ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


Market analysis of encapsulated drugs and biologically active additives (BAA) indicates the close attention of companies - manufacturers of caps to look for alternatives traditionally used in the art of gelatin. This trend is based on the laws of the development of the global consumer market: economic viability due to cheaper raw materials, consumer demand for encapsulated drugs and dietary supplements with new and diverse characteristics that meet a wide range of consumers, including those who do not use animal products for religious and / or behavioral (vegetarians ) reasons. All the above factors lead to the urgency of developing the technology of the capsules on the basis of non-conventional raw materials, shall include the composition of hydrocolloids of plant origin. Studies of the thermodynamic characteristics of the process of gelatinization raw materials and components for the production of solutions of pharmaceutical gelatin, vegetable analogues by differential scanning calorimetry to identify the most suitable model for the creation of new functional gel systems based on polysaccharides. It is proved that water analogs of plant components behave like solutions of low molecular weight compounds. Higher temperatures lead to breaking of non-convertible molecules vegetable analogues of pharmaceutical gelatin. Defined that aqueous vegetable analogues pharmaceutical gelatin ready to gel under ambient conditions at moderate temperatures, and recommended for use as gelling agents in the manufacture of capsules. It is proved that the process parameters used in the manufacture of capsules in pharmacological purposes, can also affect the rheological properties of the mixtures. Thus, when incorporated into the composition of mixtures of significant amounts of starch have to pay particular attention to the timing during the execution of the basic technological operations.
Capsules pharmaceutical gelatin, vegetable analogs, carboxymethylcellulose, sodium alginate, collagen, thermodynamic properties, rheological properties
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