ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


The present article proposes a novel approach to the synthesis of flavors in a heterogeneous foam system containing a complex of prepared fruit homogenates and wheat bran enzyme extract. In order to support this approach, the authors studied changes in viscosity of the lipid fraction of homogenates and iodine value considered as a factor of potential enzyme activity. The results of experiments demonstrate that the average viscosity of homogenates in refrigerated samples is 1.9 times lower than that of the fresh samples. However, the refrigerated sample contains the highest iodine value. The articles discusses the role of enzymes from plant raw materials in oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) of cell membranes, as well as preconditioning methods that create optimum conditions for flavor formation in fruits. Further, this study describes the role of singlet oxygen in reduction of lag period of oxidative deterioration of PUFAs as well as in intensification of flavor in foams. The study results show that the amount of carbonyl compounds was reduced by 1.5-1.7 times when fruit homogenates were oxidized with triplet oxygen compared to oxidation with singlet oxygen. The article provides the data on the accumulation of carbonyl compounds in the samples. These are compounds of fresh flavors and they are not present in the oxidized substrates. Finally, this study asserts that formation and recovery of flavors depend upon the direction and rate of enzymatic reactions as well as the presence of isomeric forms of PUFAs and the energy needed for the reactions. It has been established that the initiation of oxidation reaction can result in flavor restoration in heat-treated substrates of pumpkin and sweet pepper. The inactivation of enzymes in wheat bran extract supports the effect of the cucumber and pumpkin lipoxygenase on nut and cereal flavor formation in the system. The experiments show that foam systems make maximum volatilization of flavor compounds into the environment and their intensity perception possible.
PUFA, homogenate, oxidation, flavor, enzyme, lipids, foam
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