One of the important quality factors of a functional food is the ability to preserve its curative and preventive properties for the entire shelf life. The article presents the experiment results on enriching the bakery foods of accelerated and traditional sponge method of production with selenium and their mathematical assessment. The destruction of selenium in the production process is estimated to be at the level of 45-55 % of the introduced dosage. During the storage of unpackaged goods the losses of selenium have been approximately 2-24 % in goods made with the accelerated production method and 2-28 % in goods made with the sponge method. In the packaged goods of the latter production method and with selenium dosage of 50 and 100 mcg/100 g the microelement content does not change by the end of the shelf life (72 hours), while for other selenium dosages the losses have amounted to 9-19 % for the sponge method goods and from 4 to 24 % for accelerated method goods with the highest selenium conservation with initial doses of 50 and 100 mcg/100 g. While investigating the dependence between selenium losses in the production process and selenium losses during the product storage and the introduced selenium dosage, the availability of the obvious positive correlation of these variables with significant correlation coefficients has been established. When comparing the average values of total selenium losses in the packaged goods of both production methods, Mann-Whitney criterion at a significance level of 0.1 has shown the presence of statistically significant differences between the distributions of the parameters examined. Packaged goods of sponge production method have less selenium losses during the storage. Taking into consideration the variety of factors the accelerated method is recommended for the manufacture of free of packaging goods and the sponge method is recommended for the manufacture of packaged goods with the optimum selenium dosage of 40 mcg/100 g (174 mcg/100 g of food additive "SELEX") in both cases.Keywords
Bakery goodss, enriched foods, selenium, statistical methods, the results of the experiment, reliabilityREFERENCES
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