a FSBEI HVE «Kemerovo Institute of Food Science and Technology»
b Company Sibtorg
c Research and manufacturing association «АrtLife»
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The optimization of nutrition of workers at the industrial enterprises aiming at the prevention of professional diseases, support of health and increase of capacity for work is one of the priorities of the state policy in the field of healthy nutrition till 2020. The analysis of the food status of workers in aluminum industry reveals a unbalance of diets and a deficiency of essential nutrients: phospholipids, polyunsaturated w3 and w6 fatty acids (as well as violation of their recommended ratio), food fibers, ascorbic acid, thiamin, retinol, carotenoids, folic acid, sodium, potassium, magnesium, chlorides. Recipes of specialized drinks enriched with vitamins and mineral substances have been presented. Consumer properties (organoleptic, physical and chemical) and safety criteria (microbiological, toxicological, and hygienic) of the product have been analyzed. Regulated quality factors including nutritional value and functional purpose have been defined. The program and methodical recommendations for optimization of healthy and disease preventive diet for those working at metallurgical enterprises have been developed. It should contain 1 glass (200 cm3) of the vitamin-enriched drink prepared from the non-alcoholic drink concentrate before a shift; 1 glass (200 cm3) of vitamin- and calcium-enriched fruit kissel for dessert at lunchtime; 4 glasses (1 dm3) of drink from the mineral concentrate during a shift (time scheduled by the enterprise). The specialized foods in the program provide mineral balance and remove deficiency of micronutrients according to standard requirements taking into account actual nutrition of workers of metallurgical enterprises.
Actual nutrition,
deficiency of micronutrients,
healthy and disease-preventive diet
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