ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


Currently, many manufacturers of food products are strategically focused on the production of functional foods for a healthy diet. The motivation of manufacturers in this case is caused by new trends of developing the market of healthy foods. The basis of functional nutrition is functional foods, but now they are not enough developed and commercially available to refuse from traditional products. Therefore, a person should eat regular foods, but in order to maintain the balance of caloric intake and intake of macro and micronutrient set it is necessary to use biologically active additives. Prevailing attitudes to the eating habits in the last decade suggest consumption of FMCG products containing an increased amount of the above nutrients. One of the most promising food groups in this respect is pastries. The aim of the research is to develop a sugar cookie recipe with the addition of pollen, which contains vitamins, amino acids and minerals. The novelty of this work is the study to determine the content of water and fat-soluble vitamins, essential and nonessential amino acids and minerals. The objects of study are pollen (which is obtained from the population of Bashkir bee colonies) and sugar cookies. Practical value: recipes of sugar cookies with the addition of pollen with high biological value have been developed and put into production. It has been experimentally proved that the addition of pollen enables to obtain products with increased phytochemical potential, and the increase in the vitamin content is from 1.7 to 4 times as compared to the control sample; there appear microelements absent in the control sample. It has been established that the preservation of water and fat-soluble vitamins in sugar cookies with the addition of pollen ranges from 40.0% to 86.7%. The shelf life of cookies increases up to 6 months with maximum preservation of consumer and physical and chemical properties.
Pollen, sugar cookies, antimicrobial properties, shelf-life, biological value
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