The attention to the problem of manufacturing the dry forms of a propionic preparation based on propionic acid bacteria Propionibacterium freudenreichii has been given. The nutrient medium used for the bifidobacteria growth is reported to be employed as a background medium for culturing bacteria. Some conditions to accumulate bacteria biomass for the nutrient medium have been determined. The following points were considered to be the main factors of the process: temperature maintained, duration, cobalt ion content used as a precursor for B vitamin synthesis. The resulting liquid ferment with a maximum accumulation of propionic bacteria biomass was dried by a spray drying method. While performing the process the manufacture modes were developed that could lead to the minimum bacteria destruction and the survival of a sufficient quantity of live bacteria relative to a liquid ferment.Keywords
Propionic acid bacteria, nutrient medium, B vitamin, dry ferment, spray dryingREFERENCES
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