Volume 50, Issue 4, 2020
Introduction. Targeted diabetic confectionery for people with carbohydrate metabolism impairment includes sugar substitutes or sweeteners instead of sugar. At the same time, modified carbohydrate composition should guarantee high sensory characteristics of the finished product, production technology and the raw materials being the main quality factors. Certain safety requirements are imposed on sweeteners and sugar substitutes, and their daily intake is regulated. Sweeteners and sugar substitutes have various technological and functional properties that are taken into account when developing specialized confectionery products. In this regard, the search for substitutes of non-sugar nature is a relevant matter. The research objective was to analyze, systematize, and generalize international and domestic experience in the use of sweeteners and sugar substitutes in the technology of confectionery products.
Study objects and methods. The authors analyzed related scientific articles and legislative documents over the past ten years. The materials were obtained from Elibrary, Scimago Journal Country Rank, Scopus, and Scielo. The methods included analysis, systematization, and generalization.
Results and discussion. Technological exclusion of sugar from formulations of flour and sugar confectionery is a difficult task. Each of the currently known sweeteners and sugar substitutes has its advantages and disadvantages. The authors analyzed their specific features, technological properties, and consumption rates. They identified sweeteners that are widely used in technologies of sugar and flour confectionery products and do not affect the sensory characteristics of the finished product.
Conclusion. The range of sweeteners and sugar substitutes in confectionery technology is limited. The domestic and foreign experience of using sweeteners showed that stevioside and sorbitol are used both as sweeteners and in flour confectionery. Isomalt and lactitol proved effective in chocolate production, if used under optimal technological conditions. New scientifically based formulations and technologies for targeted confectionery for people with impaired carbohydrate metabolism and further research on the use of sweeteners and sugar substitutes will satisfy the increasing demand for these products and expand the range of healthy foods.
Study objects and methods. The authors analyzed related scientific articles and legislative documents over the past ten years. The materials were obtained from Elibrary, Scimago Journal Country Rank, Scopus, and Scielo. The methods included analysis, systematization, and generalization.
Results and discussion. Technological exclusion of sugar from formulations of flour and sugar confectionery is a difficult task. Each of the currently known sweeteners and sugar substitutes has its advantages and disadvantages. The authors analyzed their specific features, technological properties, and consumption rates. They identified sweeteners that are widely used in technologies of sugar and flour confectionery products and do not affect the sensory characteristics of the finished product.
Conclusion. The range of sweeteners and sugar substitutes in confectionery technology is limited. The domestic and foreign experience of using sweeteners showed that stevioside and sorbitol are used both as sweeteners and in flour confectionery. Isomalt and lactitol proved effective in chocolate production, if used under optimal technological conditions. New scientifically based formulations and technologies for targeted confectionery for people with impaired carbohydrate metabolism and further research on the use of sweeteners and sugar substitutes will satisfy the increasing demand for these products and expand the range of healthy foods.
Introduction. Bankruptcy is the most important element of legal regulation of modern market relations. National economy has to be able to predict a potential default in the general system of anti-crisis management. Therefore, it needs advanced techniques and tools of anti-crisis diagnostics for the timely management solutions.
Study objects and methods. The analytical information presented in this work is multi-tiered and reflects the all-Russian, industrywide, regional, regional-industry, and corporate levels. The research featured agricultural enterprises of the Kemerovo region. The information underwent three types of formatting: legislative, statistical, and diagnostic.
Results and discussion. During the first stage, the authors assessed external factors and trends in individual components of anti-crisis diagnostics in a given economy sector against the background of all-Russian and industry-wide trends. Enterprises appeared sensitive to bankruptcy risk; the trend decreased in 2014–2018. The second stage involved developing of a selective-indicative model for diagnosing insolvency of Russian organizations. The model took into account regional and industrial traits and focuses on large and medium-sized agricultural enterprises in the region. The model selected general indicators from a set of studied parameters, formed from fifty financial ratios presented in twenty-two of the most well-known methods of anti-crisis analysis. Bankruptcy was diagnosed on the basis of preference matrix, according to the criterion of the active use of coefficients in analytical practice. A comparative analysis of bankruptcy criteria and indicators made it possible to define the degree of adequacy of the set of indicators. Four analytical vectors were defined after thematic grouping of the identified indicators: balance sheet liquidity (current liquidity ratio), property and capital structure (financial dependence and asset mobility ratios), security (working capital ratio with own circulating assets), efficiency (economic profitability, or loss ratio, and the ratio of business activity in the market). The equation of rating assessment of the insolvency probability demonstrated the total impact of these indicators, taking into account their individual “equity participation” in the aggregate of key parameters.
Conclusion. The final set of general exponents of the diagnostic model can be qualified as a neuro-analogue of “classical” models that ignores the values of the regression coefficients, which are usually not adapted to Russian realities. The model built on the basis of bankruptcy indicators, taking into account their individual “equity participation” in the rating number, can be used as a flexible methodological tool for diagnosing bankruptcy in the national economy of Russia.
Study objects and methods. The analytical information presented in this work is multi-tiered and reflects the all-Russian, industrywide, regional, regional-industry, and corporate levels. The research featured agricultural enterprises of the Kemerovo region. The information underwent three types of formatting: legislative, statistical, and diagnostic.
Results and discussion. During the first stage, the authors assessed external factors and trends in individual components of anti-crisis diagnostics in a given economy sector against the background of all-Russian and industry-wide trends. Enterprises appeared sensitive to bankruptcy risk; the trend decreased in 2014–2018. The second stage involved developing of a selective-indicative model for diagnosing insolvency of Russian organizations. The model took into account regional and industrial traits and focuses on large and medium-sized agricultural enterprises in the region. The model selected general indicators from a set of studied parameters, formed from fifty financial ratios presented in twenty-two of the most well-known methods of anti-crisis analysis. Bankruptcy was diagnosed on the basis of preference matrix, according to the criterion of the active use of coefficients in analytical practice. A comparative analysis of bankruptcy criteria and indicators made it possible to define the degree of adequacy of the set of indicators. Four analytical vectors were defined after thematic grouping of the identified indicators: balance sheet liquidity (current liquidity ratio), property and capital structure (financial dependence and asset mobility ratios), security (working capital ratio with own circulating assets), efficiency (economic profitability, or loss ratio, and the ratio of business activity in the market). The equation of rating assessment of the insolvency probability demonstrated the total impact of these indicators, taking into account their individual “equity participation” in the aggregate of key parameters.
Conclusion. The final set of general exponents of the diagnostic model can be qualified as a neuro-analogue of “classical” models that ignores the values of the regression coefficients, which are usually not adapted to Russian realities. The model built on the basis of bankruptcy indicators, taking into account their individual “equity participation” in the rating number, can be used as a flexible methodological tool for diagnosing bankruptcy in the national economy of Russia.
Introduction. Feather waste is a promising source of feed protein. Its chemical composition is a valuable source of nutrients and can become an important component of feed additives. The research objective was to screen bacteria with a high keratinolytic activity and develop a bio-product based on a bacterial consortium in order to recycle complex organic poultry waste, thus reducing the anthropogenic load on the ecosystem.
Study objects and methods. The research featured lyophilized strains of microorganisms provided by State Research Institute “Gosniigenetika” and feather waste provided by Kuzbass Broiler LLC (Russia, Novokuznetsk district). The study involved such advanced bioinformatic methods of data processing as phylogenetic identification of enzymes and InParanoid 8 algorithm for searching orthologous genes. The standard biotechnological methods included an electrophoretic analysis in polyacrylamide gel, an analysis of amino acid composition, a microscopy, and a high-performance liquid chromatography.
Results and discussion. Keratinolytic strains were screened using protein sequence databases. The homologous keratinase strains with homology of more than 98% appeared to belong to the genera Streptomyces and Bacillus. The research helped to identify groups of enzymes that are potentially involved in keratin degradation. The selected enzymes were subjected to a phylogenetic identification based on InParanoid 8, a specialized algorithm of orthologous genes search.
Conclusion. The experiment made it possible to select four strains of microorganisms with maximum enzymatic activity in relation to keratin. These strains included bacteria of the genus Bacillus, namely Bacillus licheniformis B-740, Bacillus pumilus B-508 and Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6051, and the bacterium Streptomyces albidoflavus ATCC 25422. These strains were used to create a biocompatible consortium for processing feather waste into a feed additive. The research confirmed the presence of biologically valuable substances in the obtained hydrolysates, as well as the possibility of their use as a high-protein component of feed additives for farm animals.
Study objects and methods. The research featured lyophilized strains of microorganisms provided by State Research Institute “Gosniigenetika” and feather waste provided by Kuzbass Broiler LLC (Russia, Novokuznetsk district). The study involved such advanced bioinformatic methods of data processing as phylogenetic identification of enzymes and InParanoid 8 algorithm for searching orthologous genes. The standard biotechnological methods included an electrophoretic analysis in polyacrylamide gel, an analysis of amino acid composition, a microscopy, and a high-performance liquid chromatography.
Results and discussion. Keratinolytic strains were screened using protein sequence databases. The homologous keratinase strains with homology of more than 98% appeared to belong to the genera Streptomyces and Bacillus. The research helped to identify groups of enzymes that are potentially involved in keratin degradation. The selected enzymes were subjected to a phylogenetic identification based on InParanoid 8, a specialized algorithm of orthologous genes search.
Conclusion. The experiment made it possible to select four strains of microorganisms with maximum enzymatic activity in relation to keratin. These strains included bacteria of the genus Bacillus, namely Bacillus licheniformis B-740, Bacillus pumilus B-508 and Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6051, and the bacterium Streptomyces albidoflavus ATCC 25422. These strains were used to create a biocompatible consortium for processing feather waste into a feed additive. The research confirmed the presence of biologically valuable substances in the obtained hydrolysates, as well as the possibility of their use as a high-protein component of feed additives for farm animals.
Introduction. Maltodextrins are a common dietary supplement with a number of positive properties. They consist of D-glucose units connected by a (1–4) glucoside bond. The research objective was to improve the existing technology of maltodextrin production based on potato and corn starch.
Study objects and methods. Maltodextrins were obtained by enzymatic and acidic incomplete hydrolysis of potato and corn starch. Amilolux ATS and Glucolux A were used for enzyme hydrolysis, and sulfuric acid was used for acid hydrolysis. The finished product was obtained by spray drying. The sensory properties of the finished product were determined by standard methods. The method of high-performance liquid chromatography defined the hydrocarbon composition, while the method of dextrose equivalent helped to determine the reducing capacity of sugars.
Results and discussions. The study improved the technique of the enzymatic breakdown of starch. Amylolysis ATS proved to be the optimal enzyme preparation in concentration of 0.5 mL/50 cm3). Other optimal parameters included the starch-splitting activity of 2,330.50 u/mL, temperature of hydrolysis of 65 ± 2°C, and pH reactions of pH 6.5. The method of spray drying proved most efficient for drying starch hydrolysates: the drying temperature and air flow was 100°C, while the flow rate of the solution was 12 mL/min). The experiment also established the dextrose equivalent of the finished product (12–13%) and the quantitative content of sugars in the obtained samples. For maltodextrins obtained from potato starch, the content of maltose and glucose was 16.73 ± 0.25% and 12.48 ± 0.050%, respectively; for corn maltodextrins – 40.22 ± 0.30% and 52.93 ± 0.040%.
Conclusion. The market for food additives is developing rapidly. Maltodextrin is a natural food additive that can be used in various branches of food industry. The research made it possible to improve the technology of maltodextrin production in t dairy industry.
Study objects and methods. Maltodextrins were obtained by enzymatic and acidic incomplete hydrolysis of potato and corn starch. Amilolux ATS and Glucolux A were used for enzyme hydrolysis, and sulfuric acid was used for acid hydrolysis. The finished product was obtained by spray drying. The sensory properties of the finished product were determined by standard methods. The method of high-performance liquid chromatography defined the hydrocarbon composition, while the method of dextrose equivalent helped to determine the reducing capacity of sugars.
Results and discussions. The study improved the technique of the enzymatic breakdown of starch. Amylolysis ATS proved to be the optimal enzyme preparation in concentration of 0.5 mL/50 cm3). Other optimal parameters included the starch-splitting activity of 2,330.50 u/mL, temperature of hydrolysis of 65 ± 2°C, and pH reactions of pH 6.5. The method of spray drying proved most efficient for drying starch hydrolysates: the drying temperature and air flow was 100°C, while the flow rate of the solution was 12 mL/min). The experiment also established the dextrose equivalent of the finished product (12–13%) and the quantitative content of sugars in the obtained samples. For maltodextrins obtained from potato starch, the content of maltose and glucose was 16.73 ± 0.25% and 12.48 ± 0.050%, respectively; for corn maltodextrins – 40.22 ± 0.30% and 52.93 ± 0.040%.
Conclusion. The market for food additives is developing rapidly. Maltodextrin is a natural food additive that can be used in various branches of food industry. The research made it possible to improve the technology of maltodextrin production in t dairy industry.
Introduction. New innovative technologies make food industry more effective. The present paper introduces a new method of hopped wort production based on novel mash filters.
Study objects and methods. The research featured two new designs of mash filters. The study of the mashing process involved malt, hops, drinking water, and beer wort. The research included generally accepted methods of physicochemical and sensory research.
Results and discussion. Both models differed from the traditional design. Mash filter I had a cylindrical filtration vat at its bottom with filters in the lower and upper parts of the vat. A pump was installed on the outer side of the steam jacket to produce forced circulation of the liquid medium flow through the vat. The steam jacket was covered with Corundum Classic superfine liquid thermal insulation. Mash filter II had a filtration bottom made of perforated sheet and provided intensive liquid circulation. It also had a regulated mixer that moved the mash, which significantly improved the mashing process. After the mashing, the mash passed through the filtration bottom, separating the liquid phase from the solid phase. The crushed material was discharged through a hatch in bottom. The physicochemical and sensory profiles of the obtained beer wort and beer samples complied with State Standard 30060-93 “Beer. Methods for determination of organoleptic indices and product’s volume”. Mash filter II produced beer wort of higher quality and improved the sensory properties of the finished product. This model proved more effective in extracting proteins and digestible sugars during amylolysis due to a better mixing and circulation of liquid medium flow during the wort preparation.
Conclusion. The new modified mash filter made it possible to reduce the brewing time by 28.6%. Not only was it more user friendly, but it also was less heat and electricity consuming. In addition, it reduced the production area as it combined the stages of mashing and filtering.
Study objects and methods. The research featured two new designs of mash filters. The study of the mashing process involved malt, hops, drinking water, and beer wort. The research included generally accepted methods of physicochemical and sensory research.
Results and discussion. Both models differed from the traditional design. Mash filter I had a cylindrical filtration vat at its bottom with filters in the lower and upper parts of the vat. A pump was installed on the outer side of the steam jacket to produce forced circulation of the liquid medium flow through the vat. The steam jacket was covered with Corundum Classic superfine liquid thermal insulation. Mash filter II had a filtration bottom made of perforated sheet and provided intensive liquid circulation. It also had a regulated mixer that moved the mash, which significantly improved the mashing process. After the mashing, the mash passed through the filtration bottom, separating the liquid phase from the solid phase. The crushed material was discharged through a hatch in bottom. The physicochemical and sensory profiles of the obtained beer wort and beer samples complied with State Standard 30060-93 “Beer. Methods for determination of organoleptic indices and product’s volume”. Mash filter II produced beer wort of higher quality and improved the sensory properties of the finished product. This model proved more effective in extracting proteins and digestible sugars during amylolysis due to a better mixing and circulation of liquid medium flow during the wort preparation.
Conclusion. The new modified mash filter made it possible to reduce the brewing time by 28.6%. Not only was it more user friendly, but it also was less heat and electricity consuming. In addition, it reduced the production area as it combined the stages of mashing and filtering.
Introduction. The present research featured some aspects of developing advanced technologies for the future agro-industrial sector of Russia. The paper focuses on a synergistic approach to new complex self-organizing technological systems in food industry. The research objective was to set up scientific foundations for the agro-industrial complex, industrial production of agricultural raw materials of plant and animal origin, and their industrial processing into food.
Results and its discussion. The research touched upon the following issues: the conditions for an innovative technological breakthrough into the future of the agro-industrial complex; a dialectic model of technological development; a new industrialization of the agro-industrial complex; the possible economic effect of end-to-end agrifood technologies; the shift from the 4th to the 5th, and eventually to the 6th, techno-economic paradigm in the Russian agro-industrial complex. The article gives a detailed description of the dialectical method, which complicates each technology while simplifying the functioning processes as a whole.
Conclusion. Hi-tech development in all branches of Russian agro-industrial complex will make it possible to enter the 6th technoeconomic paradigm and secure domestic food industry in terms of quantity and quality. The article describes prospects of the advanced development of agro-industrial technologies. In addition, it introduces a roadmap for agroscience development: new research should be based on scientific forecasts for the latter half of the XXI century.
Results and its discussion. The research touched upon the following issues: the conditions for an innovative technological breakthrough into the future of the agro-industrial complex; a dialectic model of technological development; a new industrialization of the agro-industrial complex; the possible economic effect of end-to-end agrifood technologies; the shift from the 4th to the 5th, and eventually to the 6th, techno-economic paradigm in the Russian agro-industrial complex. The article gives a detailed description of the dialectical method, which complicates each technology while simplifying the functioning processes as a whole.
Conclusion. Hi-tech development in all branches of Russian agro-industrial complex will make it possible to enter the 6th technoeconomic paradigm and secure domestic food industry in terms of quantity and quality. The article describes prospects of the advanced development of agro-industrial technologies. In addition, it introduces a roadmap for agroscience development: new research should be based on scientific forecasts for the latter half of the XXI century.
Introduction. The national economy is currently developing a system for monitoring the quality and safety of goods. Food products, ingredients, and additives possess various pro- and antibiotic properties. Therefore, available express methods of quantitative assessment of microbiological contamination are a relevant aspect of domestic food industry.
Study objects and methods. The study featured ten essential oils of plant origin that can be used as functional additives to various food products.
Results and its discussion. The research introduced a new biotesting technique for repetitive recording of changes in the intensity of elastic light dispersion. The technique made it possible to measure pH and electrical conductivity of a liquid nutrient medium incubated in the presence and absence of viable test microorganisms and test samples. The paper describes the results of this technique applied to a comparative analysis of antibiotic activity of various essential oils in different concentrations. As the concentrations of the test extracts decreased, their antibiotic activity monotonically also went down, while the probiotic activity increased. The shortterm biological activity of test samples appeared to be significantly higher than their long-term activity. The medium-term biological activity of the test samples was mostly intermediate in value. Only rarely did it exceed both the long- and short-term biological activity of the same TE. The essential oils obtained from the leaves of Thuja occidentalis, Eucalyptus globulus, and Cupressus sempervirens exhibited the most active and long antibiotic properties.
Conclusion. The biological activity of food products, including various plant extracts, depends not only on the raw material and the extraction method, but also on the concentration of the extract in the product. As a rule, the exact nature of these dependencies can only be established empirically and requires a set of various tests. The present article introduces a new highly objective and informative express methodology that simplifies this process. The technique is less labor-, time-, and material-consuming than standard visual microbiological methods. It can be used to assess the effect of test samples on the vital activity of microorganisms in various foods, ingredients, and additives.
Study objects and methods. The study featured ten essential oils of plant origin that can be used as functional additives to various food products.
Results and its discussion. The research introduced a new biotesting technique for repetitive recording of changes in the intensity of elastic light dispersion. The technique made it possible to measure pH and electrical conductivity of a liquid nutrient medium incubated in the presence and absence of viable test microorganisms and test samples. The paper describes the results of this technique applied to a comparative analysis of antibiotic activity of various essential oils in different concentrations. As the concentrations of the test extracts decreased, their antibiotic activity monotonically also went down, while the probiotic activity increased. The shortterm biological activity of test samples appeared to be significantly higher than their long-term activity. The medium-term biological activity of the test samples was mostly intermediate in value. Only rarely did it exceed both the long- and short-term biological activity of the same TE. The essential oils obtained from the leaves of Thuja occidentalis, Eucalyptus globulus, and Cupressus sempervirens exhibited the most active and long antibiotic properties.
Conclusion. The biological activity of food products, including various plant extracts, depends not only on the raw material and the extraction method, but also on the concentration of the extract in the product. As a rule, the exact nature of these dependencies can only be established empirically and requires a set of various tests. The present article introduces a new highly objective and informative express methodology that simplifies this process. The technique is less labor-, time-, and material-consuming than standard visual microbiological methods. It can be used to assess the effect of test samples on the vital activity of microorganisms in various foods, ingredients, and additives.
Introduction. According to the Federal State Statistics Service, the Siberian Federal district produced 8,464.06 tons of natural polyand monofloral honey in 2019. The share of the Altai region was 45.37%, Krasnoyarsk region – 7.8%, regions, Omsk – 7.0%, and Novosibirsk – 6.3%. The color of honey is one of the main identifying characteristics of products. It largely depends on the chemical composition of pollen grains of honey plants. Therefore, it is relevant to study the color of honey from the nectar of Melilotus officinalis (L.) Pall.
Study objects and methods. The research featured honey samples produced from the nectar of Melilotus officinalis (L.) flowers. The honey was centrifuged and pumped in 2018 on the territory of the Altai region. The research involved standard methods, as well as an authentic method for determining the dominant pollen grains. The method was based on preserving the morphological features of pollen grains and did not change their spatial location, thus making it possible to determine their real content in honey.
Results and discussion. The honey color was affected by pollen grains of honey-bearing plants: 1) Melilotus officinalis (L.) Pall. (84.89%) > Fagopyrum tataricum (L.) Gaertn. (1.0%) > Convolvulus arvensis L. (0.97%) > Origanum vulgare (L.) (0.97%) > Brassicaceae Burnett, nom. cons. (11.20%); 2) Melilotus officinalis (L.) Pall. (49.24%) > Dracocephalum nutans L. (7.58%) > Trifolium pratense L. (9.09%) > Brassicaceae Burnett, nom. cons. (18.18%) > Sonchus arvensis L. (2.07%); 3) Melilotus officinalis (L.) Pall. (54.05%) > Helianthus annuus L. (14.87%) > Linaria vulgaris Mill. (2.70%) > Arctium tomentosum Mill. (4.05%) > Trifolium repens L. (8.47%) > Brassicaceae Burnett, nom. cons. (10.81%). Color and nutritional value depended mostly on two factors. The first factor was represented by flavonoid compounds (leucoanthocyanins, catechins, flavonols, etc.) of pollen grains of Melilotus officinalis (L.) Pall., Brassicaceae Burnett, nom. cons., and Helianthus annuus L. Their contents were 5.2, 3.1, and 2.8%, respectively. The other factor involved carotenoids – Trifolium pratense L., Trifolium repens L. and Origanum vulgare (L.). Their contents were 50.0, 37.3, and 28.7 mg/kg, respectively.
Conclusion. The research featured honey from the flowers of Melilotus officinalis (L.) Pall. obtained from the South of the Siberian Federal District. Its color proved to be one of the main sensory properties necessary for establishing the botanical profile of the plants. The color depended on the secondary pollen grains of honey plants, containing flavonoid compounds and carotenoids.
Study objects and methods. The research featured honey samples produced from the nectar of Melilotus officinalis (L.) flowers. The honey was centrifuged and pumped in 2018 on the territory of the Altai region. The research involved standard methods, as well as an authentic method for determining the dominant pollen grains. The method was based on preserving the morphological features of pollen grains and did not change their spatial location, thus making it possible to determine their real content in honey.
Results and discussion. The honey color was affected by pollen grains of honey-bearing plants: 1) Melilotus officinalis (L.) Pall. (84.89%) > Fagopyrum tataricum (L.) Gaertn. (1.0%) > Convolvulus arvensis L. (0.97%) > Origanum vulgare (L.) (0.97%) > Brassicaceae Burnett, nom. cons. (11.20%); 2) Melilotus officinalis (L.) Pall. (49.24%) > Dracocephalum nutans L. (7.58%) > Trifolium pratense L. (9.09%) > Brassicaceae Burnett, nom. cons. (18.18%) > Sonchus arvensis L. (2.07%); 3) Melilotus officinalis (L.) Pall. (54.05%) > Helianthus annuus L. (14.87%) > Linaria vulgaris Mill. (2.70%) > Arctium tomentosum Mill. (4.05%) > Trifolium repens L. (8.47%) > Brassicaceae Burnett, nom. cons. (10.81%). Color and nutritional value depended mostly on two factors. The first factor was represented by flavonoid compounds (leucoanthocyanins, catechins, flavonols, etc.) of pollen grains of Melilotus officinalis (L.) Pall., Brassicaceae Burnett, nom. cons., and Helianthus annuus L. Their contents were 5.2, 3.1, and 2.8%, respectively. The other factor involved carotenoids – Trifolium pratense L., Trifolium repens L. and Origanum vulgare (L.). Their contents were 50.0, 37.3, and 28.7 mg/kg, respectively.
Conclusion. The research featured honey from the flowers of Melilotus officinalis (L.) Pall. obtained from the South of the Siberian Federal District. Its color proved to be one of the main sensory properties necessary for establishing the botanical profile of the plants. The color depended on the secondary pollen grains of honey plants, containing flavonoid compounds and carotenoids.
Biochemical and Microstructural Profile of the Thyroid Gland from Lambs Raised on Experimental Diets
Introduction. The present research featured biochemical and microstructural features of thyroid glands obtained from lambs raised on various feeds enriched with essential elements. The article focuses on iodine as the most important physiologically active microelement. Iodine participates in the synthesis of thyroid hormones, namely thyroxine and triiodothyronine, which are known to regulate metabolic processes. Iodine deficiency may impair reproductive function and cause such diseases as endemic goiter.
Study objects and methods. The study involved thyroid glands from lambs of the Edilbaev breed aged seven months. The lambs were divided into four experimental groups, ten animals in each. The lambs received several feed additives. Ioddar-Zn and DAFS-25 had a balanced protein and carbohydrate content, while the mineral feed of Coretron brand contained such trace elements and minerals as iodine, selenium, and silicon.
Results and discussion. The experiment made it possible to describe the microstructural profile of the thyroid glands extracted from seven-month-old lambs raised on feeds enriched with iodine and selenium. Ioddar-Zn and DAFS-25 did not harm the structure of the thyroid tissue, while causing its functional activation in some cases. The morphological parameters of the thyroid glands indicated some breed differences. The iodine concentration in the thyroid glands obtained from the experimental animals was five or six times higher than that in the control group. The content of mono- and diiodotyrosine depended on the accumulation profile of organic iodine.
Conclusion. Diets enforced with DAFS-25, Ioddar-Zn, silicon, and a protein-carbohydrate complex produced no negative effect on the structure of the thyroid tissue. It fact, the diet increased the organic iodine content in the thyroid glands in the form of iodotyrosines. The gland structure revealed some cubic epithelium or follicular cells. The mass spectrometric studies confirmed the presence of covalently bound iodine in the form of mono- and diiodotyrosine. Thus, the abovementioned feed additives can be recommended for industrial use.
Study objects and methods. The study involved thyroid glands from lambs of the Edilbaev breed aged seven months. The lambs were divided into four experimental groups, ten animals in each. The lambs received several feed additives. Ioddar-Zn and DAFS-25 had a balanced protein and carbohydrate content, while the mineral feed of Coretron brand contained such trace elements and minerals as iodine, selenium, and silicon.
Results and discussion. The experiment made it possible to describe the microstructural profile of the thyroid glands extracted from seven-month-old lambs raised on feeds enriched with iodine and selenium. Ioddar-Zn and DAFS-25 did not harm the structure of the thyroid tissue, while causing its functional activation in some cases. The morphological parameters of the thyroid glands indicated some breed differences. The iodine concentration in the thyroid glands obtained from the experimental animals was five or six times higher than that in the control group. The content of mono- and diiodotyrosine depended on the accumulation profile of organic iodine.
Conclusion. Diets enforced with DAFS-25, Ioddar-Zn, silicon, and a protein-carbohydrate complex produced no negative effect on the structure of the thyroid tissue. It fact, the diet increased the organic iodine content in the thyroid glands in the form of iodotyrosines. The gland structure revealed some cubic epithelium or follicular cells. The mass spectrometric studies confirmed the presence of covalently bound iodine in the form of mono- and diiodotyrosine. Thus, the abovementioned feed additives can be recommended for industrial use.
Introduction. The present review covers the issues of extrusion of plant raw materials in food industry. The authors analyzed foreign publications about various extrusion technologies, their rational parameters, and their effect on the properties of final products. Study objects and methods. The research featured extrusion methods of plant raw materials in food production. The review included scientific articles published in English in 2000–2020.
Results and discussion. Extrusion is an effective processing method for plant raw materials in food industry. The analysis made it possible to define the effect of extrusion parameters on the components of plant raw materials. Extrusion increases digestibility of such plant components as protein and starch. High temperature, speed, and moisture are the optimal parameters for extrusion. High barrel temperature has a negative effect on vitamin and carotene content, while feed rate and screw speed are not important. Extrusion leads to complete mycotoxins reduction at critical temperatures. While high temperature and screw speed are important for process efficiency, they have a negative effect on the nutritional value of the final product.
Conclusion. Optimal parameters of various raw materials and their compounds remain largely understudied, in spite of the fact that they are responsible for the balance between the required extrudate properties and nutritional value. Formation of nutrient complexes and their effect on the process parameters also require further research, especially in regard with protein-carbohydrate and amylaselipid complexes. In general, extrusion of plant raw materials remains a promising but largely neglected research topic in food science.
Results and discussion. Extrusion is an effective processing method for plant raw materials in food industry. The analysis made it possible to define the effect of extrusion parameters on the components of plant raw materials. Extrusion increases digestibility of such plant components as protein and starch. High temperature, speed, and moisture are the optimal parameters for extrusion. High barrel temperature has a negative effect on vitamin and carotene content, while feed rate and screw speed are not important. Extrusion leads to complete mycotoxins reduction at critical temperatures. While high temperature and screw speed are important for process efficiency, they have a negative effect on the nutritional value of the final product.
Conclusion. Optimal parameters of various raw materials and their compounds remain largely understudied, in spite of the fact that they are responsible for the balance between the required extrudate properties and nutritional value. Formation of nutrient complexes and their effect on the process parameters also require further research, especially in regard with protein-carbohydrate and amylaselipid complexes. In general, extrusion of plant raw materials remains a promising but largely neglected research topic in food science.
Introduction. The research objective was to study the effect of filamentous microplasma pretreatment on the efficiency of freeze drying. It featured mango fruit and assessed the quality of the dried product. Year-round availability of exotic fruit poses a challenge of providing consumers with high-quality food products. Freeze-drying, if combined with advanced electrophysical technologies, makes it possible to maintain the high quality of the product while improving the processing. This non-thermal method technology presupposes pretreatment with filamentous microplasma (FM) and thermoelectric emission. FM affects the membrane of plant cells and forms a through channel, thus improving mass transfer.
Study objects and methods. Before freeze-drying, fresh mango fruit was cut into slices of 6.0 ± 0.5 mm each and the average diameter of 72 ± 3 mm. Freeze-dried fruits were analyzed according to the degree of rehydration and quality. FM treatment was performed at the electric field strength E = 600 kV/m, while the specific energy was 1 kJ/kg per unit.
Results and discussion. FM pretreatment with thermoelectric emission reduced the drying time by 38%, which was enough to achieve equilibrium moisture content. It also increased the degree of rehydration from 2.58 to 3.14. FM pretreatment raised the total content of phenols and carotenoids, but reduced the total content of flavonoids. FM pretreatment also affected the antioxidant capacity, reducing it from 0.43 to 0.41 by the ABTS method and from 0.90 to 0.75 by the DPPH method.
Conclusion. FM pretreatment increased the ability to restore the freeze-dried samples. The mango samples preserved the high content of phenols and carotenoids. The antioxidant capacity of the FM-treated samples proved to be slightly lower than in the control samples. In general, pretreatment with filamentous microplasma and thermoelectric emission had a positive effect on the quality of freeze-dried mango, reduced the processing time, and improved the rehydration characteristics of the final product.
Study objects and methods. Before freeze-drying, fresh mango fruit was cut into slices of 6.0 ± 0.5 mm each and the average diameter of 72 ± 3 mm. Freeze-dried fruits were analyzed according to the degree of rehydration and quality. FM treatment was performed at the electric field strength E = 600 kV/m, while the specific energy was 1 kJ/kg per unit.
Results and discussion. FM pretreatment with thermoelectric emission reduced the drying time by 38%, which was enough to achieve equilibrium moisture content. It also increased the degree of rehydration from 2.58 to 3.14. FM pretreatment raised the total content of phenols and carotenoids, but reduced the total content of flavonoids. FM pretreatment also affected the antioxidant capacity, reducing it from 0.43 to 0.41 by the ABTS method and from 0.90 to 0.75 by the DPPH method.
Conclusion. FM pretreatment increased the ability to restore the freeze-dried samples. The mango samples preserved the high content of phenols and carotenoids. The antioxidant capacity of the FM-treated samples proved to be slightly lower than in the control samples. In general, pretreatment with filamentous microplasma and thermoelectric emission had a positive effect on the quality of freeze-dried mango, reduced the processing time, and improved the rehydration characteristics of the final product.
Introduction. Like any other food product, alcoholic drinks are subject to falsification. The present research featured various methods of analysis that can be applied to control the quality and authenticity of wine production. In case of doubt, experts apply national and interstate standards, the most informative of which are based on the isotopic mass spectrometry principle. Fruit winemaking relies on beet or cane sugar. Researchers have to develop a method to identify the difference between conditionally exogenous alcohols, which are formed during fermentation, and real exogenous alcohols, introduced in the form of rectified ethyl alcohol of grain origin. In order to identify non-grape alcohol, experts measure the ratio of ethanol carbon isotopes in the wine. However, δ13C‰ alone is not sufficient to analyze fruit wines and other alcohol drinks. Ratios of 18O/16O and D/H isotopes can become an extra criterion to test the authenticity of fruit table wines.
Study objects and methods. The mass spectrometric complex Delta V Advantage Thermo Fisher Scientific (USA) provided a precise analysis of 13C/12C, 18O/16O, D/H isotopes. Wine samples were prepared in laboratory conditions from six types of fruits: apples, pears, cherries, black currants, plums, and chokeberries. Apple wine was obtained from fermented wort; other samples were fermented from pulp. Fermentation temperature was 20 ± 2°C, while the yeast race was represented by Vishnyovaya 33.
Results and discussion. In fruit wine production, grain ethanol is the most popular falsification tool: it increases alcohol content instead of sugar, and sometimes even without fermentation process. In this regard, the research focused on carbon, oxygen, and grain alcohols hydrogen isotope characteristics, as well as fruit wines, obtained as a result of technology violation. The fruit wine alcohol mixes developed from joint fermentation of fruit sugars and introduced sugary substances. Cane sugar, beet sugar, and corn glucose and fructose syrup were added to the wort or pulp to establish the isotopic characteristics of the mix. The rate of exogenous alcohol production was 5% by volume.
Conclusion. The analysis of δ13C‰ indicator failed to detect introduced grain alcohol. The analysis of isotopes of all atoms in the ethanol molecule, namely carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen, proved to be much more effective. The introduction of sugary substances prior to or during fruit juice fermentation provided the required alcohol content. It also reduced the numerical value of δ18O‰ of ethanol, which makes it significantly different from that of fortified fruit wines obtained by introducing grain alcohol into fermented fruit juice. Thus, the δD‰ indicator can serve as an additional criterion in order to identify possible violations of technological process of fruit table wines production.
Study objects and methods. The mass spectrometric complex Delta V Advantage Thermo Fisher Scientific (USA) provided a precise analysis of 13C/12C, 18O/16O, D/H isotopes. Wine samples were prepared in laboratory conditions from six types of fruits: apples, pears, cherries, black currants, plums, and chokeberries. Apple wine was obtained from fermented wort; other samples were fermented from pulp. Fermentation temperature was 20 ± 2°C, while the yeast race was represented by Vishnyovaya 33.
Results and discussion. In fruit wine production, grain ethanol is the most popular falsification tool: it increases alcohol content instead of sugar, and sometimes even without fermentation process. In this regard, the research focused on carbon, oxygen, and grain alcohols hydrogen isotope characteristics, as well as fruit wines, obtained as a result of technology violation. The fruit wine alcohol mixes developed from joint fermentation of fruit sugars and introduced sugary substances. Cane sugar, beet sugar, and corn glucose and fructose syrup were added to the wort or pulp to establish the isotopic characteristics of the mix. The rate of exogenous alcohol production was 5% by volume.
Conclusion. The analysis of δ13C‰ indicator failed to detect introduced grain alcohol. The analysis of isotopes of all atoms in the ethanol molecule, namely carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen, proved to be much more effective. The introduction of sugary substances prior to or during fruit juice fermentation provided the required alcohol content. It also reduced the numerical value of δ18O‰ of ethanol, which makes it significantly different from that of fortified fruit wines obtained by introducing grain alcohol into fermented fruit juice. Thus, the δD‰ indicator can serve as an additional criterion in order to identify possible violations of technological process of fruit table wines production.
Introduction. Public health is gradually deteriorating as a result of unhealthy lifestyle and diet, which triggers allergic reaction to certain foods. Milk and dairy products are rich in biologically active substances, which makes them a good dietary supplement for athletes, diabetic patients, etc. However, this popular food contains allergens, for instance, such proteins as αS1-casein, αS2-casein, β-casein, and κ-casein. Therefore, one of the most urgent tasks of modern food science is to reduce the allergenic properties of casein. Heat treatment is an option, but thermal exposure leads to denaturation and produces new antigenic determinants, e.g. epitopes.
Biotechnological processing is a more promising method. It is based on the catalytic properties of proteolytic enzymes. Enzymes make it possible to obtain a protein hydrolyzate with amino acids of various molecular weights. The present research provided the optimal working parameters of casein proteolysis by various enzymes (endopectidases), namely trypsin, chymotrypsin, and thermolysin.
Study objects and methods. Casein hydrolysates are casein-based biopeptides, and casein is an accessible and valuable milk protein. Trypsin, chymotrypsin, and thermolysin were used as proteases. The experiment was based on standard methods. Results and its discussion. At 47 ± 2°C and pH 7.5 ± 0.2, the production of low-molecular-weight components of casein hydrolyzate proved feasible when thermolysin was used at a ratio of 1:100 for 24.00 ± 0.05 h, and chymotrypsin and trypsin – at a ratio of 1:25 for 24.00 ± 0.05 h.
Conclusion. The resulting casein hydrolysates contain biologically active peptides and can be used in formulations of low-allergy functional dairy products in allergy-friendly, sports, and baby diets.
Biotechnological processing is a more promising method. It is based on the catalytic properties of proteolytic enzymes. Enzymes make it possible to obtain a protein hydrolyzate with amino acids of various molecular weights. The present research provided the optimal working parameters of casein proteolysis by various enzymes (endopectidases), namely trypsin, chymotrypsin, and thermolysin.
Study objects and methods. Casein hydrolysates are casein-based biopeptides, and casein is an accessible and valuable milk protein. Trypsin, chymotrypsin, and thermolysin were used as proteases. The experiment was based on standard methods. Results and its discussion. At 47 ± 2°C and pH 7.5 ± 0.2, the production of low-molecular-weight components of casein hydrolyzate proved feasible when thermolysin was used at a ratio of 1:100 for 24.00 ± 0.05 h, and chymotrypsin and trypsin – at a ratio of 1:25 for 24.00 ± 0.05 h.
Conclusion. The resulting casein hydrolysates contain biologically active peptides and can be used in formulations of low-allergy functional dairy products in allergy-friendly, sports, and baby diets.
Introduction. Nutrition has a significant impact on human health, performance, well-being, and lifespan. The research objective was to develop formulations for functional compositions of seafood cryoconcentrates.
Study objects and methods. The study featured concentrates obtained by cryotechnology from carcasses of Pacific squid (Todarodes pacificus), muscular shell of cucumaria (Cucumaria japonica), scallop mantle (Mizuhopecten yessoensis), octopus skin (Octopus dofleini), milt of Pacific herring (Pacific herring), and Japanese kelp (Laminaria japonica), as well as their multicomponent mixes. The content of biologically active substances was determined by the spectrophotometric method. The safety and biological value were biotested on Tetrahymena pyriformis.
Results and discussion. The dry seafood concentrates had a high content of protein, minerals, and biologically active components, i.e. hexosamines, triterpene glycosides, carotenoids, nucleic acids, etc. The seafood cryoconcentrate mixes were divided into fortifying, restoring, immunomodulating, and mineral. Their chemical composition varied greatly, depending on the functional aim of the mix. For instance, the protein content varied from 28.8 to 57.6%, lipids – from 3.1 to 6.9%, carbohydrates – from 15.0 to 35.9%, minerals – from 10.9 to 22.9%, and hexosamines – from 2.2 to 5.6%. The experiments made it possible to substantiate the composition of the dry mixes. The compilation principle was based on the chemical profile of the raw material, as well as on the choice of biologically active substances. All the dry seafood concentrates showed a high relative biological value. However, the values differed, depending on the type of raw material: from 65.5% for the scallop mantle sample to 86.3% for the octopus skin sample. The difference could be explained by the chemical composition of the cryopowders and their availability to ciliate enzymes.
Conclusion. The research resulted in formulations and functional mixes of dry seafood concentrates obtained by cryotechnology. The dry seafood concentrates can be used both independently and as functional compositions. The developed mixes demonstrated rather high content of animal proteins, minerals, and biologically active substance, e.g. hexosamines, triterpene glycosides, carotenoids, nucleic acids, etc. Their functional compositions proved to have excellent sensory properties; they are biologically safe for human consumption and have a high relative biological value.
Study objects and methods. The study featured concentrates obtained by cryotechnology from carcasses of Pacific squid (Todarodes pacificus), muscular shell of cucumaria (Cucumaria japonica), scallop mantle (Mizuhopecten yessoensis), octopus skin (Octopus dofleini), milt of Pacific herring (Pacific herring), and Japanese kelp (Laminaria japonica), as well as their multicomponent mixes. The content of biologically active substances was determined by the spectrophotometric method. The safety and biological value were biotested on Tetrahymena pyriformis.
Results and discussion. The dry seafood concentrates had a high content of protein, minerals, and biologically active components, i.e. hexosamines, triterpene glycosides, carotenoids, nucleic acids, etc. The seafood cryoconcentrate mixes were divided into fortifying, restoring, immunomodulating, and mineral. Their chemical composition varied greatly, depending on the functional aim of the mix. For instance, the protein content varied from 28.8 to 57.6%, lipids – from 3.1 to 6.9%, carbohydrates – from 15.0 to 35.9%, minerals – from 10.9 to 22.9%, and hexosamines – from 2.2 to 5.6%. The experiments made it possible to substantiate the composition of the dry mixes. The compilation principle was based on the chemical profile of the raw material, as well as on the choice of biologically active substances. All the dry seafood concentrates showed a high relative biological value. However, the values differed, depending on the type of raw material: from 65.5% for the scallop mantle sample to 86.3% for the octopus skin sample. The difference could be explained by the chemical composition of the cryopowders and their availability to ciliate enzymes.
Conclusion. The research resulted in formulations and functional mixes of dry seafood concentrates obtained by cryotechnology. The dry seafood concentrates can be used both independently and as functional compositions. The developed mixes demonstrated rather high content of animal proteins, minerals, and biologically active substance, e.g. hexosamines, triterpene glycosides, carotenoids, nucleic acids, etc. Their functional compositions proved to have excellent sensory properties; they are biologically safe for human consumption and have a high relative biological value.
Introduction. New food safety management systems (FSMS) can contribute to safe production of high quality products that meet the current legal and regulatory standards. The research objective was to develop requirements for a new FSMS, which would make it possible to produce quality pasta made from whole-grain flour and vegetable powders.
Study objects and methods. The research featured a whole-grain pasta factory, a technological process of vegetable pasta production, and various elements of FSMS.
Results and discussion. The article introduces product description and process flow chart for successful development, implementation, and maintenance of a new FSMS of pasta production. It describes potential physical, chemical, and biological hazards, as well as critical processes. The hazard analysis included probability level and severity of consequences. The study revealed the related unacceptable risks and critical control points, as well as their critical limits. Six critical control points were identified at the stages of kneading, pressing, drying, and stabilization. The paper contains a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) plan with a full description of the controlled parameters, their critical limits, monitoring systems, and corrective actions.
Conclusion. The new HACCP-based safety management system reduces the response time and increases the responsibility of personnel. It reduces possible losses in case of failures or returns as it improves the product quality. The developed FSMS gives new market options and increases the loyalty of consumers and business partners. As a result, the company becomes more efficient in achieving its goals.
Study objects and methods. The research featured a whole-grain pasta factory, a technological process of vegetable pasta production, and various elements of FSMS.
Results and discussion. The article introduces product description and process flow chart for successful development, implementation, and maintenance of a new FSMS of pasta production. It describes potential physical, chemical, and biological hazards, as well as critical processes. The hazard analysis included probability level and severity of consequences. The study revealed the related unacceptable risks and critical control points, as well as their critical limits. Six critical control points were identified at the stages of kneading, pressing, drying, and stabilization. The paper contains a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) plan with a full description of the controlled parameters, their critical limits, monitoring systems, and corrective actions.
Conclusion. The new HACCP-based safety management system reduces the response time and increases the responsibility of personnel. It reduces possible losses in case of failures or returns as it improves the product quality. The developed FSMS gives new market options and increases the loyalty of consumers and business partners. As a result, the company becomes more efficient in achieving its goals.
Introduction. Fermentative processing of plant raw materials is traditionally carried out using native (epiphytic) microflora, which is located on the surface and represented by lactic acid microorganisms. During this process, the carbohydrates in the raw material are metabolized into lactic acid. This process does not always result in optimal product quality as the raw material often lacks carbohydrates, the optimal conditions for the development of the target microflora are hard to achieve, the microflora might be inhibited by contaminants, etc. Lactic acid microbial consortia can act as a good alternative to spontaneous fermentation of cabbage as this method creates good conditions for the microbial synergistic interaction. Such fermentation process can be controlled by adjusting the carbohydrate composition of the substrate. The research objective was to develop an analytical approach to determine the minimum required degree of change in the native carbohydrate composition of substrate that would ensure the synergy of lactic acid microorganisms.
Study objects and methods. The fermentation process was performed using white cabbage of Slava variety and such strains of lactic acid microorganisms as Lactobacillus casei VCM 536, Lactobacillus plantarum VCM B-578, and Lactobacillus brevis VCM B-1309, as well as their paired consortia. The raw material was subjected to grinding, and the epiphytic microflora was removed to create optimal conditions for the development of the lactic acid microflora.
Results and discussion. The study made it possible to define the dynamics of carbohydrate fermentation in white cabbage by various strains of lactic bacteria and their paired consortia during processing. Mathematical models helped to describe the dynamics of glucose and fructose fermentation. The experiment also demonstrated the changes that occurred in the interaction within the paired consortia during fermentation. The paper introduces a new approach to determining the minimum required degree of change in the native carbohydrate composition required to ensure synergy of lactic acid microorganisms in paired consortia.
Conclusion. The research defined the necessary amounts of carbohydrate needed to shift the integral factor of mutual influence towards sustainable synergy for three paired consortia. Consortium L. brevis + L. plantarum + 3.65 g/100 g of fructose proved to be the optimal variant for industrial production of sauerkraut from white cabbage of Slava variety. The developed approach can improve the existing industrial technologies of fermentation and create new ones.
Study objects and methods. The fermentation process was performed using white cabbage of Slava variety and such strains of lactic acid microorganisms as Lactobacillus casei VCM 536, Lactobacillus plantarum VCM B-578, and Lactobacillus brevis VCM B-1309, as well as their paired consortia. The raw material was subjected to grinding, and the epiphytic microflora was removed to create optimal conditions for the development of the lactic acid microflora.
Results and discussion. The study made it possible to define the dynamics of carbohydrate fermentation in white cabbage by various strains of lactic bacteria and their paired consortia during processing. Mathematical models helped to describe the dynamics of glucose and fructose fermentation. The experiment also demonstrated the changes that occurred in the interaction within the paired consortia during fermentation. The paper introduces a new approach to determining the minimum required degree of change in the native carbohydrate composition required to ensure synergy of lactic acid microorganisms in paired consortia.
Conclusion. The research defined the necessary amounts of carbohydrate needed to shift the integral factor of mutual influence towards sustainable synergy for three paired consortia. Consortium L. brevis + L. plantarum + 3.65 g/100 g of fructose proved to be the optimal variant for industrial production of sauerkraut from white cabbage of Slava variety. The developed approach can improve the existing industrial technologies of fermentation and create new ones.
Introduction. Extreme psychrophiles still remain largely understudied. However, they can serve as biological components in drug production, as well as increase the shelf life of food products in food industry. Therefore, the properties of psychrophilic microorganisms are a relevant study object. The present research objective was to isolate new psychrophilic microorganisms in extreme low-temperature conditions of the caves of Gornaya Shoria and Salair (Kemerovo region) and study their antimicrobial properties.
Study objects and methods. The research featured psychrophilic microorganisms isolated in the caves of the Kemerovo region. The sampling was performed in triplicate. The samples were placed in sterile paper. Antibiotic resistance was defined according to the area where the antibiotic plate suppressed bacterial growth. The cell suspension was placed in a Petri dish with an agar-based medium. The discs with antibiotics were put on the surface of the medium and incubated in a thermostat at 28°C for 24 h in order to describe the growth of the isolates.
Results and discussion. The microbial communities of the Gavrilovskaya and Azasskaya caves produced seven isolates with different morphological characteristics. Isolates 1, 4, and 5 had pronounced suppressive properties at 2 ± 4°C. Isolates 1, 4, and 5 proved resistant to antibiotics. Isolate 1 exhibited high resistance (21–26) to Neomycin and Novogramon, medium resistance (17–22) to Ceparin, Kanamycin, Levomycin, Carbenicillin, and Streptomycin, and low (2–8) resistance to Benzylpenicillin and Clotrimazole. Isolate 1 had no antibiotic resistance to Ampicillin, Gentamicin, and Tetracycline. Isolate 4 showed high resistance (22–27) to Novogramon, medium resistance (10–22) to Tetracycline, Clotrimazole, Neomycin, Zeparin, Kanamycin, Levomycin, and Monomycin, and low resistance (2–8) to Ampicillin, Benzylpenicillin, Streptomycin, and Gentamicin. Isolate 4 demonstrated no antibiotic resistance to Carbenicillin and Polymyxin. Isolate 5 proved highly resistant (27–26) to Ceparin, Benzylpenicillin, Levomycetin, and Novogramon, and medium resistant (12–22) to Clotrimazole, Streptomycin, Neomycin, Gentamicin, Polymyxin, Carbenicillin, and Monomycin. Isolate 5 demonstrated no resistance to Ampicillin, Tetracycline, and Kanamycin.
Conclusion. Psychrophiles can serve as microorganisms to create new biological products that suppress the development of diseases in plants. Psychrophiles proved an extremely promising research direction for cultivating and storing agricultural products.
Study objects and methods. The research featured psychrophilic microorganisms isolated in the caves of the Kemerovo region. The sampling was performed in triplicate. The samples were placed in sterile paper. Antibiotic resistance was defined according to the area where the antibiotic plate suppressed bacterial growth. The cell suspension was placed in a Petri dish with an agar-based medium. The discs with antibiotics were put on the surface of the medium and incubated in a thermostat at 28°C for 24 h in order to describe the growth of the isolates.
Results and discussion. The microbial communities of the Gavrilovskaya and Azasskaya caves produced seven isolates with different morphological characteristics. Isolates 1, 4, and 5 had pronounced suppressive properties at 2 ± 4°C. Isolates 1, 4, and 5 proved resistant to antibiotics. Isolate 1 exhibited high resistance (21–26) to Neomycin and Novogramon, medium resistance (17–22) to Ceparin, Kanamycin, Levomycin, Carbenicillin, and Streptomycin, and low (2–8) resistance to Benzylpenicillin and Clotrimazole. Isolate 1 had no antibiotic resistance to Ampicillin, Gentamicin, and Tetracycline. Isolate 4 showed high resistance (22–27) to Novogramon, medium resistance (10–22) to Tetracycline, Clotrimazole, Neomycin, Zeparin, Kanamycin, Levomycin, and Monomycin, and low resistance (2–8) to Ampicillin, Benzylpenicillin, Streptomycin, and Gentamicin. Isolate 4 demonstrated no antibiotic resistance to Carbenicillin and Polymyxin. Isolate 5 proved highly resistant (27–26) to Ceparin, Benzylpenicillin, Levomycetin, and Novogramon, and medium resistant (12–22) to Clotrimazole, Streptomycin, Neomycin, Gentamicin, Polymyxin, Carbenicillin, and Monomycin. Isolate 5 demonstrated no resistance to Ampicillin, Tetracycline, and Kanamycin.
Conclusion. Psychrophiles can serve as microorganisms to create new biological products that suppress the development of diseases in plants. Psychrophiles proved an extremely promising research direction for cultivating and storing agricultural products.