ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


The modern development of the meat industry is based on the selection of ingredients which not only affect the functional and technological properties of raw materials but also have a high biological value. Kefinar is a lactoacidic bioproduct produced by a step-by-step fermentation of milk with the kefir ferment and the ferment containing probiotic acidophilic strain Lactobacillus acidophilus “NarineTNSi”. Microorganisms in Kefinar are characterized by their high technological properties, expressed proteolytic activity, and the ability to produce bioactive components. The purpose of this scientific experiment was to study the influence of Kefinar bioproduct on dynamics of functional and technological properties of raw meat and the nutritional quality of meat delicacies. The production cycle of smoked and cooked pig meat products was modeled. The #1 samples were made according to the traditional recipe, the # 2 and 3 samples contained a probiotic Kefinar product in the amount of 40% and 48% of the brine volume. During the experiment the functional properties of raw meat were examined. Over the entire period of maturation the water binding capacity of meat raw material increased by 34.51-36.80% without any significant difference in the samples. In the later stages of the product maturation the hydrophilic properties of muscle tissue in test samples increased more rapidly as a result of accumulation of low molecular substances and exopolysaccharides in the tissue fluid. As a result of accumulation of the lactoacidic microorganism biomass a more significant acidic shift of pH of the test samples was recorded during the maturation. The decrease in the reaction capacity of the meat raw material contributed to the suppression of vital activity of pathogenic organisms and dissimilation of sodium nitrite. As a result of metabolic processes of microorganisms the accumulation of protein and B vitamins and the reduction of residual sodium nitrite concentration were noted in the carbonade.
Probiotic microorganisms, Kefinar, maturation of raw meat, functional properties of meat proteins, water binding capacity, reaction potency, nutritional quality of meats
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