Volume 21, Issue 2, 2011
The Stages of Siberian Horticulture development are shown. It has been proposed to choose the most stable fruiting cultures and grow them at industrial scale. The increase in the yield of Chui sea buckthorn variety has been marked when densely planted. The yield, extraction ability and vitamin content of fruit and berry crops when grown in different zones of the quarter have been estimated. The possibility of producing high quality Siberian raw materials in large quantities is shown.
The results of the qualitative and quantitative analysis of gensenosides in the roots of ginseng cultivated in a nonchernozem zone of the Russian Federation in its meal and syrups containing ginseng extract are given. The levels of functionality have been investigated taking into account liquid extract concentration of ginseng root. The method of a computer morphometry of planariy regeneration was used.
Ginseng root extracts can't be considered functional foods because of a low content of solids though they possess a jnumUni of functional properties due to a high content of biologically and physiologically active substances. Scientific novelty of the research is the establishment of ranges and levels of extract functionality at which the extracts exhibit functional properties.
A mean bubble diameter is considered to be the main characteristic for describing the quality of gas-liquid disperse system (GLDS). Using the Poisson and Gauss distributions the mean bubble diameters of foams formed at different operations have been determined. On the basis of the approach suggested the recommended foaming process parameters have been defined.
Milk changes taking place at the stage of milk preparation for cheese manufacture have been studied. Raw milk, ripened milk, bacterial starter, soft cheeses were the research objects.
Milk property changes caused by ripening are the results of its whole system changes. Primarily they are changes of casein micelle size, the increase of soluble calcium salt content and that of lactic acid content. Three versions of milk ripening technologies used for soft acid-rennet cheese manufacture have been studied.
The article deals with the researches on a substratum influence on mycelium Streptomyces ornatus S 1220 growth. The optimum nutrient medium and cultivation conditions have been revealed. Keratinase specific activity during culture cultivation has been measured. Its variability depending on addition of various salts into culture liquid has been investigated. The optimization results have been summed up and favourable commercial application of investigated culture has been predicted.
The article deals with the research on tissue enzymes activities - cathepsins and calpains - of Siberian stag meat muscle in the process of autolysis. To accelerate the process of meat autolysis the authors used a mechanical treatment in massaging devices.
At present the estimation of current situation in the branches of the Amur region processing industry is an actual problem. The processing industry plays the main role in providing people with foodstuffs. On the basis of the analysis of the processing industry branches activity the basic tendencies of the branch development on the whole have been revealed.
The problems of using poultry processing plant wastes are considered. The scheme of the albuminous hydrolysate manufacture using fermentation technique has been designed. Prospects of albuminous hydrolysate application as an additive in foodstuff and functional foods production are discussed.
The article deals with the problem of applying ecologically safe ways of grain germination in food technologies. Application of low capacity electro physical treatment is considered in particular. The article contains a substantiation of the choice of barley electrocontact treatment modes and results of the work done. It has been established that growth rate and sprout quality can be operated using optimum time of soaking and passing an alternating current of very high frequency through the grain at subsequent stages of cultivation. Reducing the time of technological operations barley sprouts having all the advantages of sprouted grain (an active complex of enzymes, a complex of vitamins, food fibers, mineral salts, sugars and other nutrients) have been prepared.
Technological bases of processed cheese product manufacture with vegetable raw materials have been worked through. Carrot suspension, carrot and beet suspension, pumpkin suspension, and a mix of a pumpkin, vegetable marrows and eggplants have been used to manufacture cheese products. It has been established, that products with good taste and consistence are manufactured using the first three vegetable suspensions.
The research deals with the influence of vegetable filler dose, fat content in the product and the mass melting point on the product flavor and taste, its texture and penetration firmness.
The possibility of using vegetable raw-material in the processed cheese - product manufacture is shown. It imparts specific flavor, good texture and original color to the product. The dependences of joint influence of suspension in the amount of 10-30 %, the fat content in the product solid (20-60 %), the mass melting point (70-90 C) on the product flavor, consistence and penetration firmness were studied. The suitable regression equations were obtained.
Scientific novelty of the research consists in the development of new kinds of mold-type cheeses and detailed consideration of all factors influencing the technological process. The influence of heat treatment modes on physical, chemical and microbiological properties of milk used for manufacture of mold-type cheese has been studied. The basic stages of acid-rennet milk clotting have been considered. Optimum values of milk pasteurization modes have been established and organoleptic properties have been studied.
The article deals with the basic stages of technological process of whipped frozen dessert manufacture. The influence of BAA containing pectin on the efficiency of physical maturing of mixes as a necessary condition of technological process modeling is proved. The dependence of a ready product whipping from temperature and duration of maturing is proved. Dynamics of reduction of the general bacterial contamination of frozen dessert mixes depending on depth and duration of temperature application is revealed. Optimum parameters of pasteurization are established allowing receiving a ready product with the minimum microflora and the required consumer characteristics.
The article deals with the extraction of proteins and fat from milk rinse water. The process of extraction consists of two consecutive stages: coagulation and flocculation. The results of investigation given in this article confirm the fact of complete extraction of fat and proteins when modified flocculants are used.
The actuality of lipid-protein concentrate development on the basis of whey and skim milk technology is grounded. Results of examination of chemical composition and energy value of lipid-protein concentrate are presented. Amino acid composition of lipid-protein concentrate samples with different skim milk dosage is considered. The composition of protein fractions of native whey and whey deproteinised with the method of whey protein and casein co-precipitation is studied. Data on liquid concentrate and quarg keeping abilities are given.
The techniques of butter production from high fat cream have been developed including the method of vacuum butter formation, the method of high fat cream cooling in the inert gas (nitrogen) medium at the initial temperature of -195 C and a combined method with butter grain cooling in cold buttermilk. The appropriate equipment is visually presented. The combined method was proved to be the most promising for butter grain formation from high fat cream. The butter grain (in buttermilk mixture) is suitable for further treatment and it is possible to regulate milk solids and moisture content with comparative ease.
The use of low-protein milk for curd manufacture leads to the output reduction from a raw-material unit effecting therefore production efficiency. The main idea of the research is the use of nonfat dry milk for curd manufacture. Nonfat milk, dry nonfat milk, milk mix, curd are the main study objects. The technology of curd manufacture from low-protein milk has been worked out. It has been established that the use of dry nonfat milk in the amount of 1,0-2,0 % in the curd manufacture from low-protein milk (2,8 %) increases the curd output and improves its quality.
The article is devoted to a comparative analysis of protein-proteinase complex of breadwheat flour and amaranth flour in order to determine the prospects of using the latter as a traditional flour replacer in breadmaking. The results of the analysis testify the presence of specific proteins in amaranth flour variety that exhibit high functional properties. This fact makes the use of amaranth flour instead of breadwheat flour in bakery goods production feasible.
For the experimental determination of solids fracture and ultimate strength under dynamic load application, there was designed a stand of a single fracture with a free impact. The calculation technique was suggested. The results of experiments and the calculation of ultimate stress at fracture for bodies with shells such as pine nuts are given.
The results of the study of biochemical and morphological properties of strains of bacteria of the genus are presented. The possibility of using disks with carbohydrates to determine the species of the studied strains of the in their ability to ferment disaccharides is shown. The study of isolated strain morphology by means of a phase-contrast microscope has shown that the culture is represented by gram-positive rods assembled in pairs or arranged separately. The optimal qualitative and quantitative composition of selective nutrient media for lactic acid bacteria culturing has been chosen. Studying the properties of the saccharolytic strains of the it has been found that bacteria ferment lactose completely, and some strains are able to assimilate sucrose, maltose, and mannose.
Collodion polymer films have been obtained and studied. The total porosity, maximum pore size, water absorption and water permeability of the collodion films obtained have been determined. The technology and apparatus for collodion film formation using centrifugal forces and a cylindrical surface have been offered. Using a scanning electron microscope the analysis of the surface condition of the collodion films obtained has been done.
In the period of food-safety strategy realization of Russia and formation of a management paradigm in the food-processing industry as one of the key economic branches, restructuring of managing subjects is necessary today more than ever. Traditional schemes of activity design and organization have taken roots so deeply that, despite all their lacks, it is already difficult to present that management is carried out somehow differently. Thereupon interesting is the concept of process management forming a new view on enterprise activity and promoting prompt development of many successful foreign companies. However for its introduction in home food-processing industry it is required to generate a jnumUni of principles the observance of which will allow to gain the maximum effect.
Now the food processing industry is a dynamically developing sector of Russian economy. However in the condition of market economy with a free game of prices some enterprises have a jnumUni of serious problems in obtaining positive financial results of their activity. At the same time, the success of food enterprises development influence not only their financial well-being but also the level of food supply, the profitable part of the national budget and the foodstuff export potential. Thereupon it is expedient to pay attention to successful experience of restructuring in foreign practice and to design the restructuring model for Russian food enterprises.
At present the estimation of current situation in the food market of the Amur region and the revealing of its development tendencies are actual problems. The carried out analysis describes the condition and the sources of regional food market resources formation, jvolUnis of foodstuffs production, import and export.