ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)

Volume 16, Issue 1, 2010

High rates of food technology development and the covering processes of information ageing and renovation bring the public's attention to the problem of improving the fundamental character of higher education and its orientation to further advances in food production technology and technique. At the same time the problem of eliminating the barriers of specialization in engineers training has not been solved hither to. Higher education institutions of food technology train engineers of particular specialties. They have poor knowledge of adjacent specialties, are absolutely untrained to joint work with engineers of other fields
Different conditions of milk ripening, coagulability, curd syneresis and solids content in whey as well as soft acid-rennet cheeses organoleptical properties have been studied.
The description of two types of vertical vibrating mixers and the correlation analysis of loose material flows in them is given. The influence of recycling and forwarding flows on inertial properties of mixing devices has been established.
The work has been done for the purpose of market analysis of white baker's flour in Kuzbass and the insurance of population requirements in the given production by the regional manufacturers. During experimental researches the comparative estimation of quality indicators of flour of various manufacturers presented in retail trade of the Kemerovo region has been carried out.
The influence of small quantities of sea buckthorn oil on the kinetics of vegetable oils oxidation has been studied. It has been shown that the sea buckthorn oil addition to vegetable oils increases considerably their oxidative stability. The sea buckthorn oil storage throughout the year doesn't influence its antioxidative properties.
The development of enterprises of the food processing industry in the 90th did not differ from general negative tendencies in Russian economy. Estimating a current situation, it becomes obvious that the necessity of restructuring its enterprises for the purpose of insuring food safety and supplying population with adequate amount of quality foodstuffs has become urgent. To carry out effective restructuring it is requited to develop and perfect the methodology of this process taking into account the present economic situation in the industry and the food branch in particular.
Gelatinization, curd syneresis and the whey composition during acid-rennet mix coagulation with dry nonfat milk addition has been studied. The amount of dry nonfat milk, the starter culture dose and milk clotting enzyme was varied. The duration of coagulation, the amount of the whey separated and the content of solids in the whey at different conditions of the experiment was determined. The results obtained were used for the development of new milk products
The foaming process of skim milk has been investigated. The use of a skim milk concentrate as the basis for foamed product has been proved. The influence of technological parameters of foaming process, carried out by the rotary pulsation device, on the ready product quality has been studied. The stochastic model for the estimation of foaming process efficiency has been developed
It is established that the vacuum-pulse method of drying leads to a reduction of the flavor components content in the edible mushrooms ().
The possibility of applying the vacuum-pulse drying for increasing the content of free amino acids and reduction of the trypsin inhibitor activity in edible mushrooms () is shown.
The article proposes the problem solution of providing the quality of functional surfaces of food machines working elements. The aim is achieved by the development of information models of technological blocks (TB). The solution of this problem has been considered on the example of TB synthesis for the technological support of screw quality parameters, the screws being widely applied working elements of food machines. The technical specification to build the optimal TB taking into account technical-economic characteristics has been developed.
An innovative technology of the production of the gel type biologically active additives has been developed. It provides maximum safety of biologically active substances, prescriptive constituents and the efficacy of their direct action on the correction of metabolic processes.
The results of clinical trial of complex usage of functional cosmetics on beta cyclodextrin basis (external cosmetics) and biologically active additive as an additional source of vitamins (enteral cosmetics) are given. Preparations are developed for greasy, delicate, and acne skin care. Estimation of developed preparation efficiency was conducted on the group of research subjects consisting of 48 patients with acneiform rash.
Biologically active peptides are widely used in food industry and a pharmaceutical industry. Special attention is given to obtaining of peptides, from hydrolysis of proteins, or from peptide fraction of certain fibre structures. Studying of such peptides has allowed to allocate certain laws in their aminoacid sequences. On the basis of such laws biologically active peptides from milk proteins directed on decrease in arterial pressure at hypertensive illness and chronic heart insufficiency have been received.
The analysis of a chemical composition of red palm oil and products of its processing has been carried out because of using the red palm oil as a component in the recipes of emulsified creams developed. Organoleptic, physico-chemical and microbiological indicators of the refined deodorized red palm oil CAROTINO, and its olein fractions have been investigated.
Polymeric films of collodion have been manufactured and investigated. The percentage of nitrogen and the degree of collodion etherification as well as probable conformations of cellulose nitrate macromolecules, which substantially influence physical, chemical and technological properties of investigated films have been determined. The collodion films thickness has been determined by optical method.
The influence of urea on the processes of denaturation of the protein fractions of milk and dairy products has been studied. The conditions for evaluating the degree of milk protein denaturation have been established.
A comparative analysis of the nucleotide sequences of Lactobacillus deposited into the NCBI database has been carried out. Genus-specific and species-specific primers for indication and identification of L. bulgaricus and L. acidophilus have been synthesized. Genus-specific and species-specific primers designed have a low degree of homology regarding DNA regions of other bacteria of lactic fermentation that ensures their specificity. The developed method of indication of lactic acid bacteria and a complex scheme of their generical and specific identification can be used to characterize the isolated strains of Lactobacillus. It can be of practical interest for use in a system of quality control of foodstuffs enriched with Lactobacillus.
The nonconventional for technical sciences methodical approach to studying the scientific and technical literature by using the content-analysis and bibliometry has been offered. The paradox of keywords has been formulated. The examples of using the author's algorithm of preliminary bibliographic search are given.