a Amur State University
b Kemerovo Institute of Food Science and Technology (University)
Copyright ©Babiy et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0. (, allowing third parties to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format and to remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially, provided the original work is properly cited and states its license.
To produce soft drinks the use of herbal adaptogens as a source of body resistance is of current interest. As raw materials possessing adaptogenic properties, fruits of the Chinese magnolia vine, field ashes, aktinidiya kolomikta, holly thistle, and a grass of purple echinacea herbs, golden harem herbs, roots and rhizomes of the rhodiola rosea and spiny eleuterococus, lime-tree flowers are chosen. The analysis showed the high content of biologically active agents, authenticity, high quality and safety of the chosen plant raw materials. To obtain extracts a maceration process is used. Because of prior information processing the most significant factors having the greatest impact on quality indices of the extraction process were marked out. The independent variables influencing the optimization criterion are determined whose values are the following: temperature of an ekstragent (T) - 85 °C; time of extraction (te) - 240 min; the hydromodule (η) - 1 : 15. The conducted studies resulted in developing the formulae of 12 samples of tonic beverages based on berry juices and extracts of medicinal and technical raw materials. The quantitative content of ingredients in the composition was determined with consideration for organoleptic compatibility of medicinal and technical raw materials, synergy effect and its preventive orientation. Physical and chemical indices of the beverage samples having the highest point during the organoleptic evaluation were investigated. Preventive efficiency estimation of the developed functional beverages with tonic properties was carried out in clinical trials on laboratory white rats. The obtained data testify that addition of the developed beverages to the main diet against the cold and heat stress background provided the increase of morphological and biochemical values in all the development groups, in comparison with the control ones by the end of the experiment. It has been revealed that the content of the general calcium in blood increased by 2.2%, and iron - by 6.6% in comparison with the control group. The developed beverages increase the body’s adaptive response to low and high temperatures.
synergistic effect,
nutritive value,
the body adaptive capacity
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