a Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy
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The work shows the inevitability of radically new technical equipment for agricultural, processing and food technologies in the peri- od when the Russian agro-industrial complex is entering the sixth technological mode. According to S.Y. Glazyev, a technological mode is an integral and stable formation, within which a closed cycle, starting with getting primary resources and ending with the output of a set of finished products according to the type of public consumption. A complex of basic sets of technologically conjugate industries forms the core of the technological mode. Technological innovations responsible for the formation of the technological mode core are called a key factor. The branches intensively using the key factor and playing a leading role in the popularization of a new technological mode are basic branches. A simpler definition was given by Y.V. Yakovets: a technological mode is some interre- lated and successive generations of technology, implementing a common evolutionary technological principle. K. Perez considers a techno-economic paradigm as the sphere of production and economic relations with all its phenomena (income distribution, technol- ogy, organization and management methods). In this case, K Perez holds with S.Y. Glazyev as far as the key factor is concerned. To ensure food security the Doctrine clearly marks one of the main directions of state policy in the coming years - "the gradual reduction of dependence of the domestic agricultural and fishery complexes on imported technologies, machinery, equipment and other r e- sources". Thus, giving up import technologies, machinery, and equipment etc. attention should be focused on domestic agricultural and food engineering. In this situation, one has to comprehend the dilemma: it is either revolutionary (breakthrough), replacing, in- novative technologies with the appropriate technical support, or evolutionary, improving technologies with the appropriate technical provision as well.
Agro-industrial complex,
technological way
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