ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


Results of researches on changes in moisture content, acidity and acid number of fat of barley flour produced with various methods (from the grain subjected to the hydrothermal treatment (HTT) with moistening at atmospheric pressure and under vacuum, tempering and drying, and from the grain which wasn't subjected to the HTT) during its storage are given. The flour was stored in fabric bags and in plastic zip-locked packages. The latter are made from a film with low levels of oxygen and vapor permeability; they have a closing mechanism that provides practically sealed connection that protects products from environmental influence. Because storage conditions have a significant influence on foods safety to model the quality changes caused in a period shorter than the actual storage period, the conditions of «accelerated aging» of barley flour were created. For this purpose the tested samples were stored at 40 ± 1 ºC and a relative air humidity of 65 % in a dark place. It was established that barley flour produced from the grain subjected to the HTT with moistening, tempering and drying has better storage stability than flour from the grain which wasn't subjected to the HTT; wherein the method of grain moistening under vacuum gave better results of flour preservation than the method of the HTT with moistening at atmospheric pressure. Product packaging in plastic zip-locked packets enabled to slow down the growth of acidity and acid number of fat of all kinds of barley flour by more than 1.5 times that positively affected the period of its safe storage. The research has shown that the application of HTT in barley flour production increases the finished product storage stability. Product packaging in plastic packets provides better preservation of barley flour.
Barley flour, hydrothermal treatment, moisture content, acidity, acid number of fat, packaging
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