a FSBEI HVE «Kemerovo Institute of Food Science and Technology»
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In the confectionery industry is increasingly used to replacing traditional raw materials for cheaper technological powdered raw materials and food additives that may increase the nutritional value and enrich the food functional ingredients and reduce caloricity. To make optimal use of new raw materials and food additives one should have knowledge of their functional and technological properties (FTP), which allowto predict the behavior of the powdered raw materials and food additives in confectionery masses during processing and storage of finished products.Comparative characteristics of the FTP of traditional and new types of powdered raw materials and food additives used in the confectionery manufactureare reported. The investigation results have been presented for water-holding, fat-holding, fat-emulsifying abilities, swelling, emulsion stability and viscosity of suspensions of raw materials and food additives that should be considered when developing new formulations and technologies with their use.It has been found that the addition of citrus fibers «Herbacel AQ Plus, type N» in confectionery formulations will improve water retention properties of semi-finished products and their viscosity, increase moisture and output of finished products and reduce their caloricity. The results obtained allow to recommend the citrus fiber «Herbacel AQ Plus, type N», citrus fiber «Citri-fi», guar and xanthan gum, carrageenan, fat-free dry milk, fat-free dry curd, dried yolk as the components with the ability to emulsify fats and improve the stability of food systems containing water and fat phases. These types of raw materials and food additives are proposed to use when developing formulations and confectionery technologies to increase their viscosity, water-holding, fat-holding, fat-emulsifying, stabilizing abilities.
Confectionery products,
raw materials,
food additives,
functional and technological properties
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