ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


Iodine is crucial to human life and health. However, almost the whole territory of our country is endemic in terms of iodine. Moreover, iodine deficiency is particularly dangerous for children and the elderly. In this connection, the necessity of creating new products of mass consumption, fortified with iodine is substantiated. Protein-and-fat emulsions for meat products having various kinds of raw materials of animal and vegetable origin in their formulae have been chosen as the object of iodization. The theoretical background for binding iodine with components of emulsions is presented: a protein component (milk powder, soy protein isolate, sodium caseinate) contains a sufficient amount of tyrosine, phenylalanine, proline, and a fat component contains polyunsaturated (sunflower oil) fatty acids. With the help of a simplex - method of linear programming the optimum formulae of protein-and-fat emulsions with high functional and technological properties (stability 92-95%) and the maximum degree of binding of iodine (up to 86% rel.) have been designed. It was established experimentally that the maximum binding of iodine with obtained emulsions, a holding for 24 hours at a temperature not exceeding 4 °C is required. Basing on the results of experimental studies the technology for production of iodized emulsions for meat products has been developed.
Emulsion, protein-and-fat composition, meat products, iodine, technology, enrichment
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