a FSBEI HVE «Russian State Agricultural University - Moscow Timiryazev agricultural Academy»
b Moscow State University ofFood Production
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The samples of butter have been examined in terms of safety indices. Such assortment range of butter as traditional sweet cream unsalted butter and «Krest’anskoye» (cottage) sweet cream unsalted butter has been chosen for examination. It has been determined that the samples of the examined types of butter do not contain any antibiotics, coliforms, S.aureus, pathogenic germs, including salmonella, L. monocytogenes; other safety indices studied (toxicants, residual quantity of pesticides, micotoxins, radionuclides, availability of QMA& OAMO, yeast and mold) have been discovered in the amount within the acceptable level. It is recommended to improve the quality control system of the raw material used for butter production as well as the expertise of butter in terms of safety at all stages of the life cycle.
foodstuff quality,
research techniques,
safety indices
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