a Moscow State University ofFood Production
Copyright ©Potapova et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0. (, allowing third parties to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format and to remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially, provided the original work is properly cited and states its license.
Research on the development of sports nutrition products is highly relevant due to the increasing demand for this type of the product. Protein-rich mixtures required for rapid buildup of muscle mass and for timely recovery of the body after training and during competitions, are gaining more and more popularity in the sport industry in recent years. In this paper the composition of protein-rich foods for athletes engaged in competitions and training has been justified and the recipes have been developed. Dry mixing technology is significant for the production of high-protein dry mixtures. The object of the investigation is the process of dry mixing, which has been held on a drum batch mixer "Turbula" C-2.0. To receive high quality product the most rational blending modes have been set up. The physical and chemical characteristics of the resulting product have been investigated; the investigation has revealed that the product complies with the current standards. During the study of the consumer properties of the food the optimum concentrations of flavor additives have been determined, organoleptic characteristics of dry mixtures have been investigated, and, as a result, two flavors that meet the organoleptic indices of the target product have been selected. Based on the focus group tasting the product at the final stage of the study a dry natural flavoring called "Wild Berry" has been selected for protein-rich sports nutrition products. The composition of protein-rich dry mixture has been presented and recommendations for its use have been provided.
Protein-rich product,
dry component blending,
whey protein concentrate,
flavor-aromatic additives,
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