a FSBEI HVE «Ural State University of Economics»
b Ural State Agrarian University , Yekaterinburg, Russia
Copyright ©Shikhalev et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0. (, allowing third parties to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format and to remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially, provided the original work is properly cited and states its license.
The work presents the results of investigations of the heat and mass transfer process in film condensation of water vapor from the vapor environment on a flat, horizontal surface of the working chamber in the jacketed apparatus. The introduction includes a theoretical solution and calculation formulae of the condensation process under these conditions, presented in contemporary literature. The absence of objective data on steam condensation on flat horizontal surfaces of heat exchange bottoms of cooking vessels, food boilers, storage equipment, pans with indirect heating is revealed. The expediency of conducting research is shown. The techniques of conducting research based on the stationary heat flow method are considered. The original experimental stand for research of heat and mass transfer process in steam condensation on a flat surface of the working chamber of the model food boiler is presented. In processing the experimental data on heat and mass transfer, we used the value proportional to the tear off diameter of falling condensation drops, as the only possible determinant of the characteristic size of the system, included in the Nusselt number and the criterion of Archimedes. The results of determining the values of the Nusselt numbers in mass transfer under these conditions are analyzed, a graphical interpretation of the results of the experiments is provided. It is shown that the character of changes of the experimental data presented in the chart, is in good agreement with the well-known works in this field of research. The criteria dependence of the investigated process, providing an objective heat engineering of jacketed apparatus under conditions of steam condensation from vapor-gas mixture on a flat, horizontal surface is recommended.
Heat and mass transfer,
jacketed apparatus,
Nusselt number,
mass transfer coefficient
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