Introduction. The present research featured the antioxidant complex of Russian tea varieties. The research objective was to study the formation patterns of the components responsible for the quality characteristics of tea as a raw material and finished product. The paper describes the changes that the biochemical composition of tea undergoes during the growing season and during processing. The study focused on pigments, vitamins, caffeine, and amino acids.Study objects and methods. The research featured the following varieties of tea grown in the Krasnodar region of Russia: “Kolkhida” (control) and “Sochi”; forms – No. 582, 3823, 855, and 2264. The research was performed on the foundation plantation of collection tea in the village of Uch-Dere (Lazarevsky district of Sochi, Krasnodar region, Russia) and in the laboratory of plant physiology and biochemistry. The study involved traditional and advanced research methods.
Results and discussion. The paper introduces some results of a comprehensive analysis of the biochemical composition of various tea sorts. Shoots No. 2264, 3823, and the “Sochi” variety demonstrated high values of ascorbic acid. Form No. 3823 and the “Sochi” variety proved to have a relatively stable content of ascorbic acid. All experimental plants had the highest caffeine synthesis in July (from 24.633 to 28.614 μg/100 g). Processing destroyed caffeine and reduced its amount. The experimental samples of raw materials had eleven amino acids, the largest number being synthesized in May. Processing triggered both general changes in their quantity and varietal differences in the metabolic reactions of amino acid conversion.
Conclusion. The tea flushes and finished products differed in all biologically active substances, which is associated with both varietal characteristics and the effect of weather conditions during vegetation.
Beverages, sprouts, finished product, vegetation, processing, antioxidants, pigments, vitamins, caffeine, amino acidsREFERENCES
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