ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


Institutional policy of the state in regard to small business is not adequate to the task of strategy and tactics of further socio-economic development of the country, which confirms the reproduction of the small business sector virtually has unchanged in terms of scale and quality in the last decade. The article examines the institutional impact of the state on the small business sector through the prism of components such as: government programs to support small businesses; legislative support for the operation of small businesses; public authorities supervising a small business. Were revealed system weaknesses in terms of their primary purpose inherent in federal programs to support small businesses; were identified problems associated with small businesses regulatory support through aspects such as: proper legislative base of small business, the consistency of federal and regional laws on small business with the norms of «branch» legislation, adoption laws technology. The reasons of the destructive effect of the legal environment on the activities of small businesses were revealed. On the basis of analysis of the macro-institutional small businesses was revealed a contradiction between the formal interest of the state in the development of small business and the lack of a real subject interested in creating an enabling institutional environment for the development of the sector in the economy. Ways to overcome dysfunctions’ of the institutional environment of the Russian small business by optimizing the systematic nature of the institutional environment and modernization of legislation technology were substantiated; optimization of the existing regulatory framework of the sector in the economy and technology upgrade of lawmaking. The attention is drawn to the fact that the macro-institutional optimization of small business can only be based on the improvement of the institutional organization of the Russian economy as a whole.
Small business, government regulation, the institutional environment
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