ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


The linear growth of microorganisms is insufficiently studied by microbiology. The main characteristic sign of linear growth is considered constancy (immutability) of growth rate of culture during several hours. Such a characteristic of linear growth is lopsided, insufficient and inaccurate and should be reviewed. The purpose of the paper is to give an objective, detailed and comprehensive description of the linear growth of microorganisms. The results of our theoretical and experimental investigations show that a regime of linear growth is a natural but not anomalous one; microorganism growth in lag-phase period is proceeding in the regime of linear growth; the rate of the culture linear growth is changed stepwise during cultivation; after stepped (bound) changes of growth rate up to the new invariable level it again remains invariable in the frames of a new step up to the next stepped change of the growth rate; duration of every following step of the linear growth (with new constant growth rate) is as a rule shorter than the previous one and can make up several minutes but not hours. In addition, it is found that linear growth mode is really a mode of stepped growth, the growth of culture remains linear (constant growth rate) only within the borders of each individual stage of growth. The mechanism of active cells growth and passivation of culture growing in linear growth regime as well as a new mechanism of passive cells activation of the same culture have been theoretically substantiated. A new method of active (growing) cells concentration of lactobacillus cells determination in cultural medium according to the culture acid forming rate has been proposed. For the first time gradually changing concentrations of active and passive (latent) Lac.lactis cells in cultural medium at all stages of cultivation have been analyzed in detail.
Linear growth phase, lactobacillus, active and passive (latent) cells, lactic acid forming rate
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