ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


The article presents the developed methodology of foodstuffs demand forecasting in the region, based on the methods of mathematical statistics, and also provides an example of analysis of consumption volume forecasting for meat and meat products (in terms of meat) and for milk and dairy products (in terms of milk) per capita of the Kemerovo Region. The conclusions are drawn from the data obtained. The need for marketing foodstuffs demand forecasting is caused by the fact that under the global market conditions food supplying for countries and in-country regions is formed not only by national, regional food industry. Under the conditions of globalization of the world economy and creation of economic unions (Customs Union, the Eurasian Economic Union, the European Economic Union, the World Trade Organization and others) both regional, national, and international companies of the food market participate in the process of food and nutrition assistance of the region. For various reasons (climatic, economic, etc.) according to the physiological standards for balanced nutrition of the population, [1] it is not possible to produce all foods, such as meat, milk, fruits, vegetables and others entirely within the region. However, using different types of cooperation (national, international), one can plan the purchase of a particular type of food. The required amount of procurement is determined by the regional demand forecasting. Using the methods of mathematical statistics allows to predict the demand for foodstuffs in the region with high accuracy.
Forecasting, time characteristics, the trend, trend modeling forecast
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