ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


The nutrition factor assessment in health promotion and increase of professional activity of workers of industrial enterprises is essential when developing specialized foods and optimizing cure-and-disease-preventive diets. The assessment of actual nutrition, vitamin supply, and antioxidant system of workers engaged in aluminum production has been given. Investigation of excretion of ascorbic acid and riboflavin has shown that the amount of examined vitamins is below the recommended norms. Nutritional unbalance of primary food substances and energy has been established. The data obtained were the basis for scientific justification of a recipe for a specialized «Vitalife» drink enriched with necessary nutrients: vitamins C, A, D, E, B 1, B 2, B 6, B 12, nicotinamide, pantothenic and folic acids, biotin and pectin. The results of clinical tests of the efficiency of the developed product are presented. The drink was included in the diet of workers for one month, two times per day. The excretion of vitamins C and B2 with urine, the content of products of peroxide oxidation of lipids, and activity of antioxidant protection ferments (thiobarbituric acid - an active product - malonic dialdehyde, activity of a catalase and superoxidedismutase) have been studied. The application of the specialized drink in prophylactic nutrition has shown its efficiency in protection of the human organism from unfavorable working conditions which can be perceived as a factor of health promotion and prevention of professional and production-caused diseases. The possible mechanisms of such influence connected with direct interaction of oxidizers with antioxidants, the influence of the latter on capture of free radicals and singlet oxygen, protective action aiming to prevent the contact of active forms of oxygen with biologically active components of a cell, replacement and reparation of the damaged ferment structures have been considered.
Specialized drink, actual nutrition, prophylactic diet
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