Volume 50, Issue 1, 2020
Introduction. The research featured the physicochemical and functional properties of tiger nut (Cyperus esculentus), quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa), and their mixes. The research objective was to study the effects of their interfacial interaction and the qualitative characteristics of meat model systems, as well as general opportunities for their use in meat products.
Study objects and methods. The tiger nut is a traditional plant that grows in Egypt. It is often used in beverages and bakery. The quinoa is a cereal product that grows mainly in Peru and Colombia. A set of experiments was conducted to determine such colloidalchemical parameters as optical density, electrical conductivity, solubility, pH, and effective viscosity. The studied additives proved to be synergists. The research also included the organoleptic characteristics of meat model samples prepared with a mix of tiger nut and quinoa at different ratios as a partial replacement of raw meat. The mix substituted 5% of the meat system. Tiger nut and quinoa used as a substitute for raw meat positively affected such indicators of the finished product as taste, smell, color, and aroma. The obtained data were analyzed with the help of a specialized software package “Multimeat Expert”. The optimal ratio of tiger nut and quinoa in the mix was determined as 1:1.
Results and discussion. The mix of tiger nut and quinoa “TiQi” contained 11.38% of dietary fiber, 14.35% of lipids, and 9.37% of protein. In addition, the mix contained a large amount of minerals: potassium – 636.61 mg/100 g, calcium – 68.54 mg/100 g, and vitamins C, E, and B. Its antioxidant activity reached 20.41 mg/g.
Conclusion. The obtained mix of tiger nut and quinoa could be used as a functional ingredient in meat products to increase the content of dietary fibers, as well as vitamins and minerals. In addition, “TiQi” demonstrated good antioxidant activity and increased the shelf life of meat products.
Study objects and methods. The tiger nut is a traditional plant that grows in Egypt. It is often used in beverages and bakery. The quinoa is a cereal product that grows mainly in Peru and Colombia. A set of experiments was conducted to determine such colloidalchemical parameters as optical density, electrical conductivity, solubility, pH, and effective viscosity. The studied additives proved to be synergists. The research also included the organoleptic characteristics of meat model samples prepared with a mix of tiger nut and quinoa at different ratios as a partial replacement of raw meat. The mix substituted 5% of the meat system. Tiger nut and quinoa used as a substitute for raw meat positively affected such indicators of the finished product as taste, smell, color, and aroma. The obtained data were analyzed with the help of a specialized software package “Multimeat Expert”. The optimal ratio of tiger nut and quinoa in the mix was determined as 1:1.
Results and discussion. The mix of tiger nut and quinoa “TiQi” contained 11.38% of dietary fiber, 14.35% of lipids, and 9.37% of protein. In addition, the mix contained a large amount of minerals: potassium – 636.61 mg/100 g, calcium – 68.54 mg/100 g, and vitamins C, E, and B. Its antioxidant activity reached 20.41 mg/g.
Conclusion. The obtained mix of tiger nut and quinoa could be used as a functional ingredient in meat products to increase the content of dietary fibers, as well as vitamins and minerals. In addition, “TiQi” demonstrated good antioxidant activity and increased the shelf life of meat products.
Introduction. Healthy diet has been in the focus of scientific attention for many years. This issue is closely connected with the production of functional foods. Functional food products contain functional ingredients that are beneficial to living systems. The present research features functional soft cheese based on dried berries that are rich in vitamin C, which possesses antioxidant activity, reduces the risk of blood clots, and improves the immune system.
Study objects and methods. An online survey was conducted to study the Russian cheese market. The experiments featured samples of sea-buckthorn, aronia, and rosehip berries and samples of milk whey obtained at different stages of cheese production. The sampels of the berries were analysed for physical and chemical properties, i.e. acidity, contents of dry substances, moisture, food fibers, vitamin C content, etc. Acidity of milk whey was evaluated in pH.
Results and discussion. The market analysis revealed that Russian cheese market needs to be expanded. Potential customers would agree to purchase cheese with various berry additives. Almost 30% of respondents claimed that they would like to buy cheese with sea-buckthorn berries. We produced four samples of cheese with raw material that was rich in vitamin C. A panel of six potential customers evaluated the samples for sensory properties using a five-point scale, i.e. color, taste, aroma, consistency, and shape. The sea-buckthorn cheese received the highest score: 22.3 points out of 25.
Conclusion. Powdered sea-buckthorn, aronia, and rosehip berries could be used to produce quality functional soft cheese. The research helped to define the optimal way of introducing berry additives into cheese products. Powdered berries were introduced while mixing curd, which helped to maintain whey acidity at the required level and improve the qualitaty of the final product. When the powdered berries were introduced into the milk before the enzyme, the consistency of the obtained cheese was unsatisfying: it broke down into curds, and its viscosity was low.
Study objects and methods. An online survey was conducted to study the Russian cheese market. The experiments featured samples of sea-buckthorn, aronia, and rosehip berries and samples of milk whey obtained at different stages of cheese production. The sampels of the berries were analysed for physical and chemical properties, i.e. acidity, contents of dry substances, moisture, food fibers, vitamin C content, etc. Acidity of milk whey was evaluated in pH.
Results and discussion. The market analysis revealed that Russian cheese market needs to be expanded. Potential customers would agree to purchase cheese with various berry additives. Almost 30% of respondents claimed that they would like to buy cheese with sea-buckthorn berries. We produced four samples of cheese with raw material that was rich in vitamin C. A panel of six potential customers evaluated the samples for sensory properties using a five-point scale, i.e. color, taste, aroma, consistency, and shape. The sea-buckthorn cheese received the highest score: 22.3 points out of 25.
Conclusion. Powdered sea-buckthorn, aronia, and rosehip berries could be used to produce quality functional soft cheese. The research helped to define the optimal way of introducing berry additives into cheese products. Powdered berries were introduced while mixing curd, which helped to maintain whey acidity at the required level and improve the qualitaty of the final product. When the powdered berries were introduced into the milk before the enzyme, the consistency of the obtained cheese was unsatisfying: it broke down into curds, and its viscosity was low.
Introduction. The fundamental competitiveness of all food industries is based on two key points. The first one is the effective use of traditional and new raw materials. The second one is a constant upgrade of the technical base by introducing innovative technological solutions and modern equipment. In this aspect, the fat processing industry is no exception. The development of a comprehensive and sustainable processing of ostrich fat can help to obtain rendered fat with specufic properties that can be used in functional foods and cosmetics. The research objective was to improve the parameters of ostrich fat rendering by using electrolyzed fluid in order to obtain a functional fat product of high quality indicators.
Study objects and methods. The research featured ostrich fat obtained by wet melting in the aqueous phase of electrolyte (catholyte). A saline solution of sodium chloride (4 g/100cm3) was subjected to electrochemical treatment in an electrolytic bath with a direct current of 0.5–0.6 A and a voltage of 40–42 V. For fat extraction, we used catholyte with the following parameters: pH 9–11, redox potential between –600 and –700 mV. A two-factor experiment helped to improve the technological parameters of fat rendering. Catholyte hydrogen index X1 (Z1) and fat melting temperature X2 (Z2) were chosen as the primary technological parameters.
Results and discussion. The processing temperature of raw fat had a significant effect on the fat yield. When the catholyte hydrogen index and the temperature were increased, it had a negative effect on fat extraction. The acid value of ostrich fat was significantly affected by the pH of catholyte. The inactivating effect of catholytic action on the enzymatic processes resulted in low values of peroxide fat.
Conclusion. The research provided the following optimal range for producing ostrich fat with improved consumer properties: hydrogen index = 10.5–11.0, melting temperature = 60.0–100.00°C.
Study objects and methods. The research featured ostrich fat obtained by wet melting in the aqueous phase of electrolyte (catholyte). A saline solution of sodium chloride (4 g/100cm3) was subjected to electrochemical treatment in an electrolytic bath with a direct current of 0.5–0.6 A and a voltage of 40–42 V. For fat extraction, we used catholyte with the following parameters: pH 9–11, redox potential between –600 and –700 mV. A two-factor experiment helped to improve the technological parameters of fat rendering. Catholyte hydrogen index X1 (Z1) and fat melting temperature X2 (Z2) were chosen as the primary technological parameters.
Results and discussion. The processing temperature of raw fat had a significant effect on the fat yield. When the catholyte hydrogen index and the temperature were increased, it had a negative effect on fat extraction. The acid value of ostrich fat was significantly affected by the pH of catholyte. The inactivating effect of catholytic action on the enzymatic processes resulted in low values of peroxide fat.
Conclusion. The research provided the following optimal range for producing ostrich fat with improved consumer properties: hydrogen index = 10.5–11.0, melting temperature = 60.0–100.00°C.
Introduction. Dry fermented meat products are considered to be fine foods. Their quality depends on a combination of various processes. The composition and properties of raw materials, e.g. fat, play a key role in quality formation. The research objective was to study the fermentation process in fourth-category pork obtained from sows, which contains a lot of highly unsaturated fatty acids. The considerable resources that this raw material can provide require improved technologies.
Study objects and methods. The research featured two types of pork. The first group included samples made from fourth-category carcasses, i.e. hip muscle tissue and spine fat, in the ratio of 85:15. The second group included control samples made from secondcategory pork that was obtained from young animals. This type of meat is traditionally used for fermented products. The fermentation process was performed using starter cultures for rapid fermentation of StLb 37.03 M (0.1% by weight of raw materials). The samples were fermented at the activation temperatures of the starter cultures for 48 h. After that, the samples were dried at 50°C with shortterm smoke supply for 1 h. The total time of the production cycle was 14 days. The samples were monitored for water activity, pH, weight loss, chemical composition, amount of free fatty acids, secondary and primary oxidation products, color characteristics, and sensory properties during all stages of the process.
Results and discussion. The content of unsaturated fatty acids was 65.39% of the total amount of fatty acids in the fourth-category pork obtained from sows. In the second-category pork obtained from young animals, it was 59.1%. Water activity, pH, and moistureprotein ratio were within the control criteria for shelf stable products. The analysis of thiobarbituric values and free fatty acids indicated a deeper degradation of the fat part, but their values were comparable to those of the control group. The sensory properties of fourth-category fermented pork were highly evaluated by experts.
Conclusion. The obtained data proved the possibility of using fourth-category raw materials in the technology of fermented delicatessen products.
Study objects and methods. The research featured two types of pork. The first group included samples made from fourth-category carcasses, i.e. hip muscle tissue and spine fat, in the ratio of 85:15. The second group included control samples made from secondcategory pork that was obtained from young animals. This type of meat is traditionally used for fermented products. The fermentation process was performed using starter cultures for rapid fermentation of StLb 37.03 M (0.1% by weight of raw materials). The samples were fermented at the activation temperatures of the starter cultures for 48 h. After that, the samples were dried at 50°C with shortterm smoke supply for 1 h. The total time of the production cycle was 14 days. The samples were monitored for water activity, pH, weight loss, chemical composition, amount of free fatty acids, secondary and primary oxidation products, color characteristics, and sensory properties during all stages of the process.
Results and discussion. The content of unsaturated fatty acids was 65.39% of the total amount of fatty acids in the fourth-category pork obtained from sows. In the second-category pork obtained from young animals, it was 59.1%. Water activity, pH, and moistureprotein ratio were within the control criteria for shelf stable products. The analysis of thiobarbituric values and free fatty acids indicated a deeper degradation of the fat part, but their values were comparable to those of the control group. The sensory properties of fourth-category fermented pork were highly evaluated by experts.
Conclusion. The obtained data proved the possibility of using fourth-category raw materials in the technology of fermented delicatessen products.
Introduction. The research improved the formulation of semi-finished sponge cake by using the method of generalized desirability function. Traditional components were substituted with new advantageous rye varieties of local selection. The main advantage of the rye variety “Memory to Bambyshev” is that rye flour obtained from the whole grain of this variety has a lower trypsin inhibitor (1.7 mg/g) compared to flour from such varieties as “Saratov 6” (2.16 mg/g). Thus, the digestibility of the grain of this variety is higher by 0.26%. The rye can be used in baking to produce dietary breads, low-calorie bakery products with bran, and animal feed.
Study objects and methods. Cakes and pastries make 34.5% of the total volume of flour confectionery products. The study developed a new semi-finished sponge-cake product, which can serve as the basis for cakes and pastries. However, flour confectionery products are oversaturated with carbohydrates and fats, which increases their calorie content. A set of experiments was performed to study the effect of reducing the amount of sugar in the formulation and replacing wheat flour with rye flour on the quality of semi-finished sponge-cake product. A basic formulation for sponge cake was used as control sample. The test semples varied in content of sugar and flour made from various types of rye. The technological additives included Ovalet emulsifier (1.5% to flour) and Duo baking powder (0.1% to flour). Emulsifier “OVALET SUPER” (Bakels, Sweden) is a pasty substance that consists of emulsifying agents, water, and stabilizers and acts as an improver, stabilizer, and structurizer designed for the production of semi-finished sponge cakes, rolls, muffins, and cookies. Duo baking powder is a special highly effective tool that does not contain tartaric acid. It can be used for the production of various varieties of bread and confectionery, e.g. biscuits, rolls, gingerbread, etc. The obtained dough was easy to process. The new formulation increased the volume and color of the product, as well as slowed down the process of hardening.
Results and discussion. The highest value of the generalized function of desirability belonged to the sample where white wheat flour was subsituted with 30% of rye flour and the sample with 100% of rye flour with a 40% sugar reduction. According to the specific desirability indicators, the mass fraction of moisture, the mass fraction of total sugar, energy value, and foaming ability of the semifinished product were higher than those of the control sample.
Conclusion. The developed formulation and technology can expand the range of functional products.
Study objects and methods. Cakes and pastries make 34.5% of the total volume of flour confectionery products. The study developed a new semi-finished sponge-cake product, which can serve as the basis for cakes and pastries. However, flour confectionery products are oversaturated with carbohydrates and fats, which increases their calorie content. A set of experiments was performed to study the effect of reducing the amount of sugar in the formulation and replacing wheat flour with rye flour on the quality of semi-finished sponge-cake product. A basic formulation for sponge cake was used as control sample. The test semples varied in content of sugar and flour made from various types of rye. The technological additives included Ovalet emulsifier (1.5% to flour) and Duo baking powder (0.1% to flour). Emulsifier “OVALET SUPER” (Bakels, Sweden) is a pasty substance that consists of emulsifying agents, water, and stabilizers and acts as an improver, stabilizer, and structurizer designed for the production of semi-finished sponge cakes, rolls, muffins, and cookies. Duo baking powder is a special highly effective tool that does not contain tartaric acid. It can be used for the production of various varieties of bread and confectionery, e.g. biscuits, rolls, gingerbread, etc. The obtained dough was easy to process. The new formulation increased the volume and color of the product, as well as slowed down the process of hardening.
Results and discussion. The highest value of the generalized function of desirability belonged to the sample where white wheat flour was subsituted with 30% of rye flour and the sample with 100% of rye flour with a 40% sugar reduction. According to the specific desirability indicators, the mass fraction of moisture, the mass fraction of total sugar, energy value, and foaming ability of the semifinished product were higher than those of the control sample.
Conclusion. The developed formulation and technology can expand the range of functional products.
Introduction. Functional food industry has a stable tendency to use natural plant materials and products. The rowan thrives in Siberian conditions, which makes rowanberries a local raw material of plant origin. The article features the process of encapsulation of bitter plant extracts, which makes it possible to create new functional ingredients.
Study objects and methods. The plant extract was obtained from the powder of infrared-dried uncultivated rowanberries harvested in the city of Novosibirsk and the Altai Territory in September 2018 and October 2019. The research compared two parallel encapsulation technologies: spray and freeze drying. The encapsulating matrix vs. IR-dried powder ratio was established experimentally. Konjac and guar gum polysaccharides were used as encapsulating membranes. The content of antioxidants, flavonoids, vitamin C, and β-carotene was determined in the IR-dried rowanberry extract and encapsulated powder. A set of experiments made it possible to compile a new formulation of a cottage cheese dessert with encapsulated functional additive. The dessert was tested for various quality indicators that affect the physicochemical and rheological properties of the product, i.e. moisture, solids content, sugar content, vitamin C, β-carotene, antioxidant capacity, and biologically active flavonoids.
Results and discussion. Encapsulation significantly improved the sensory properties of the final material. The physicochemical quality assessment showed that a 1:1 dilution of rowan extract with a food polysaccharide did not affect the content of biologically active substances (with a tolerance of 8%). The physical and chemical quality assessment confirmed the functionality of the dessert: it contained > 15% of the daily physiological requirements of vitamin C, β-carotene, antioxidants, and flavonoids.
Conclusion. The paper introduces a novel method of rowan powder encapsulation, which was successfully applied to create a new functional product. The encapsulation technology made it possible to soften the natural bitterness of the raw material. The new functional product demonstrated excellent sensory properties and nutritional value.
Introduction. The modern food industry is currently facing the problem of the appropriate use of inexpensive and affordable domestic plant materials as an important source of vital substances. They can be used in formulations and production technologies of fortified functional foods. The present research featured the development and assessment of the quality of wheat bread fortified with willow weed (Epilobium Angustifolium).
Study objects and methods. Samples of wheat bread were prepared from wheat baking flour of the highest grade. The extract and powder were prepared from crushed grass of Epilobium Angustifolium. The sensory and physico-chemical quality indicators of wheat bread samples were determined by conventional methods. The Harrington desirability function was used to improve the sensory properties of the wheat bread samples.
Results and discussion. The interval ranges of values of the generalized desirability function were used to establish the values of this function for all samples of wheat bread fortified with Epilobium Angustifolium. The values proved to be in the range marked as “good”: D = 0.6927–0.6908. The powder of Epilobium Angustifolium increased the content of potassium in 100 g of bread by 5–12%, calcium – by 12–30%, magnesium – by 3–7%, and phosphorus – by 2–6%. When the extract was applied, the content of potassium and calcium increased by 7% and 13%, respectfully, while the content of magnesium and phosphorus increased by 4%.
Conclusion. The extract of Epilobium Angustifolium fortified the samples of wheat bread with important mineral elements and increased their nutritional value. The physico-chemical indicators of the test samples did not deteriorate. The optimal dose of Epilobium Angustifolium powder was 3% vs. total flour mass. The sample of wheat bread with 3% of willow weed powder demonstrated good quality indicators, and its physico-chemical indicators met the requirements of the standard. The nutritional value of wheat bread samples fortified with Epilobium Angustifolium powder increased due to the larger content of phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, and potassium.
Study objects and methods. Samples of wheat bread were prepared from wheat baking flour of the highest grade. The extract and powder were prepared from crushed grass of Epilobium Angustifolium. The sensory and physico-chemical quality indicators of wheat bread samples were determined by conventional methods. The Harrington desirability function was used to improve the sensory properties of the wheat bread samples.
Results and discussion. The interval ranges of values of the generalized desirability function were used to establish the values of this function for all samples of wheat bread fortified with Epilobium Angustifolium. The values proved to be in the range marked as “good”: D = 0.6927–0.6908. The powder of Epilobium Angustifolium increased the content of potassium in 100 g of bread by 5–12%, calcium – by 12–30%, magnesium – by 3–7%, and phosphorus – by 2–6%. When the extract was applied, the content of potassium and calcium increased by 7% and 13%, respectfully, while the content of magnesium and phosphorus increased by 4%.
Conclusion. The extract of Epilobium Angustifolium fortified the samples of wheat bread with important mineral elements and increased their nutritional value. The physico-chemical indicators of the test samples did not deteriorate. The optimal dose of Epilobium Angustifolium powder was 3% vs. total flour mass. The sample of wheat bread with 3% of willow weed powder demonstrated good quality indicators, and its physico-chemical indicators met the requirements of the standard. The nutritional value of wheat bread samples fortified with Epilobium Angustifolium powder increased due to the larger content of phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, and potassium.
Introduction. The production of gluten-free food products, including alcohol-free beverages, is an urgent task for Russian food industry. Buckwheat malt has a great raw material potential, because it consists rutin, which can give the final product some useful functional properties. Aromatic raw materials improve the sensory characteristics of beverages and increase their nutritional value.
Study objects and methods. Kvass is a traditional Russian bread juice. To prepare gluten-free kvass, we used light and scalding buckwheat malt and water infusions of barberry, juniper, leaves of garden currant, and lemon balm grass. The wort was prepared by infusion and fermented with bottom beer yeast Saflager W-34/70. Then it was blended with infusions of plant materials. Sensory and physical and chemical properties of kvass were determined by standard methods. Antioxidant activity of the beverages was assessed by using DPPH radical scavenging method.
Results and discussion. All samples met the state standard requirements for kvass by sensory, physical, and chemical characteristics. The drinks obtained from the scalding malt were well-fermented and achieved better tasting ratings compared to those from the light malt. The control sample, which contained no aromatic raw materials, received the lowest scores for taste and aroma. The kvass blended with infusions of barberry and garden currant had the best results. The infusions increased the shelf life of the kvass from 7 days (control) to 12 (barberry), 14 (juniper), and 16 (currant). All samples of kvass demonstrated antioxidant activity, the beverage with infusion of garden currant leaves showing the best results (≤ 80%). Antiradical activity was established for the samples blended with barberry and currant infusions.
Conclusion. light and scalding buckwheat malt can be used to prepare gluten-free kvass. Blending buckwheat kvass with infusions of aromatic raw materials increased the shelf life of the beverages, improved their taste, aroma, and antioxidant activity (except the sample with infusions of juniper), and gave them antiradical properties.
Study objects and methods. Kvass is a traditional Russian bread juice. To prepare gluten-free kvass, we used light and scalding buckwheat malt and water infusions of barberry, juniper, leaves of garden currant, and lemon balm grass. The wort was prepared by infusion and fermented with bottom beer yeast Saflager W-34/70. Then it was blended with infusions of plant materials. Sensory and physical and chemical properties of kvass were determined by standard methods. Antioxidant activity of the beverages was assessed by using DPPH radical scavenging method.
Results and discussion. All samples met the state standard requirements for kvass by sensory, physical, and chemical characteristics. The drinks obtained from the scalding malt were well-fermented and achieved better tasting ratings compared to those from the light malt. The control sample, which contained no aromatic raw materials, received the lowest scores for taste and aroma. The kvass blended with infusions of barberry and garden currant had the best results. The infusions increased the shelf life of the kvass from 7 days (control) to 12 (barberry), 14 (juniper), and 16 (currant). All samples of kvass demonstrated antioxidant activity, the beverage with infusion of garden currant leaves showing the best results (≤ 80%). Antiradical activity was established for the samples blended with barberry and currant infusions.
Conclusion. light and scalding buckwheat malt can be used to prepare gluten-free kvass. Blending buckwheat kvass with infusions of aromatic raw materials increased the shelf life of the beverages, improved their taste, aroma, and antioxidant activity (except the sample with infusions of juniper), and gave them antiradical properties.
Introduction. Rose hips are rich in macro- and micronutrients. Unfortunately, heat treatment destroys most nutrients. Ultrasonic technologies make it possible to reduce the drying time and lower the temperature regime. The research objective was to adjust ultrasound technology to rose hip production in order to reduce the loss of vitamins and improve the quality indicators of the dried product.
Study objects and methods. The research featured rose hips of the Rosa canina species collected in the south of Kazakhstan. This subspecies of wild rose is poor in vitamin C. Nevertheless, this shrub is extremely common in Russia and other countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. The raw material was dried according to standard methods. One group of samples was treated with ultrasound, while the other served as control. Both groups underwent a sensory evaluation and were tested for moisture and vitamin C.
Results and discussion. The rose hips were dried in a combination steam oven with a built-in ultrasonic wave generator. The research revealed the following optimal parameters of the ultrasound drying process: frequency of ultrasonic vibrations – 22 kHz, processing time – 2.5 h, temperature in the combination steam oven – +56°C, initial moisture content – 30%. The resulting product met the requirements of State Standard. The loss of moisture was 57%. According to State Standard 1994-93, the initial moisture content should be 15% or less. Time decreased from 360 min to 160 min, and the initial moisture was 13%. The experiment confirmed the initial hypothesis that ultrasonic treatment improves the drying process by improving quality indicators and preserving vitamin C in raw materials using.
Conclusion. Ultrasound treatment during moisture removal from rose hips provides a resource-saving technology that fulfills an economically and socially important function.
Study objects and methods. The research featured rose hips of the Rosa canina species collected in the south of Kazakhstan. This subspecies of wild rose is poor in vitamin C. Nevertheless, this shrub is extremely common in Russia and other countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. The raw material was dried according to standard methods. One group of samples was treated with ultrasound, while the other served as control. Both groups underwent a sensory evaluation and were tested for moisture and vitamin C.
Results and discussion. The rose hips were dried in a combination steam oven with a built-in ultrasonic wave generator. The research revealed the following optimal parameters of the ultrasound drying process: frequency of ultrasonic vibrations – 22 kHz, processing time – 2.5 h, temperature in the combination steam oven – +56°C, initial moisture content – 30%. The resulting product met the requirements of State Standard. The loss of moisture was 57%. According to State Standard 1994-93, the initial moisture content should be 15% or less. Time decreased from 360 min to 160 min, and the initial moisture was 13%. The experiment confirmed the initial hypothesis that ultrasonic treatment improves the drying process by improving quality indicators and preserving vitamin C in raw materials using.
Conclusion. Ultrasound treatment during moisture removal from rose hips provides a resource-saving technology that fulfills an economically and socially important function.
Introduction. During buckwheat processing, up to 7.0% of the kernels turn into feed meal. This loss causes a significant decrease in profits during the production of buckwheat groats. Decorticating of buckwheat is complicated by the fact that the size uniformity of the grain mass does not exceed 40–50%. Since the grain size varies greatly, the mass is divided into fractions to optimize the
decorticating process. Sorting of grain into size fractions with subsequent calibration increases the efficiency of decorticating. The procedure makes it possible to choose the appropriate decorticating mode while maintaining the integrity of the kernel. New methods of decorticating improve the utilization of grain and, consequently, profitability. The research objective was to assess the rationality of the use of visco-elastic material for decorticating buckwheat grain.
Study objects and methods. The research featured buckwheat grain, which was divided into six fractions by size before decorticating. The grain was harvested in the foothill part of the Altai Territory in 2018.The effectiveness of the procedure was tested using a standard abrasive deck and a visco-elastic deck with Shore hardness = A-80-95 and elastic modulus = 2.8 MPa.
Results and discussion. A simultaneous use of a visco-elastic deck and an abrasive deck on a Valdecede machine reduced the mass fraction of the destroyed kernels at the stage of decorticating. The production tests involved processing of 23,000 thousand tons of buckwheat grain. The resource of visco-elastic decks in different fractions ranged from 6 to 12 months. The tests proved that viscoelastic decks provided a 1.5% increase in the mass fraction of buckwheat groats due to a reduction in the resulting feed meal. A set of economic calculations showed an increase in the marginal profit by 800,000 rubles per month.
Conclusion. The use of visco-elastic decks during decorticating of buckwheat grain of all fractions increased the profitability of buckwheat groats production by 1.8% and raised the yield by 1.5%.
decorticating process. Sorting of grain into size fractions with subsequent calibration increases the efficiency of decorticating. The procedure makes it possible to choose the appropriate decorticating mode while maintaining the integrity of the kernel. New methods of decorticating improve the utilization of grain and, consequently, profitability. The research objective was to assess the rationality of the use of visco-elastic material for decorticating buckwheat grain.
Study objects and methods. The research featured buckwheat grain, which was divided into six fractions by size before decorticating. The grain was harvested in the foothill part of the Altai Territory in 2018.The effectiveness of the procedure was tested using a standard abrasive deck and a visco-elastic deck with Shore hardness = A-80-95 and elastic modulus = 2.8 MPa.
Results and discussion. A simultaneous use of a visco-elastic deck and an abrasive deck on a Valdecede machine reduced the mass fraction of the destroyed kernels at the stage of decorticating. The production tests involved processing of 23,000 thousand tons of buckwheat grain. The resource of visco-elastic decks in different fractions ranged from 6 to 12 months. The tests proved that viscoelastic decks provided a 1.5% increase in the mass fraction of buckwheat groats due to a reduction in the resulting feed meal. A set of economic calculations showed an increase in the marginal profit by 800,000 rubles per month.
Conclusion. The use of visco-elastic decks during decorticating of buckwheat grain of all fractions increased the profitability of buckwheat groats production by 1.8% and raised the yield by 1.5%.
Introduction. By 2030, Russia will have abandoned the export-dependent economy and moved on to the innovation-based development, as it is stated in the Long-Term Plan for Social and Economic Development of the Russian Federation issued by the Ministry of Economic Development. Improving the production of products reduces the cost of finished products and increases their biological value. Working population often fails to maintain a balanced diet. Therefore, it is necessary to develop products that contain a large number of biologically active substances, e.g. instant drinks of plant origin.
Study objects and methods. The level of integrity of the technological production line for instant starch drinks depends on the level of integrity of each of its subsystems. By comparing the monitored parameters with the given values, one can assess the integrity level of the entire system. The subsystem that is responsible for the semi-finished product causes the greatest perturbation in the stability of the entire system. According to the theory of the technological flow proposed by Dr. V.A. Panfilov, this is subsystem B. The problem is associated with the instability of the granulation process, i.e. unstable particle size distribution in the finished product. The instability may occur due to the principle of operation and design features of dish-shaped granulators. As a result, the quality of the
finished product decreases.
Results and discussion. The team developed a new hardware design of a machine-hardware scheme for the production of instantiated granular food products (IGPP). They conducted a repeated assessment of the integrity level of the entire technological system. The analysis of the production technology of IHPP employed a systematic approach, which made it possible to determine the level of its organization and increase it. The positive changes took place after the introduction of a new subsystem of the solid-state mechanochemical activation of potato starch. The activation changed the physical and mechanical properties of native starches, thus intensifying the process of structure formation. In addition, the integrity of the entire subsystem could be increased by changing the principle of structure formation of granules. A new granulator and a new operating principle made it possible to perform granulation by pelletizing in controlled segregated flows.
Conclusion. The stability of subsystem B increased by 0.31, while the stability of the whole system increased by 0.56. The success was directly related to the new granulation technologies and a change in the technological flow of production of instant starch drinks.
Study objects and methods. The level of integrity of the technological production line for instant starch drinks depends on the level of integrity of each of its subsystems. By comparing the monitored parameters with the given values, one can assess the integrity level of the entire system. The subsystem that is responsible for the semi-finished product causes the greatest perturbation in the stability of the entire system. According to the theory of the technological flow proposed by Dr. V.A. Panfilov, this is subsystem B. The problem is associated with the instability of the granulation process, i.e. unstable particle size distribution in the finished product. The instability may occur due to the principle of operation and design features of dish-shaped granulators. As a result, the quality of the
finished product decreases.
Results and discussion. The team developed a new hardware design of a machine-hardware scheme for the production of instantiated granular food products (IGPP). They conducted a repeated assessment of the integrity level of the entire technological system. The analysis of the production technology of IHPP employed a systematic approach, which made it possible to determine the level of its organization and increase it. The positive changes took place after the introduction of a new subsystem of the solid-state mechanochemical activation of potato starch. The activation changed the physical and mechanical properties of native starches, thus intensifying the process of structure formation. In addition, the integrity of the entire subsystem could be increased by changing the principle of structure formation of granules. A new granulator and a new operating principle made it possible to perform granulation by pelletizing in controlled segregated flows.
Conclusion. The stability of subsystem B increased by 0.31, while the stability of the whole system increased by 0.56. The success was directly related to the new granulation technologies and a change in the technological flow of production of instant starch drinks.
Introduction. One of the most important tasks of the modern oil and cake industry is to develop advanced technologies that could increase the yield of high quality oil and related target components from oilseeds.
Study objects and methods. The present research featured sunflower oilseeds. The main method of electrical treatment processing was high-voltage electrical pulses of microsecond duration: electric field strength = 13.3 kV/cm, frequency = 30 Hz. To assess the effects of electric pulses, we used disintegration index, i.e. a method of determining the number of destroyed cells according to the electrical conductivity of the material. To assess the effect of the treatment, the sunflower meal was pressed in a hydraulic press. The procedure was followed by extraction using hydrocarbon solvent. As an additional assessment, we analyzed the biomass impedance before and after treatment with high-voltage discharges with the determination of the disintegration index. To assess the quality of the resulting oil, we determined the acid and peroxide values. IR spectroscopy provided a more thorough assessment of the quality of the oil.
Results and discussion. After the sunflower meal was treated with high-voltage pulses, the yield of pressed oil increased by 1.9%. The residual oil content in the meal fell down to 0.61% compared with 1.19% in the control samples. Oil quality indicators showed that treatment with high-voltage pulses did not significantly affect the acid value. The sudden change in the peroxide number was probably caused by the prolonged heating during the experiment.
Conclusion. The obtained experimental data made it possible to forecast the prospects of using the high-voltage electric pulse for oilseed processing and assess the effectiveness of the technology together with its prospective industrial use. The alternative technology can replace the stage of crushing and pre-heating.
Study objects and methods. The present research featured sunflower oilseeds. The main method of electrical treatment processing was high-voltage electrical pulses of microsecond duration: electric field strength = 13.3 kV/cm, frequency = 30 Hz. To assess the effects of electric pulses, we used disintegration index, i.e. a method of determining the number of destroyed cells according to the electrical conductivity of the material. To assess the effect of the treatment, the sunflower meal was pressed in a hydraulic press. The procedure was followed by extraction using hydrocarbon solvent. As an additional assessment, we analyzed the biomass impedance before and after treatment with high-voltage discharges with the determination of the disintegration index. To assess the quality of the resulting oil, we determined the acid and peroxide values. IR spectroscopy provided a more thorough assessment of the quality of the oil.
Results and discussion. After the sunflower meal was treated with high-voltage pulses, the yield of pressed oil increased by 1.9%. The residual oil content in the meal fell down to 0.61% compared with 1.19% in the control samples. Oil quality indicators showed that treatment with high-voltage pulses did not significantly affect the acid value. The sudden change in the peroxide number was probably caused by the prolonged heating during the experiment.
Conclusion. The obtained experimental data made it possible to forecast the prospects of using the high-voltage electric pulse for oilseed processing and assess the effectiveness of the technology together with its prospective industrial use. The alternative technology can replace the stage of crushing and pre-heating.
Introduction. Vegetable raw materials have always been and still remain the main raw material for obtaining extracts. The extraction process is the most important stage during the production of extracts and aromatic spirits. The research objective was to study the extraction process of the target substances from fruit and berry raw materials for the production of alcoholic extracts.
Study objects and methods. The study featured cranberries, which are widespread in Siberia and have many useful properties. Cranberries are rich in vitamins C, B1, B2, B5, B6, PP and rarer vitamin K1. The studies were conducted using a Soxhlet extractor. The experimental results were processed using the method of multiple regression analysis. The research also exploited generally accepted methods for assessing the quality of samples of alcoholic beverages.
Results and discussion. The experiments made it possible to define the optimal technological regime parameters for the production of aromatic cranberry extract. The maximum values of all three processing parameters exerted the greatest effect on the dry matter content in cranberry extract. The recommended conditions resulted in a cranberry extract with a high content of target components. The presented mathematical description of the extraction process in the Soxhlet extractor makes it possible to preliminarily determine the quality indicators of the resulting beverage at the onset of production. Control experiments conducted under these conditions confirmed the calculated values.
Conclusion. By using a Soxhlet extractor, the preparation time for alcoholic cranberry extract was reduced to 20 minutes, which differs by one order of magnitude from the classical infusion production method. The Soxhlet extractor made it possible to use less solvent and raw materials, due to the almost maximum completeness of extraction of the target components of fruit and berry raw materials. This fact is bound to decrease the production expenses and the cost of the final product.
Study objects and methods. The study featured cranberries, which are widespread in Siberia and have many useful properties. Cranberries are rich in vitamins C, B1, B2, B5, B6, PP and rarer vitamin K1. The studies were conducted using a Soxhlet extractor. The experimental results were processed using the method of multiple regression analysis. The research also exploited generally accepted methods for assessing the quality of samples of alcoholic beverages.
Results and discussion. The experiments made it possible to define the optimal technological regime parameters for the production of aromatic cranberry extract. The maximum values of all three processing parameters exerted the greatest effect on the dry matter content in cranberry extract. The recommended conditions resulted in a cranberry extract with a high content of target components. The presented mathematical description of the extraction process in the Soxhlet extractor makes it possible to preliminarily determine the quality indicators of the resulting beverage at the onset of production. Control experiments conducted under these conditions confirmed the calculated values.
Conclusion. By using a Soxhlet extractor, the preparation time for alcoholic cranberry extract was reduced to 20 minutes, which differs by one order of magnitude from the classical infusion production method. The Soxhlet extractor made it possible to use less solvent and raw materials, due to the almost maximum completeness of extraction of the target components of fruit and berry raw materials. This fact is bound to decrease the production expenses and the cost of the final product.
Introduction. The problem of micronutrient deficiency remains a relevant issue all over the world. However, it is mostly developed countries that practice food fortification. The FAO and the WHO accumulate related experience and summarize it in various documents. Yet some aspects of the problem can be solved on state level. The present research featured micronutrient deficit and preventive measures in several countries taking into account local food traditions. Since 1920, a number of industrially developed northern countries have started developing and implementing various food fortification programs. Similar programs are being introduced in East, Central, and South Africa and Southeast Asia. For 40 years, Russia has been taking various measures to prevent micronutrient deficiency and related diseases.
Results and discussion. The research revealed the social and economic measures of food fortification that were found lacking in these countries. The main problem proved to be iodine, iron, and vitamin A deficiency. However, lack of other micronutrients also remains a burning issue. The present paper gives an overview of iodine, selenium, and iron deficiencies in several countries. The authors proposed several solutions, e.g. food group selection, food additives (mono or premix), various ways of fortification, etc. The article also contains a list of main Russian regulatory documents that control the production and turnover of food fortification. The authors showed advantages of food fortification of mass consumption products, e.g. the low cost of processing, the affordability of enriched products, their availability for different social population, the well-developed regulation standards, the good social effect of food fortification projects, their economic efficiency, etc. Taking into consideration the environmental changes and various geopolitical and economic factors that negatively affect nutrition and population health, the authors recommend to continue evidence-based research in this direction to develop new technologies and food supplements.
Conclusion. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that it reveals priority areas for prospective scientific research in food fortification based on a thorough analysis of the existing experience. From the point of view of practical application, the research offers a deeper understanding of the problem, stresses its relevance, sets goals and objectives of future studies, and offers some ideas for preventive programs.
Results and discussion. The research revealed the social and economic measures of food fortification that were found lacking in these countries. The main problem proved to be iodine, iron, and vitamin A deficiency. However, lack of other micronutrients also remains a burning issue. The present paper gives an overview of iodine, selenium, and iron deficiencies in several countries. The authors proposed several solutions, e.g. food group selection, food additives (mono or premix), various ways of fortification, etc. The article also contains a list of main Russian regulatory documents that control the production and turnover of food fortification. The authors showed advantages of food fortification of mass consumption products, e.g. the low cost of processing, the affordability of enriched products, their availability for different social population, the well-developed regulation standards, the good social effect of food fortification projects, their economic efficiency, etc. Taking into consideration the environmental changes and various geopolitical and economic factors that negatively affect nutrition and population health, the authors recommend to continue evidence-based research in this direction to develop new technologies and food supplements.
Conclusion. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that it reveals priority areas for prospective scientific research in food fortification based on a thorough analysis of the existing experience. From the point of view of practical application, the research offers a deeper understanding of the problem, stresses its relevance, sets goals and objectives of future studies, and offers some ideas for preventive programs.
Introduction. Yeast is a fast-growing single-celled microorganism and an inexpensive source of various biologically active substances, such as antioxidants, e.g. Glutathione (GSH). Antioxidant properties are determined by the presence of sulfhydryl group. The global demand for glutathione is estimated to exceed 9 billion USD at the expense not only of pure crystalized glutathione, but also of glutathione-enriched yeast extracts. In the food industry, glutathione is used to improve the quality of the dough and enhance the taste of various products. The present research featured domestic and foreign studies on the content of glutathione in yeast, methods of biosynthesis, and antioxidant properties.
Results and discussion. The content of glutathione ranges from 0.1 to 1% per completely dry biomass (CDB) in wild yeast strains. The fermentative method for the accumulation of glutathione is based on the optimization of the nutrient medium and the use of glutathione precursors, i.e. cysteine, glutamic acid, and glycine. Thus, this method makes it possible to double the content of intracellular glutathione in certain cultivation conditions. The use of non-directed mutagenesis methods can increase glutathione synthesis up to 5% in separate mutant strains, although the mechanism of synthesis is not always clear under such conditions. However, up to 2.27% of glutathione is being formed under directed change of the genome. In addition, the level of glutathione in cells increases under the influence of certain physical factors. For example, glutathione biosynthesis increases by 39% if yeast is exposed to a magnetic field. The enzymatic method requires maintaining the following factors: the presence of precursors (L-glutamic acid, L-cysteine, glycine), ATP, Mg2+ ions to activate GSH1 and GSH2, the pH of the medium, and the introduction of the necessary enzymes into the bioreactor. Hiwever, this method is non-economically profitable in large scale productions due to the needs in use ATP.
Conclusion. The survey research demonstrated the effect of technological characteristics of cultivation and biotechnological properties of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on the accumulation of glutathione.
Introduction. Whipped dairy products can be used both as finished and semi-finished products in confectionery industry. Therefore, this sphere constantly requires new technologies. A wide range of additives, stabilizers, and structure-forming agents make it possible to get products with programmed sensory, structural, and mechanical properties. Enzymatic processing of milk base is one of the modern directions in the development of whipping process, as it requires no artificial components. Enzyme preparations of plant and microbial origin were developed to satisfy the needs of the increasing production demand and to compensate for the acute shortage of animal rennet. These enzymes have a high proteolytic activity and exhibit good technological properties in dairy industry. The research objective was to study the fermentation process with preparations of different origin and optimize the proteolysis process to obtain a milk base with a high foaming capacity and maximal stability.
Study objects and methods. The research featured samples of fermented reduced skim milk. The following enzymes were selected for enzymatic hydrolysis: animal origin – rennet-beef enzyme SG-50 (Russia), chicken-beef enzyme KG-50 (Russia), pepsin (Russia); microbial nature – Fromase 750 (France), Pronase E (Russia); recombinant chymosin-preparation CHY-MAX M (Denmark). The fermented systems were tested for foaming ability, foam stability, relative content of free amino acids, and the diameter of casein micelles during hydrolysis by the ratio of the height of the foam column to the initial volume. The relative content of free amino acids was determined using the method of formal titration. The diameter of casein micelles during hydrolysis was determined by dynamic light scattering using a particle size analyzer in low-volume plastic cuvettes. These indicators were determined after inactivation of enzymes by pasteurization at 90–92°C for 3–5 sec.
Results and discussion. Enzyme preparations of various natures were added to milk. The temperature and duration were measured as rational parameters of fermentation. After inactivation of the enzymes by pasteurization method, the foaming capacity, foam stability, and the relative content of free amino acids were determined every 30 minutes after application of the preparation. The greatest foaming properties (800%) were observed in the milk base fermented with the recombinant enzyme CHY-MAX M. However, the use of this preparation in commercial production was found undesirable due to the high activity of the enzyme and the resulting complexity of the control process. The lowest foaming ability was observed in the milk sample fermented with preparations of animal origin – SG-50, KG-50, and pepsin. The optimal foaming capacity and stable whipped mass were registered in the samples hydrolyzed with microbial preparations Fromase and Pronase. Under certain rational parameters, the foaming capacity of milk was 740% and 700%, respectively, while the stability was 80%.
Conclusion. The research featured a comparative analysis of the foaming capacity and stability of reduced skim milk foam obtained using preparations of animal and microbial origin. The enzymes of the microbial group showed the best results for the enzymatic hydrolysis of proteins in reduced milk.
Study objects and methods. The research featured samples of fermented reduced skim milk. The following enzymes were selected for enzymatic hydrolysis: animal origin – rennet-beef enzyme SG-50 (Russia), chicken-beef enzyme KG-50 (Russia), pepsin (Russia); microbial nature – Fromase 750 (France), Pronase E (Russia); recombinant chymosin-preparation CHY-MAX M (Denmark). The fermented systems were tested for foaming ability, foam stability, relative content of free amino acids, and the diameter of casein micelles during hydrolysis by the ratio of the height of the foam column to the initial volume. The relative content of free amino acids was determined using the method of formal titration. The diameter of casein micelles during hydrolysis was determined by dynamic light scattering using a particle size analyzer in low-volume plastic cuvettes. These indicators were determined after inactivation of enzymes by pasteurization at 90–92°C for 3–5 sec.
Results and discussion. Enzyme preparations of various natures were added to milk. The temperature and duration were measured as rational parameters of fermentation. After inactivation of the enzymes by pasteurization method, the foaming capacity, foam stability, and the relative content of free amino acids were determined every 30 minutes after application of the preparation. The greatest foaming properties (800%) were observed in the milk base fermented with the recombinant enzyme CHY-MAX M. However, the use of this preparation in commercial production was found undesirable due to the high activity of the enzyme and the resulting complexity of the control process. The lowest foaming ability was observed in the milk sample fermented with preparations of animal origin – SG-50, KG-50, and pepsin. The optimal foaming capacity and stable whipped mass were registered in the samples hydrolyzed with microbial preparations Fromase and Pronase. Under certain rational parameters, the foaming capacity of milk was 740% and 700%, respectively, while the stability was 80%.
Conclusion. The research featured a comparative analysis of the foaming capacity and stability of reduced skim milk foam obtained using preparations of animal and microbial origin. The enzymes of the microbial group showed the best results for the enzymatic hydrolysis of proteins in reduced milk.
Introduction. Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy is a modern instrumental method for the quantitative and qualitative analysis of various objects. The method for analyzing the NIR spectra of diffuse reflection was successfully used to identify plant and animal species, drugs, etc. The issue of identifying objects of marine fishery is currently extremely important for modern fisheries, environmental monitoring, and identifying counterfeit products. The research objective was to identify the fish taxa using the discriminant analysis of reflection in the NIR region.
Study objects and methods. The research featured 25 dried and defatted muscle tissue samples taken from different species of marine fish caught in the North Fishing Basin. The spectra were measured using a Fourier IR-spectrophotometer Shimadzu IRTracer-100 with a diffuse reflection measuring instrument. Measurements were carried out in the range from 700 to 7,000 cm–1. Mathematical processing of the spectra was performed using the MagicPlot Pro program ver. 2.9 (Magicplot Systems, LLC), while the statistical program IBM SPSS Statistics ver. 25 (IBM Corp., USA) was exploited to perform the linear discriminant analysis.
Results and discussion. The spectra of diffuse reflection of NIR radiation were measured for 25 samples of marine fish species of different taxa caught in the North Fishing Basin. The range of 3,700 to 6,700 cm–1 was selected to assess the proximity of spectra in linear discriminant analysis. In this range, the team identified 19 spectral peaks, which made a significant contribution to canonical discriminatory functions. The resulting canonical discriminatory functions made it possible to divide the objects into eight nonoverlapping groups corresponding to each biological group of the fish. The analysis was based on a comparison of Mahalanobis distance between the group centroids and the NIR spectra of each studied fish species. The minimum Mahalanobis distance between the nearest groups was statistically significant.
Conclusion. The research proved the possibility of taxonomic identification of marine fish based on measuring the spectral characteristics of their muscle tissue proteins in the range of 3,700 to 6,700 cm–1 of near-infrared region and classification by linear discriminant analysis.
Study objects and methods. The research featured 25 dried and defatted muscle tissue samples taken from different species of marine fish caught in the North Fishing Basin. The spectra were measured using a Fourier IR-spectrophotometer Shimadzu IRTracer-100 with a diffuse reflection measuring instrument. Measurements were carried out in the range from 700 to 7,000 cm–1. Mathematical processing of the spectra was performed using the MagicPlot Pro program ver. 2.9 (Magicplot Systems, LLC), while the statistical program IBM SPSS Statistics ver. 25 (IBM Corp., USA) was exploited to perform the linear discriminant analysis.
Results and discussion. The spectra of diffuse reflection of NIR radiation were measured for 25 samples of marine fish species of different taxa caught in the North Fishing Basin. The range of 3,700 to 6,700 cm–1 was selected to assess the proximity of spectra in linear discriminant analysis. In this range, the team identified 19 spectral peaks, which made a significant contribution to canonical discriminatory functions. The resulting canonical discriminatory functions made it possible to divide the objects into eight nonoverlapping groups corresponding to each biological group of the fish. The analysis was based on a comparison of Mahalanobis distance between the group centroids and the NIR spectra of each studied fish species. The minimum Mahalanobis distance between the nearest groups was statistically significant.
Conclusion. The research proved the possibility of taxonomic identification of marine fish based on measuring the spectral characteristics of their muscle tissue proteins in the range of 3,700 to 6,700 cm–1 of near-infrared region and classification by linear discriminant analysis.
Introduction. The introduction of modern management methods in food enterprises is a response to the challenges of time and an institutionalized requirement. Statistical methods and information technologies can improve control in food safety management systems. Their combination provides maximum opportunities for leading food industry organizations.
Study objects and methods. The research featured the market of ready-made high-tech solutions in process automation and existing management systems, including those based on the principles of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP). The study revealed a need for a software product for HACCP in food production.
Results and discussion. The paper describes a case of a meat processing plant and how the management controls the HACCP. The authors developed a universal software product that allows operators to enter information about violations and downtimes into the system. Using this product, team leaders and department heads can easily identify and eliminate the causes of hazards while controlling technological processes and receiving timely reports.
Conclusion. The software was tested in a production workshop to identify the time specialists need respond to comments and solve problems. The obtained data showed a decrease in loss of time resources by 6.77% for operators and 2.4% for line managers. The highly adaptable program can be used by specialists who work with management systems for food enterprises of Kuzbass. The IBM PC-compatible software product (2.2 MB) makes it possible to work in various Microsoft Windows operating systems and use Microsoft SQL Server 2012 to store data. The computer program was successfully registered with the Federal Service for Intellectual Property (State Registration Certificate No. 2018665743 of 12/10/2018).
Study objects and methods. The research featured the market of ready-made high-tech solutions in process automation and existing management systems, including those based on the principles of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP). The study revealed a need for a software product for HACCP in food production.
Results and discussion. The paper describes a case of a meat processing plant and how the management controls the HACCP. The authors developed a universal software product that allows operators to enter information about violations and downtimes into the system. Using this product, team leaders and department heads can easily identify and eliminate the causes of hazards while controlling technological processes and receiving timely reports.
Conclusion. The software was tested in a production workshop to identify the time specialists need respond to comments and solve problems. The obtained data showed a decrease in loss of time resources by 6.77% for operators and 2.4% for line managers. The highly adaptable program can be used by specialists who work with management systems for food enterprises of Kuzbass. The IBM PC-compatible software product (2.2 MB) makes it possible to work in various Microsoft Windows operating systems and use Microsoft SQL Server 2012 to store data. The computer program was successfully registered with the Federal Service for Intellectual Property (State Registration Certificate No. 2018665743 of 12/10/2018).
Introduction. Currently, the food market is replenished with new types of specialized food products intended for nutrition of certain population categories. Gerodietetic products are important in forming the diet for senior citizens. Therefore, gerodietetic foods are a factor of healthy lifestyle and active longevity. Functional food products should be based on age-related issues and consumer preferences. Aging weakens assimilative processes in organs and tissues, slows down the rate of redox reactions, and restructures the system of metabolism and body functions. Thus, people of advanced and gerontic age need to consume appropriate amount of vitamins and minerals, as their deficiency plays a decisive role in the development of age-related diseases. As a result, scientific justification and development of functional food products for this category is extremely important. The research objective was to study consumer preferences in relation to gerodietetic food products by collecting, processing, and analyzing marketing data.
Study objects and methods. The research featured statistical data, as well as information obtained from consumers aged 60–77, residents of the Kemerovo region. The study involved methods of analysis, systematization of statistical and scientific information, comparison and generalization, as well as a marketing survey method.
Results and discussion. The research started with an analysis of the structure and dynamics of the age-sex composition of the population in 2017–2019. The number of the elderly increased by 5% compared to 2017. The analysis also showed a stable quantitative prevalence of female population, i.e. 64.9% in 2017 and 64.8% in 2019. The daily diet of most survey participants included cereals, dairy products, and vegetables. The survey helped to identify the purchase factors. Price proved to be the main factor when choosing dairy products (72%). Most respondents (47%) consume dairy products daily.
Conclusion. The marketing research defined the purchase factors for people of advanced and gerontic age in choosing food products. The obtained data can help to improve the gerodietetic products on the consumer market of Kemerovo.
Study objects and methods. The research featured statistical data, as well as information obtained from consumers aged 60–77, residents of the Kemerovo region. The study involved methods of analysis, systematization of statistical and scientific information, comparison and generalization, as well as a marketing survey method.
Results and discussion. The research started with an analysis of the structure and dynamics of the age-sex composition of the population in 2017–2019. The number of the elderly increased by 5% compared to 2017. The analysis also showed a stable quantitative prevalence of female population, i.e. 64.9% in 2017 and 64.8% in 2019. The daily diet of most survey participants included cereals, dairy products, and vegetables. The survey helped to identify the purchase factors. Price proved to be the main factor when choosing dairy products (72%). Most respondents (47%) consume dairy products daily.
Conclusion. The marketing research defined the purchase factors for people of advanced and gerontic age in choosing food products. The obtained data can help to improve the gerodietetic products on the consumer market of Kemerovo.