a The Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU)
b Far Eastern Federal University
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Kangaroo meat appears in the meat markets of different countries, including Russia. It is recommended to be used for preparation of various meat products. Kangaroo meat is environmentally friendly raw material, as in the nature the animal feeds on various plant foods free from chemicals. Kangaroo meat is high in protein and fat. However, the absence of extensive and reliable information about the quality of kangaroo meat and meat products based on it often leads Russian consumers to distrust in them. A comparative study of kangaroo meat and that of other animals for slaughtering has been carried out. It is found that in terms of security kangaroo meat supplied to the Russian market in the Far East region, is consistent with the requirements of TR CU 034/2013 «On the safety of meat and meat products» and TR CU 021/2011 «On the safety of food products». Nutritionally, kangaroo meat is close to veal, with its protein content being 22,1-23,4 %, fat content - 1,8-3,4%. Kangaroo meat proteins are complete, their amino acid composition corresponds to the FAO / WHO. Unsaturated fatty acids dominated the samples in the lipid composition. Kangaroo meat was used to prepare low-calorie canned meat. Kangaroo meat, vegetable oil, onion, salt and spices were introduced in the formulation of a new kind of canned food. Ready- made canned kangaroo meat was characterized by high consumer properties, low calorie and high values of the relative biological value that allows attributing it to the group of dietetic foods. The cost of the new kind of canned meat is 22-26 % lower than that of products made on the basis of farm animal meat.
Kangaroo meat,
nutritional value,
canned food,
dietary products
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