ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)

Volume 26, Issue 3, 2012

The main directions and the results of the scientific activity of the academic staff of the «Technology of Milk and Dairy Products» Department of Moscow State University of Food Industry (former Moscow State University of Applied Biotechnology) are highlighted.
In the article the results of analytical and experimental research of microencapsulation of probiotic microorgan-isms resulting in biopolymer gels are reported. The kind and quantity of the optimum biopolymers, parameters of mi-croencapsulation process are established. The way of shelf life prolongation for immobilized and microencapsulated bacterial preparations have been determined.
A scientific development concept of food product quality is laid for creation of traceability systems from producing agriculture raw materials to the finished product realization, qualimetric forecasting of the product quality indices, taking into account customer preferences, the possibility of different technological risks, multilevel projecting of the quality function. Three innovative constituents are considered: the introduction of food product safety management systems in the production process based on MS ISO 22000:2005; the use of the developed qualimetric model forecasting quality indices in projecting new competitive products; the introduction of quality management systems based on MS ISO 9001:2008 and traceability system.
The article summarizes the results of the development of new centrifugal mixers and mixing technology when obtaining dry and moistened composite foodstuffs. The article presents the analytical examination of flow hydrodynamics which allowed to get dependences of rotor-pulsating power factor at the laminar and turbulent modes and their generalized energy characteristics.
Tertiary treatment and cleaning of drinking, natural and sewage water from organic matter of various classes, using activated carbons is investigated. Balance of adsorption of aliphatic and aromatic oxygen-containing, chlorine-containing and nitrogen bearing compounds from individual water and water-salt solutions, and mixes by domestic ac-tivated carbons is studied. The structure of mixes was chosen taking into account the combination of substances in actual practice. Influence of preliminary processing of activated carbons on extraction of organic substances is investigated. It is shown that processing by acid increases adsorption of phenols from both individual solutions and mixes. Adsorption of the substances containing amino/amido groups is favorably affected by oxidative modifying of adsorbents.
Probability correlation of different transfers with microorganisms quantity on the growth stages is analyzed. Comparing the parameters given with those of the environment (temperature, active acidity, oxidation-reduction potential, etc) one can define the influence of each. It is suggested to use the results and correlations in modeling microorganism development in different environment, the cheese mass being one of them.
In article presents the results of research Investigation of consumer properties and the definition of regulated quality indicators of instant breakfasts that are based on milk whey and chokeberry (Aronia) extract.
The main trends and the results of several studies on the technology of milk and dairy products carried out in Kemerovo Institute of Food Science and Technology in recent years are described. These studies have become the basis for eight doctoral and nineteen candidate dissertations.
The mathematical model of functioning computer systems (CS) with reserve is constructed. Factors to efficien-cy, allowing value of effective functioning CS, are calculated, both at moment of time, and on gap.
The influence of the organic trace impurity content on multidimensional spectrums of stimulation – emission – absorption of the samples of ethanol of various origins was investigated. Newly received experimental data allow to es-tablish that ethylic rectified spirits made of different raw materials tend to have a range of luminescent and non-luminescent trace impurities, which can lead to multidimensional spectrum of stimulation – emission – absorption, spe-cific for this sample. On the basis of the experimental data new identification methods for spirits of different origin have been worked out. The methods are designed to develop new quality control system of original ethanol, vodkas and special vodkas, and reveal quickly and accurately the presence of spirits of non-food origin.
Considered are the terms and definitions the most frequently used in the educational process and researches. Systematized are the terms and definitions in the field of food products used for nutrition and health correction. A new classification of food raw materials and food products based on the achievements of modern nutriciology is offered.
The review of modern methods of obtaining recombinant enzymes for food industry is given. Optimum condi-tions to obtain recombinant L-phenylalanine-ammonia-lyase Rhodosporidium toruloides allocated from Escherichia coli have been established. The share of the special-purpose protein obtained after the induction was 40 % of the total cell protein. The clearing of the obtained protein on Ni-NTA agarose has been done. The degree of protein clearing was more than 90 %.
The purpose of the present work is the investigation and the development of the production technology of the low-calorie fat imitator on the basis of casein for the improvement of organoleptic properties of dairy products. Before the development of the technology it is necessary to choose an optimum way of milk protein coagulation. The object of the research was skim milk subjected to coagulation. The analysis of the obtained results has shown that the most rational way of coagulation for the formation of particles of the required sizes and forms is rennet coagulation. To form the particles of the required sizes and forms it is offered to start and to stop rennet coagulation at the moment when particles have already increased in size, but haven't yet formed a clot. On the basis of the presented data the production technology of protein microparticls that can be used as fat imitators in dairy products has been developed.
As a result of the researches it has been established, that activated propionate bacteria cultures have high antimutagenic and adhesive properties, synthesize a significant quantity of corrinoids and heme-containing enzymes. It was found out that Fe strengthening is accompanied by acceleration of synthetic process of exocellular metabolites, which facilitated adaptation of cultures to a metal. Optimum process parameters of excreting of caseic phosphopeptides have been determined. Their strong power to solubilize ferrous iron has been proved. The research established the cor¬relation between Fe percentage and solubilization level. It was noted that Fe chelated with caseic phosphopeptides per¬sists in the bivalent form during a long period of storage.
The problems of effective dairy products manufacture are considered. They are thermization, ion exchange resin treatment, the use of ultra-violet radiation, the application of membrane technologies, and the manufacture of dairy products of low allergenicity. The characteristic feature of modern technologies is the tendency to increase the efficiency of production by the development of means and methods of increasing the stability of the foods produced, of raising the complexity and the degree of raw materials processing, and of decreasing the cost of processing.
The article presents complex results of histological investigation carried out recently in the laboratory of micro-structure researches of meat products to evaluate meat raw materials and finished products in order to determine their structural characteristics and to identify their components and structural falsification. The histological analysis makes it possible to see both the product structure as a whole and the changes occurring in separate parts and components of the studied objects. Thus on the basis of morphological characteristics of various tissue and cell structures it is possible to establish not only the very fact of their presence in the product but also to determine their quantity. On the basis of the results of the carried-out researches a number of state standards on the methods of the micro-structural analysis of meat and meat products have been developed.
The conception of prebiotic concentrates with regulated carbohydrate, amino-acid and mineral composition pro¬duction is discussed. The regularities of isomerization of lactose into lactulose in different types of whey are studied. Efficiency of whey proteins chemical and enzymatic hydrolysis is grounded. Optimum parameters of prebiotic concen-trates production are established.