a Kemerovo Institute of Food Science and Technology (University)
Copyright ©Usov et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0. (, allowing third parties to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format and to remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially, provided the original work is properly cited and states its license.
When designing refrigeration units with condensing pressure relative to the boiling pressure for more than eight, it is recommended to use a two-stage compression. This complicates the refrigeration unit circuit, increases capital and operating costs. The one-stage refrigeration unit circuit operating on a mixture of refrigerants allows obtaining low boiling point at high temperature condensation. For a more effective method of obtaining low temperatures, it is proposed to upgrade the one-stage refrigeration system. To ensure trouble-free operation hermetic reciprocating compressor of high reliability is chosen, mixture of refrigerants to be fueled, expansion tank and unit automation devices are changed. By means of low-temperature unit, operating on mixture of refrigerants it is possible to reach temperature in a chamber in the range of -40…-65°C. This unit has good performance: the lubricating oil is circulated in the system without accumulating in the cooling devices, and vapor sucked into the compressor has small overheat. The proposed one-stage compression refrigeration unit operating on mixture of refrigerants allows operating at high rates of condensing and evaporating pressure. The result is a lower boiling point in a one-stage compression, thereby reducing the capital and operating costs of the refrigeration unit as a whole.
Low-temperature unit,
mixture of refrigerants,
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