ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)

Volume 30, Issue 3, 2013

The possibility of using extruded wheat flour for muffins, defined rational technological parameters and objects of study in its evaluation criterion poluchenii.vybrany-content of water-soluble substances in the flour. Set the interval of variation of selected parameters of extrusion processing of wheat baking flour .. The influence of extruded wheat flour on the rheological properties of dough muffin, organoleptic and physico-chemical characteristics of the finished product, and the results of evaluation of the tasting muffins. The state of water in the muffin method of NMR relaxation, the conclusion is drawn on the possibility of prolonging the shelf life of finished products.
The technology of complex processing of plants of fennel ordinary, based on steam distillation of raw materials, extraction by water-ethyl solutions of solid waste after steam distillation for the purpose of receiving essential oil and water-ethyl extracts is developed and offered. Other types of waste – distillation water and meal are investigated and offered for use. Studying of dynamics of accumulation of essential oil in plants of fennel of an ordinary grade «Mertsishor» on vegetation phases was thus carried out; optimum term of cleaning of plants for receiving the maximum quantity of essential oil is defined; waste after extraction of essential oil is studied and new target products for food, perfumery and cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry are received.
The effect of the smoke flavoring on microbiological, physical, chemical and organoleptic qualities of fish chopped semi-finished products in various stages of has been studied. It has been proved that the smoke flavoring addition significantly affected the reduction of microbial contamination of semi-finished and finished products. The data on the possible combined use of the smoke flavoring and the innovative «Cook & Chill» technology to ensure the highest quality of the finished product and to increase its shelf life without the use of preservatives from standard to 48 hours have been obtained.
Products of meat gastronomy – snacks from the English word «snack» or «light snack» are becoming more and more common in the market of food products. Expansion of snack products assortment, among which chips are the most famous for consumers, is due to products from hydrobionts and raw materials of animal origin. A promising raw material for the production of meat chips is poultry meat. One of the stages of the technological process for the production of chips is drying; the speed and a way of producing of which influence the quality and safety of products, as well as energy consumption during production. The research results deals with vacuum-infrared drying of poultry meat aimed at the development of chips technology with improved consumer properties.
The work is devoted to the study of thermophysical properties of pork blood. Experiments were conducted to determine the cryoscopic and eutectic temperature of blood. We construct a graph of temperature on the duration of blood freeze, and a timetable speed freezing. The settlement is determined by the value of water activity. The dependence of the electrical resistivity of the blood temperature during freezing and thawing. As a result of researches the thermal characteristics such as swine blood temperature began freezing temperatures corresponding to the upper and lower boundary of the eutectic zone and the temperature of complete freezing.
The urgency of manufacturing of bifidogenous concentrates from permeates of secondary dairy raw material has been grounded. Regulations of lactose into lactulose isomerization in skimmed milk permeate are studied. Mathematical models describing the influence of temperature and duration on the efficiency of lactose isomerization in skimmed milk permeate are presented. Optimum parameters of isomerization have been established. The possibility of prebiotic concentrates enrichment with biologically active products of lactose fermentation is grounded. Regulations of lactose polymerization and hydrolysis in permeate enriched with lactulose are studied. Optimum parameters of lactose hydrolysis and polimerization have been established. Results of researches on lactose biotransformation in skimmed milk permeate are summarized. Optimum manufacturing parameters of prebiotic concentrate production on the basis of skimmed milk permeate have been established.
Black currant is one of the widely spread berry cultures in Russia. The value of a black currant is due to the high content of biologically active substances in fruits. Freezing is the most progressive way to preserve the nutritional value of berries. It is established that black currant berries new varieties characterized by a high content of vitamin C, P-active substances, pectin as fresh, and after the influence of low temperatures during storage.
Cheese whey valuable milk protein-carbohydrate feedstock. On its basis a range of food products. We have researched and developed the technology of production of oxygen cocktail based on cheese whey and natural juices. To improve the quality and stability of foam were used polysaccharides of plant origin. In the experiments, the physico-chemical and rheological properties of the polysaccharides used, set way of preparing and making polysaccharide additives in serum based. Develop a framework of oxygen cocktail, study its organoleptic, physical, chemical and microbiological properties, defined nutrients and energy value. Designed cocktails enhances immunity, beneficial effects on biological processes in the body, thus helping to combat certain diseases and improving the condition of the body as a whole.
The process of ripening cheeses with mold characterized by intensity of proteolysis and lipolysis, which greatly affect the organoleptic properties of the finished product. The study of lipolysis and proteolysis during ripening of cheese Pecherskiy and the data obtained are compared with those of cheeses Camembert and Roquefort allowed to evaluate process of maturation.
The article considers the questions connected with the features of the salting of meat raw material in the production of salty piece goods. The influences of preliminary machining of maral meat and the use of starter cultures of microorganisms on the changes of meat biochemical properties occurring at salting have been studied. The change dependences of a protein mass fraction, total nonprotein and amino ammonia nitrogen from the salting methods and meat ageing period have been established. It is proved that massaging activates own enzymes of maral meat and microorganisms’ enzymes. It has a positive effect on the speed of the maturation process during the meat salting in the production of raw smoked products
Technology and compositions of milk desserts with dietary purposes were developed using fructose and polysaccharides in order to replace gelatin and part of starch in formulations. Replacement of part of fat with soy protein isolate was conducted in order to decrease caloric content. Also, betulin extract of birch bark was introduced to the desserts with the purpose of additional enrichment with essentsialny components. Recommended concentrations of polysaccharides, soy protein isolate, fructose and betulin extract were experimentally carried out. Physicochemical, nutritional and organoleptic parameters for the developed products were determined.
The assessment of synthetic flocculant influence of anionic action on the quantitative content of the substances which are a part of drinks turbidity is given. Mathematical processing of research results received at carrying out experiment in a final beer fermentation process is carried out. The mathematical model allowing to calculate required flocculant quantity for receiving desirable amount of high-molecular fraction of proteins, polyphenolic substances and yeast cells is received. The results of the received model aprobation within carrying out a final beer fermentation process are presented.
Engineered the technology of production of meringue using complex additive based on puffing pearl barley (6 %) and egg shell powder (2 %). Determined the effect of the additive on temperature distribution in the product during the process of baking. The samples were baked at a temperature of 100 ºC until solids content of 96 %. Revealed that the additive did not have a significant effect on temperature distribution in the surface layer of the meringue, while differences in the distribution of the temperature are more pronounced in the deeper layers of the samples. Noteworthy that heat conductivity of the proposed additive is higher in comparison with the mass of the foam. The result of addition of the additive to technology of the meringue is the fact that baking time shortened to 12,5 %, contributing to energy conservation and intensification of production.
Investigated the quality of frozen liver of pink and chum salmon in the storage and preservation. The intensity of flushing the liver of salmon running water helped to preserve its quality for 4 months storage. Developed new kinds of canned salmon from frozen liver, including meat and fish roe, raw vegetable and flavoring.
The paper presents analytical expressions for the enthalpy of vaporization and the enthalpy of fusion of glycols and glycol ethers obtained by using the theory of similarity. It is shown that the prediction of these parameters allows us to calculate the phase diagrams of liquid-solid and liquid-vapor, and eutectic and azeotrope parameters in systems of glycol ether-water and glycol ether-alkane
The technology for producing an extract from tubers of stachys using water as an extractant has been developed. Proved and developed has been a process for extracting the plant raw material. A comparative analysis of the content of extractives in the obtained extracts is given. The dependence of the mass fraction of extractives on sonication duration has been studied. The chemical composition of tubers and polysaccharides in tubers and leaves of stachys has been studied. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of biologically active substances contained in the tubers of stachys has been done. The presence of a variety of biologically active substances such as proteins and carbohydrates has been established. It has been shown that the content of extractives is 28,6 % and that of polysaccharides is 6,14 %. When extracting the leaves of stachys the content of extractives is 15,6 % and that of polysaccharides is 2,52 %.
In order to reduce production costs and improve the quality of the final product, new equipments for the extraction process for system solid – liquid on the basis of the rotary-pulsation machine are developed. The overview of the principle of operation of rotary-pulsating extractors is provided. Experimentally proved the effectiveness of extractors for extracting the components of chokeberry and for mashing process for the brewing industry. Use of the guide vanes has reduced the duration of extraction of fruit raw material by 2–4 times and power consumption by 10–15 %. The use microwave energy for the production of beer in the mashing step, reduced processing time by 5–8 times, increased the yield and reduced following production stages.
The prospects of milk protein concentration with membrane methods are reviewed. Advantages of ultrafiltration at protein separation in comparison with standard processes are designated. A membrane apparatus with a removing of the diffusion layer is proposed. The influence of design and operation parameters on the efficiency of ultrafiltrational concentration of skimmed milk is studied. A regression analysis of the design and operation parameters influence on the concentration of solids in removed diffusion layer has been carried out. The rational values of design and operation parameters providing the efficiency of membrane concentration process of skimmed milk in the ultrafiltration apparatus with a removing of the diffusion layer have been defined.
The comparison of postprandial glycemic curves of animals’ response to the introduction of an aqueous glucose solution into the stomach with a probe in the amount corresponding to the intake of carbohydrates has been carried out. The rate of absorption of glucose and its concentration in the blood of animals of this group at the 30-th and 60-th minutes of the experiment was significantly higher than that in the blood of the animals fed with porridges from multicomponent forage and leguminous cereals. Basing on the calculation of hyperand hypoglycemic indices it has been concluded that experimental diets containing porridges from multicomponent cereal mixtures are foods with a low glycemic index and can be classified as functional foods.
The article deals with the development and production technology of a specialized food product for nutrition of athletes. Characteristics of the components that determine the functional properties of the developed food product are given. Regulated organoleptic, physicochemical, and microbiological indices of quality and safety for the developed food product are defined. The period and conditions of its storage and recommendations for the use are established.
In work the literary data reflecting a current state of a functional food are generalized. Classification of functional drinks and the requirement to their production is analysed. On the basis of the analysis of literary data the directions of researches, a choice of vegetable raw materials as the main functional ingredient are defined, creation of technology of a tonic on the basis of juice of a magnolia vine Chinese, to research of structure of functional components in drink and an assessment of its quality in the course of storage is proved.
The reesults of reseaarch on the effect of ion-sallt compositionn of artificial mineral waterr on its taste aare given. Thee optimum rannge of salts cooncentration innfluencing thee beverage tasste. The improovement of arrtificial minerral water tastee when addingg apple juice hhas been foun d. Natural minneral water is proposed as aa base for prodduction of Shhaurlet.
Currently in market conditions, the company must meet the needs of consumers with qualitative and safe products. Guarantee of safety of production at the enterprises of a system of HACCP. The system is based on the speedy mitigating the risks at each stage of the production process, rather than on detection of dangerous food products at the end of production. Introduce the system provides a stable product quality. This article presents the research results of analysis of hazards and critical control points in the technology of functional sour-milk product in accordance with the principles of the HACCP system. The list of carried hazardous factors (biological, chemical, physical) on the graph of risk analysis. Determine the critical control points during the development of functional sour-milk product.
The results of the consumer tasting of sparkling and carbonated wines of Russian and foreign origin. The experiment was done «blind» method in the Point Of Sales. The hypothesis about the difference between the organoleptic parameters of sparkling and carbonated wines, sparkling wines with geographical indication and without it, as well as the similarity of the sparkling wines of domestic origin with the wines of the same category produced in the traditional winemaking regions has not been experimentally confirmed.
This paper presents data on the content of the wines food additives such as sorbic acid and sulfur dioxide. Carried out a comparative assessment of their compliance and data specified in the marking. It is concluded that mass violation of the foundations of traditional winemaking, analyzed because of the presence of preservatives in the overwhelming proportion of the analyzed wine, with the highest value of the share is in the wines of Bulgaria (100 %) and in Russia (64 %) and the lowest in Spain – 25 %, France and Italy – 33 %.
The change of the acid number of fat during the guaranteed shelf life is defined, its index. The results of the study of the chemical composition of oat flakes «Hercules» during the guaranteed shelf life. It is established that during the period of storage is guaranteed acid number change acidity and fat, and they can be modified to describe an S-shaped curve. Which can be divided into three stages, the first stage (30 days) induction period, when the indicators are changed slightly, the second (30 to 90 days), a substantial change of biochemical indices in the third stage (90–132 days) – there slowdown biochemical processes. During the storage period the change of organoleptic characteristics have been identified.
The purpose of our work was to study the mechanical and chemical composition of white grape varieties of crops of various years, and their suitability for the production of wine. In the course of work in the varieties defined the mass fraction of dry substances, the mass concentration of sugars and titratable acids, glyukoatsidometrichesky indicator and the indicator of technical maturity. In the course of the research established that the varieties of grapes of the Unknown and the Queen of Paris are suitable for the production of dry table wines, and the rest of the variety for the preparation of wine beverage and used in a fresh kind.
The paper deals with theoretical explanation of the development and classification of special purpose confectionery. Based on the published data and the results of our own studies on sugar and flour confectionery the methodology of the special purpose confectionery development has been suggested. The leading features of classification for this group of foods (purpose, raw materials, technology) as well as additional features (social group of consumers, recipe modification methods, functional ingredients types etc.) making it possible to identify and characterize the merchandising special purpose confectionery according to their focus on the consumer have been defined. The proposed classification allows systematizing the features of the special purpose confectionery as objects of goods movement and generating common approaches to their terms taking into account specific features of these goods. This fact makes the consumers choice easier and helps the sellers to form the assortment structure.