on gas-liquid chromatography (GLC). The possibility of using the gas-liquid chromatography to analyze the quality of lactobionic acid is shown; the method and optimal conditions of chromatography are described. It has been found that the best resolution of the peaks is reached in the mode of temperature programming from 175 to 260 °C at a rate of 6 deg/min and the sensitivity of flame ionization detector - 2∙10A. The time of lactobionic acid retention has been defined. It has been shown that it is not affected by the presence of lactose.
The articlepresents the results ofexperimental data obtained fromstudiesof chemical composition,organoleptic andsanitary-safety indicesof naturalstructure-builder sampling fromfish skin. The storage life of obtained structure-builder has been identified. The results of the study have shown that the structure-builder from fish skin has high quality indices.
The article presents the results of the spectrophotometric experimental investigation on antioxidant activity with FRAP (ferric reducing ability of plasma) and FIC (ferrous-ion chelating) and phosphomolybdate methods in the apple juice and pulp of three summer varieties («Konfetnoe», «Malt», «Montet»), three autumn varieties of the Volga region («Spartak», «Kuibyshevskoe», «Jigulevka») and apple aseptic concentrates produced from summer and autumn varieties.
New kinds of syrups based on local plant raw materials have been developed. The characteristic of formula components defining functional orientation of beverages is given. Regulated quality indices and beverage storage life have been defined.
Thecomparative estimation of quality and composition of organic acids in concentrates of kvass wort, kvass and kvass beverages is given with the purpose of defining typical ones as markers for kvass identification. It is shown that the spectrum of organic acids formed in the fermentation process of kvass wort is wider in the kvass of fermentation. In kvass beverages malic acid which passes from a kvass wort concentrate prevails. The basic organic acid in the kvass of fermentation is succinic. Thus high concentration of succinic acid and the low content of malic acid can serve for identifying the kvass of fermentation.
The results of analysis of the agriculture development in the Yaroslavl region are presented. The main directions of this development have been detected. The information on pedigree cattle renewal is given. The researches conducted jointly with the administration of municipal districts and branch departments of the Yaroslavl region allowed to form a list of agricultural enterprises and their central estates. The regional program "The development of agriculture and rural areas of the Yaroslavl region" for 2010-2014 aims at their development. The main indices of milk production and cow productivity in the farms of all categories are reflected.