ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)

Application of Visco-Elastic Deck in Decorticating Buckwheat Grains

Introduction. During buckwheat processing, up to 7.0% of the kernels turn into feed meal. This loss causes a significant decrease in profits during the production of buckwheat groats. Decorticating of buckwheat is complicated by the fact that the size uniformity of the grain mass does not exceed 40–50%. Since the grain size varies greatly, the mass is divided into fractions to optimize the
decorticating process. Sorting of grain into size fractions with subsequent calibration increases the efficiency of decorticating. The procedure makes it possible to choose the appropriate decorticating mode while maintaining the integrity of the kernel. New methods of decorticating improve the utilization of grain and, consequently, profitability. The research objective was to assess the rationality of the use of visco-elastic material for decorticating buckwheat grain.
Study objects and methods. The research featured buckwheat grain, which was divided into six fractions by size before decorticating. The grain was harvested in the foothill part of the Altai Territory in 2018.The effectiveness of the procedure was tested using a standard abrasive deck and a visco-elastic deck with Shore hardness = A-80-95 and elastic modulus = 2.8 MPa.
Results and discussion. A simultaneous use of a visco-elastic deck and an abrasive deck on a Valdecede machine reduced the mass fraction of the destroyed kernels at the stage of decorticating. The production tests involved processing of 23,000 thousand tons of buckwheat grain. The resource of visco-elastic decks in different fractions ranged from 6 to 12 months. The tests proved that viscoelastic decks provided a 1.5% increase in the mass fraction of buckwheat groats due to a reduction in the resulting feed meal. A set of economic calculations showed an increase in the marginal profit by 800,000 rubles per month.
Conclusion. The use of visco-elastic decks during decorticating of buckwheat grain of all fractions increased the profitability of buckwheat groats production by 1.8% and raised the yield by 1.5%.
Kernel integrity, visco-elastic deck, buckwheat, decorticating, kernel utilization ratio, fraction
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How to quote?
Marin VA, Vereshchagin AL, Ivanov AA. Application of Visco-Elastic Deck in Decorticating Buckwheat Grains. Food Processing: Techniques and Technology. 2020;50(1):87–95. (In Russ.). DOI:
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