ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


In the conditions of globalization of world economy the role and importance of international trade as a factor influencing the development of the food merchandise trade has significantly increased. It is significantly influenced by the policy of «no protectionism», the processes of integration and regionalization, as well as the emergence of global value chains of goods. The main trends of modern international trade influencing the development of the market of food products have been identified and classified. They are the following: - significant growth of volumes of international trade, changes in traditional trade structure and increase of the number of its participants from developing countries, making Russia an active player on the global food market; - increase of trans-nationalization, leading to the emergence of global chains of added value within the production process, to the use of transfer prices and to their appreciation on the world market of food products; trade liberalization and the reduction of tariff and non-tariff barriers that contribute not only to the legitimate movement of goods across the customs borders, but also to the illegal trade creating a serious threat to the global economy and food security of states; - increase of the impact of internationalization, integration and regionalization on the functioning of the national commodity markets resulting in adverse market effects on the food markets of less developed countries, including Russia; - expansion of innovative approaches in the logistics and global supply chains of goods taking into account individual characteristics and consumer preferences of certain groups of the population, leading to an increase in transaction costs of participants of foreign trade and higher prices of imported food products in the Russian Federation; - increased dependence of pricing on the world agrarian market on the environmental standards of the country and security requirements and utility of foods, leading to the cost increase of imported food products. These factors lead to the necessity of amplification of state regulation in the field of international trade and import substitution in order to mitigate based pricing in the Russian food market from the adverse global market conditions.
Globalization of world economy, international trade, the market of food products
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