ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)

Shock Freezing of Bakery Products using Non-Traditional Raw Materials at Public Catering Establishments

Introduction. Shock freezing is widely used in food industry. However, it is not popular with public catering enterprises that produce their own bread and bakery products. Many businesses prefer to use ready-made frozen semi-finished products, rather than to bake them on their own. However, the range of such semi-finished products is not sufficiently diverse: as a rule, it includes “basic” popular products. The authors believe that bread can be an advantageous image product for any public catering company. Fresh
bread makes the company more competitive. Shock freezing technology can help public catering enterprises to expand their range of bakery products, diversify the bread menu, and increase profitability. The research objective was to establish shock-freezing modes for bakery products produced in the conditions of a public catering enterprise, including using non-traditional raw materials, e.g. cranberry and beet puree.
Study objects and methods. The research featured samples of baked products from yeast dough prepared in various ways, including shock-freezing technology. The quality of the raw materials and finished products was assessed by a combination of organoleptic and physicochemical indicators using standard methods.
Results and discussion. The article introduces new scientific-based formulations of yeast dough products with beetroot and cranberry puree, modes and parameters of shock freezing and baking of bakery products in the conditions of a public catering enterprise. The doses of beet and cranberry puree that provide the best quality indicators of finished products were 10% of beet and 5% of cranberry puree per unit of flour. The authors studied the effect of baking time on the quality of frozen bakery products, as well as the freezing time and the cooking time after refreezing.
Conclusion. The research established the quality indicators, modes, and parameters of shock freezing of bakery products at chain catering enterprises. The optimal freezing time for 50 g products after 10 min of baking in a convection oven at 180°C proved 50 ± 2 min at –40°C; the baking time after refreezing was 10 min at 180°C.
Food, bakery products, shock freezing, cranberry puree, beet puree, assortment
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How to quote?
Roshchyna AV, Grigorieva RZ, Baranets SYu, Davydenko NI, Kurakin MS. Shock Freezing of Bakery Products using Non-Traditional Raw Materials at Public Catering Establishments. Food Processing: Techniques and Technology. 2020;50(3): 439–449. (In Russ.). DOI:
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