ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


The urgency of the problem of fruit raw materials drying under the controlled technological conditions consists in obtaining quality products with a high content of biologically active substances in these raw materials. In this regard, the use of physical methods of drying process intensification non-traditional for the food concentrates production is very promising. The article presents research results on the drying of plant raw materials by means of liquefied carbon dioxide impregnation under the pressure higher than the atmospheric one followed by sharp decompressed. Product dehydration is realized at continuous moisture removal and raw material treatment with low frequency electromagnetic field (LFEF). The purpose of this dehydration technique is to obtain fruit products of higher quality and at a lower cost. Original technique of freeze-drying of fruit raw material under the influence of LFEF in the carbon dioxide atmosphere has been described. The design of fruit drying installation has been suggested. The determined nutritional value of freeze-drying products has shown that digestibility, organoleptic and physical-chemical parameters of fruits dried by means of a new technology correspond to high-quality parameters and the products are popular with the population. The technical result of the new method is a shorter period of plant raw material drying, more rapid moisture evaporation, lower energy consumption and a smaller mass of the material dried. Capillary-porous structure of fruit raw material and the peculiarities of chemical composition impose special requirements to the organization of dehydration process. Fruit raw material contains a large amount of carbohydrates and lesser amounts of proteins, lipids, organic acids, flavonoids, vitamins. During drying, these substances undergo irreversible changes that reduce the biological value of the finished product. The considerable amount of carbohydrates in fruit tissue determines the duration of drying. It is impossible to use a higher temperature to shorten drying since this may lead to the formation o f hy- droxymethylfurfural and melanoidins.
Drying, fruit raw material, liquefied carbon dioxide, low frequency electromagnetic treatment, gas-liquid technologies, production cost
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