ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


The conditions in which domestic food enterprises function do not always contribute to their development and growth of competitiveness. Financial instability, low technical level and high wear of technological equipment, the lack of legal guarantees of contract realizations, a relatively low level of enterprise management, a high level of competition in the domestic market, inflation - all these require an approach revision to the formation of the system of the resource support of the food enterprises. There is an obvious need for the transformation of the composition and structure of sources and resources that determine the economic growth. First of all, the focus is on the innovative technical and technological development of food enterprises that will enable to move to the innovative development level. Innovation in engineering, technology, work organization and management is based on the use of scientific achievements and advanced experience, providing high quality production efficiency or product quality. Not every new thing is innovation. It should seriously increase the efficiency of the current system. Technology is a set of institutional arrangements, operations and techniques directed to the manufacture, maintenance, repair and / or operation of the product with the rated quality and optimal costs. The purpose of the article is to formalize the process of creating advanced technology of foodstuffs. The technology formalization includes the following steps: function formulation, prototype selection; creation of a tree of structural prototype evolution; elaboration and detailing of elements of the 1st and 2nd stages; transformation into the technical solution; feasibility and admissibility control; optimization of parameters, experimental testing, sale of the experimental batch of products; assessment of the effect expected, control of the application field of the product.
AIC, technological structure, technological system
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